The human suspense // Reflection

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Drive that we do it is according to what we know and in spite of what we ignore or know badly, in determined options, the ignorance is decisive and we can affirm that it invalidates fully the voluntariedad of our gesture, since there are situations where of acting it goes to depart from questionable probabilities and certainty, as when I take a political position, therefore of involuntariedad that it is going to incur to realize to depending according to the knowledge that we have on ours done or of sinning with knowledge, very well Aristóteles shows us, that as obstacle of the voluntariedad it is what it forces us to work of certain way and not of other, where our possibilities of some alternative and conditions, only it grows in a suspense in our decision, it will be only our own truth of one himself.
Of limiting the alternatives and options, the combination is caused by our deficient knowledge and of the fatality that us presses to act of way of a gambling game, in a labyrinth of effects and the causes, just think that we do when we go out of ours house alone it is the door is opened, if we go out it will be our labyrinth of suspense, which will only depend on our knowledge of let's plough this day, but we do not know how the following one will be, only we do the history of this day, which will serve us of as a precedent, it is that's why the action it is our practice or it is the possibility of proposing of having the intensity of doing something.