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RE: More Fakebook (facebook) censoring! Allowing anti semitic posts though!

in #life6 years ago

Fb has their pants on inside-out, backwards, with the fly wide open. I can’t stand these large corp co. data mining, selling personal info. to third parties, and failing to appropriately censor inappropriate posts ^^^^^

Posted using Partiko iOS


It is SO obvious that my post should not have been removed just for EXPOSING her racist nazi ass! Yet her posts are never taken down and she is allowed to spew HATE speech on their platform that is so racist and obvious we can all agree it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. They took down my exposing her yet let her call me a "kike" and a "jew boy" and say she wants to "shoot fellow Americans" and "bring back the holocaust" which is against jews, gays and gypsies and pretty much not blonde hair blue eyed racists...

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