Unlocking the Secrets: A Beginner's Guide to Tarot Reading

in #lifelast year

Are you curious about the mystical world of tarot reading? Do you want to learn how to unlock the secrets hidden within the cards and gain insight into your life's journey? Look no further, because this beginner's guide will give you a crash course on everything you need to know about tarot reading. From understanding the different types of decks to interpreting card meanings and spreads, we've got you covered. So grab your deck and let's dive in!

What is Tarot?

Tarot is a centuries old divination system that uses cards to map out future events. The tarot Deck has 78 cards, each with a different meaning and symbolism. Tarot readings can be used for insight into past, present, and potential future events.

To begin a tarot reading, the reader must first assemble the Deck. The major arcana (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) are typically face up on the table in front of the reader. Each position on the Wheel of Fortune indicates a different phase of life: Starting Out (Ace), Midlife Crises (Two), Rising Success (Three), Falls from Grace (Four), and Coming Back Stronger and Fulfilling Your Dreams (Five). After selecting which Major Arcana you would like to focus on during your reading, shuffle the remaining cards and set them facedown in front of you on the table or spread them evenly across your hands. You may also choose to omit any Major Arcana if you would like to focus purely on Guidance and Counseling readings.

Next, lay out four suits - Wands (Air), Cups (Water), Swords (Fire), and Pentacles (Earth) - in their normal order, starting with Wands at your left hand side and proceeding clockwise around the table. This will help determine what type of reading you are receiving: Guidance & Counseling readings will use all four suits; fortunetelling readings will use only cups

History of Tarot

Tarot readings are a centuries-old tradition that has been used to divine the future. The tarot is a collection of pictures and symbols that can be used to foretell a person's fate. In this beginner's guide, we'll teach you how to read tarot cards and unlock the secrets of the deck.

To get started, first decide what you'd like to know about your reading. Is it for general guidance or specific concerns? Once you've chosen your topic, shuffle the tarot deck and remove all the face cards (the king, queen, jack, and 10 of spades). Place the remaining cards in a spread appropriate for your question(s).

Now it's time to start reading! Begin by asking yourself what card is closest to your question. If there are multiple cards that are close together on the spread, select one based on its position and proximity to your question. For example, if the four of cups is near your question and it has a cup in its picture, then that would be your choice for card selection. Read its meaning aloud and look for any accompanying symbolism on the surrounding cards.

Once you've read each card and determined its meaning, it's time to put all of that information into context. Go back through the spread and see how each card affects the others in terms of position, imagery, etc.. This will give you an idea about how best to use them in further readings.

If you're looking

How to read Tarot Cards

If you're curious about tarot, but intimidated by the prospect of reading for yourself, don't worry! This beginner's guide will teach you how to read Tarot cards using simple, effective techniques.

First, gather a few cards and arrange them in a spread. The most popular Tarot spread is the Celtic Cross, which consists of four suits - cups (court cards), swords (warrior cards), pentacles (hearts), and wands (pipes). The order in which you draw the cards isn't as important as their position relative to each other on the table.

Once you have your spread, it's time to start readings. Begin by asking yourself some questions about what the card means in relation to your current situation. Then use the following instructions to answer those questions:

-Cups: suggested questions include "What are my immediate goals?" and "How can I achieve them?"

-Swords: ask "What challenges am I facing right now?", "How can I overcome them?", or "What are my strengths and weaknesses?"

-Pentacles: ask about material possessions or money matters; also inquire about potential investments or deals.

-Hearts: look for advice on relationships, love interests, or personal growth issues.

The Major Arcana

If you're curious about tarot but don't know where to start, or if you're a seasoned reader looking for new insights, this beginner's guide will teach you the basics of reading tarot cards.

First, set up a space for your Tarot readings by clearing off a table or area that you'll be comfortable sitting in front of. Choose a cardigan or other comfortable piece of clothing to put over your lap, as this will help keep your hands free during the reading.


Tarot reading, a captivating journey into the mystical! For beginners, it's like deciphering a secret code that unveils insights. The beauty lies in interpretation and intuition. Many find solace and guidance through tarot cards, and it's a skill worth exploring. Personally, I've been diving into the world of tarot and discovering its subtle wisdom. If you're intrigued, there's a fantastic resource, https://tarotreadingfree.com/ offering free tarot card reading and detailed information on various card readings. It's a great way to deepen your understanding and enhance your readings.

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