His First walk

in #life7 years ago

'Can he walk?'

'Does he know how to walk?'

'When will he walk?'


I think I've answered these questions more than what I've answered throughout my college exams.


My boys weighs about 11-12kg at 10 months old. I never breast fed him, mainly because I ran out of production after 3 weeks of giving birth.

Parenthood can be tough, especially dealing with questions regarding on the upbringing of your child. If you've never experienced anyone bugging you with unreasonable questions or comments... LUCKY YOU !!!

My boy did show some signs of walking at about 8-9 months where he would grab something to support his stability, like grabbing the edge of the bed or couch. From then itself, it took him kinda long to walk on his own.


Child labor alert ! LOL !

Anyway, he made his first step at 1 year 4 months, he's 1 year 5 months now.

Boy was I so happy that he can finally walk ! It was like the best birthday present ever ! And also marks a wonderful beginning of the New Year as I finally will no longer have to carry a 12kg baby in a shopping mall because he hates sitting in his pram.

I never scold nor nag him for taking so long to learn how to walk. Heck, I did not even complain. Walking isn't easy and it's not something that can be learnt overnight.

Back then, people would come to me asking me why did I not train him using the walker , why am I spoiling him by carrying him 24/7 and all sorts of stuff.

I don't want to be rude or disrespectful, sometimes they can trigger my boiling point by comparing with their own child/grandchild/mother's granddaughter's neighbor's nephew's kid. LOL!

I would often reply:-

If I ask you to build a house and I want it to be done in 2 days. Can you? Cannot ? Are you stupid?

Trust me when I tell you this. Most of the people who drives me nuts knew my boy could walk. Guess what ? The question regarding about him walking had stop !

Amen to the Lord !


Here comes a new question...

Does he know how to talk ?

I have concluded that questions will be a never-ending issue. It really depends on how you deal with it.

I used to smile and ignore. As time passes, I became so annoyed by it that I would just reply them sarcastically.


aww. in due time. later he talk so much you'd wish he stops. hahaha! he's so adorable! :)

😥😥😥 He's a chatter himself for now, when the time comes I think I need to own a legit headphones. Dont even get me started with the 'Terrible Two'. Not looking forward to it plus my son has quite a temper 😂

hahaha! should totally let our boys play together someday :)

Mine very hard headed one leh

mine isn't. so ok wor. hahaha!

Dont say I dint warn you ah ! I have my fair share of bruises as well 😑 And bald spots on my head.

HAHAHAHA! bald spots? that sounds quite ganas wor :p

There was once he pulled 6 strands at one go 🤔

One of parenting biggest pain indeed! Anyway i personally prefers them not walk so early cos it means i will need to start chasing very soon. Regarding strollers i noticed a lot of kids (mind included) only like them when they are older. They get lazy to walk at some point hehe.

Lucky I never buy the Stokke pram which cost RM5k 😑 If I did I would strap him permanently in it !!!

Haha! Stokke is such a beauty. But for going to malls a bit bulky la.

Omg ! Finally there's someone who understands my love towards Stokke. I also find both Stokke scoot and xplory very bulky and the material of the seat is kinda rough. I manage to find a 'A-stock' version of Xplory at only RM900 called DS-Island 😂😂😂

Haha that’s a good buy! By the way i am a maclaren quest person. Simply because it’s so slim i can squeeeeeeze between the aisle of shopping malls easily plus the wheels manoeuvres so easily.

Mine is a Sweet Cherry 🙄 Bought it because the cushion is comfy but it's kinda bulky and kinda hard to steer since both my baby and the stroller is equally heavy. sigh

A very cute boy you have! Yeah questions will be never ending and yes it can trigger my boiling point too when others ask but want to bring in their side of stories to compare :) I feel you @crystalmaiden. Good you are celebrating your child not at your pace, or others'pace, BUT AT HIS PACE! That's why God made you his mother and not any of the rest, Heheh 😛

😥 It takes lots of will to control myself as most people who ask questions like these are oldies. sigh With God's grace I manage to go through this far ! Well... Not that far yet but good enough for a young mom 😂😂😂

Very good enough, indeed! @crystalmaiden. Must pat yourself on your shoulder :) Hehe I'm also a bit like you. If don't want things to end on a bad note,i have to literally deliberately control myself too. Hahaha good thing God has the fruit -self control.

Praise the God for my blooming aloevera bush outside of my house

Parenting is really difficult. However, i believe parents will have their own way. Just continue to be yourself and use your way, what you believe is best for your kid.

That's why there's a legit term that says 'momma knows best'

Exactly this! good luck in everything

Parenting is indeed mysteriously not easy yet it brings out alot of quality in parents. You have such adorable boy. Nah, don't worry about people's asking question. you know we generally care but dont know how to ask in a nice way. See them this way u will feel better. Coz if one day nobody asks anything we will also feel weird. Like "where is all the kehpoh aka busybody noises ah?" 😜

😥😥😥 I would rather them commenting on my weight than asking such questions. All these begin before I even give birth. Lol ! Some even ask me why am I pregnant 🙄🙄🙄

Eeeeeekk, such adorableness! 😍 I think as a young parent we all get a fair share of crazy talk from people who think they know better. Things like oh your baby so small size hoh, oh I will definitely not 'chain-walk' my baby in public, oh why you aren't breastfeeding, oh why so big still need to feed, etc. Sometimes I wish I could just tell them off PLEASE GET OUT OF MY HAIR or karate them far far away, but hey we're better than that. Hehe. I have decided that when conversations get too personal and offensive, I'll smile and flip hair and excuse myself. We shall all save our own sanity ya, jia you mummy!

😥😥😥 And people ask me why I dont want a no.2. Dealing with all these with one baby is worse enough... I think if I have to go through this cycle again, for sure one of my wire will go haywire.

Your baby is so cute!! Especially when he's holding that broom haha

He loves weird stuff. Lile broom, dustpan, medicated oil 🙄 He prefers them over his toys 😂

ur boy is so cute @crystalmaiden can you pinch him for me? :D

You should see his drumstick. Makes you wanna bite em!

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