Dear Best Friend

in #life7 years ago

Our friendship started out differently than most. We met over email. My sister had gone to a woman’s retreat with our church district and met a group of girls. They exchanged emails, never knowing how our lives would be changed because of it. I started emailing one of the girls and she began telling me about her friend who’s family was as big as mine and she lived on a farm. I started asking more questions about her and the next day I received an email from my future bests friend. We talked for a whole year, sending over 100 emails back and forth in a day! Then a year later, on my older sisters 16th Birthday, we met face to face. That day, almost six years ago, I didn’t realize that this girl was going to mean this much to me. We weren’t that much alike. She was raised in a very conservative family, shy, and not very crazy about trying daring things...or so I thought. I remember thinking that she was the calm, mother-like one of the group...and though she still has those characteristics, there was way more to her than I realized.
Fast foward 3 years and many more emails and visits later to discover that this once shy and undaring girl has become me and my friend is the outgoing and daring one. In the next 3 years to come the one girl I thought I wouldn’t be very close with became closer than a sister to me. She became the one I sought to bear my heart and feelings to. She was the one that listened silently while I tried to voice things.. not necessarily for her to comprehend but for me to try to figure things out. She became the answer to a prayer of a sad ten year old girl who prayed desperately for a best friend that truly cared and wouldn’t leave her. So who is she?
She is God’s blessing to me
She is a sister that chose me and stuck by me
She is an answered prayer
She is kind, caring, loving, and faithful
She is a person who listens with the purpose to understand and comfort
She is and encourager who dares you to step out in faith and follow Gods dreams for matter how big or small.
She is daring
She is bold
She is a prayer warrior
She is a girl who seeks after God and wants to follow Him wherever He leads her...even if it’s frightening.
She is strong, independent and stands strong for what she believes in.
She is funny, blushes at the slightest things, and learns to love cuddling because her best friend forced her to ( jk she learned to love it because I love it.)
She is a supporter for all my crazy dreams
She is the crazy girl that wants to swing on a cliffs edge or jump out of a plane ( yes this is the same girl I thought wasn’t “daring”)
She is a woman with so much love she wants 100 kids (only exaggerating slightly)
She is beautiful inside and out
She is the girl God uses to change my life
Happy Birthday Mi Amor. Here’s to another year celebrating the blessing of you. You have touched so many lives and changed them forever. You make friends wherever you go and leave permanent impressions of Gods love on every heart you touch. To be able to be a part of your life and the person you call best friend is something I will never stop thanking God for. You make me see the world differently and help me to keep going on my dreams when I want to give up. There were many teary phone calls when you left but there were tears of laughter as well. We’ve been through a lot together and made it out stronger in the end. I cannot wait to see what the years ahead have in store for us and the many different experiences we will have as we get married and start families. I pray God blesses you with a strong man of God who loves and cherished you more than I do ( if that’s possible). Never forget your worth is far above rubies. God has your Boaz waiting for you and whoever he maybe he will be doubly blessed. I love you so much best friend. Never forget that ❤️
Love, your best friend,

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