The Three White Horses - Losing Opportunities....

in #life6 years ago

Hi Steemians, how are you all?

I would like this post to continue writing about lost opportunities but this time I will tell you through a true story that happened to me for many years and this is one of the passages of my life that I believe was fundamental to keep me always alert for opportunities that could cross my path I didn't see them.

When I was around 22 years old I met a businessman who is 77 years old.

We were talking about business that we would do together and after we finished talking about the agreements that would involve our business we started a more informal conversation where he started to tell me stories of his life and between his stories he at the same time asked me questions about my journey and gave me some very important teachings.

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At one point in the conversation he asked me if I had ever heard of the history of white horses. I said no and he began to tell me this story he had heard from his great-grandfather when he was still a boy.

He started to tell me the story. He told me that his great-grandfather one day came to him and said, Come here and I'll tell you something very important for you to never forget in your life and with the wisdom of a man of almost 100 years of age he told him the following:

He told many stories of his journey and began to prepare the mindset of the boy saying how life was made of ups and downs, good times and bad but that for him to be a successful person he would have to be very attentive to the 3 white horses that would pass through his life during his journey.

He asked the old man what the 3 white horses would be, and the old man replied that it would be the 3 greatest opportunities he would have in his life that he named white horses.

He told that in our lives we ​​have 3 great true opportunities and he compared to the white horses saying that these horses were very fast and so white that in a blink of an eye you would not see them and there would be an opportunity to ride on one of those horses which would make you gain time and enjoy a rare opportunity in life.

My conversation with the businessman for more than an hour on the white horses and he said to me: You are still very young and I don't know if you have already lost some white horse but from now on keep your eyes open and stay very attentive for what I taught you.

I understood exactly what he taught me, he was telling me that people are stifled in their daily lives and do not look sideways and no matter how much you are involved in a big business you can't fail to pay attention to the opportunities that arise.

"Then Stay Alert for the 3 White Horses"

I can tell you that I don't know if I've lost any white horses until today but two of them I've already ridden. If I lost the third or not the future will tell me!

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.




@shitpostnotify you get a fish slap for displaying poor judgement and you also get a flag. It's sad people like you have to bring down someone thats actually taking the time to write good content, so for that you get a flag. PLEASE help build steemit not tear it down.

Shitty page ? There seems to be something wrong.

God presents opportunities in life and sometimes we are so busy in work and circumstances that we do not pay attention to opportunities! ... I hope to see them in time.

Great inspirational post. I have been reading your posts every morning. They are like mind breakfast. Thanks @chbartist

Thank you! Regards

A Great lesson was taught in a simple story!
This is why we should consult our older and wise people in our complex decisions and some important decisions which we take in life just a few times.
Because they tell us their knowledge and share with us their experiences, which help us think critically in our case and reach to a decision which is 99% correct if not 100%.
Thank you for this Great lesson!

Thank you for your comment!

You are always welcome!

Good teaching, the old man past his life through many ups and downs in his life and remembered what his great grandfather told him, the main important thing is, good advices should be kept in mind then it will be useful to him or her. I'm very impressed by the story of three white horses. I'm going to resteem it. Thanks for nice article. Have a nice time.

Thank you friend!

Inspiring words from a great old man..

I would say that rather it would be 3 special opportunities that only occur once in a lifetime, because of the rest there are always opportunities of all kinds. But those 3 are unique and important and that's why we have to be always alert during our lives.

Dear @chbartist sir!
I do not think a successful entrepreneur should ride a white horse. Because the white horse is the last stage of success. From where a person gets satisfied and starts moving towards the slope. We should never be satisfied with success. Keep walking is the name of life.The person should never be satisfied, otherwise life will lose interest.To keep life competitive, stay around the white horse, keep it with your eyes. It is often seen that what we do not have, we try to find him. But after getting it, the object loses its importance gradually.

I understand what you mean, but it's just a story I've lived that made me watch out for opportunities we don't see because we're too focused on just one solution in our lives. Regards

I think I'm not ridden any of the white horse yet because I'm too young but hope that Someday I will ride.
I wish you to ride the 3rd horse and much more success. Have a good day @chbartist from @coolguy222

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Yes! Keep your eyes open!

That was an awesome post you got there!

In addition, at some point in life one might have missed some golden opportunities as a result of the company of people he kept.

Let me also add that your friends can either make or Mar you. checkyour circle of friends and know if they are really worth calling "friends"

You not missing out of great opportunities (white horses) is to be real to yourself and know what exactly you want in life.

Go for it keep your circle of friends small, even if you've missed the white horses. I tell you that they are redeemable. This has to to begin with a change of attitude, change of friends, making good research, being dogged to your goals.

Let's understand that nothing good comes easy when you don't work for it.

You can only capture the "Three white horses" when you are focused, determined, and hopeful.

You need capture only 1 White Horse. Believe me

Sure! But it all boils down to your ambition,and what you want in life!

Thank you!