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RE: Everything is a Lie

in #life6 years ago

Oh Max... I always enjoyed your shows and the information on the Smart System and 5G is some of the best out there, but boy are you going completely off the tracks....

I speak this from the heart, seriously, but this is what you sound like "Nothing is true, all is a lie, even books and the information we get from them.... But the Vedas are probably true!"

Are you serious? I really mean it, are you serious??? Where do you get this utter crap from?

So all religions are a lie, all books are a lie, probably even the people are a lie, but waiiiiittttt the Vedas are true! Why are they true? Because I (Max Igan) also found literature that (for some reason or another) I like, and so that's why it's true.

Max, I speak as a friend. You are going down such a rabbit hole that you will never get out from. You spend almost a year (or more) warning people about rabbit holes, and now you fall into one.

This wouldn't be a problem at all but because you are now presenting the one argument that Flat Earthers (for example) have always given, which is, "If I can't feel/touch/smell/ear/taste then I can't say it's real" it really makes me wonder where you'll end up.

You already question history (not just whatever version of history you decide makes sense, but basically all history), saying the middle ages didn't exist, monuments aren't even a thousand years old, books are all lies, I guess archeologists and people like them are all liers and deceivers as well... Where will it end? Seriously, where will it end?

And most important is where do you NOW get the nerve to say that anything is real or factual if before you already said that nothing is true and everything is a lie? So who is telling the truth now? For example, how can you now be speaking of mud slides and saying that "other people" are looking into it. Looking into what? Into BOOKS! Into the INTERNET! Into the very things that you already say that they are all lies... So where do you get your information??? Do you see mud slides? Is it all because of some number next to a door that's about 5 meters beneath the earth? Is that your basis for all this?

Seriously Max. I'm just a normal guy trying to find the truth and live my life without hurting or imposing on anyone, and dealing with everyone with love and care.

But now you seem to have lost grip on anything (not going to say "lost grip on reality" because what is "reality"?). You have nothing which you can say is true or has some basis for it besides whatever is stuck in your head that particular week or whatever is still in your memory. So basically for you, whatever comes from before the 1900's is most likely a lie and all that exists or can be verified is what's inside your own head.

Kind of a sad state of affairs and speaks more about your mistrust in everything that anything else. Also note, that your lack of trust has a very real foundation, but to distrust government is one thing, to distrust the entirety of human literature (books) is an entirelly different thing.

Know this is a long text, maybe you won't read it. But if you do and find it just to a bunch of rambling then at least answer me one simple question: Why do you still think that the Vedas texts are true and why everything else isn't?

A big hug and much love to you. Inlakesh.


I was simply referencing that old original written texts may possibly contain some truth but little else bar what we experience ourselves.... sorry to have offended you by thinking outside the box or speaking about any topics I may enjoy

Offend me? There's no offense to be taken Max. That's not my point. My only point is you say everything is a lie but somehow there are still texts which you say can be true. I was just wondering about your thought process on why most are lies but you still find some true ones.

Honestly, I agree with you on basically everything. But I feel that maybe you're not expressing yourself well enough. You can't just say things like "books since the printing press are all lies" and expect a rational person to instantly be like "of course!". You have to get some facts in there, and you don't. Lately you just say something, expect people to believe what you say and jump on to the next conclusion.

I can't do that. I can't listen to you saying such broad and unfounded statement as "books since the printing press are lies" and take that as truth.

I still listen, and I still "imagine" what if that was the case. But come on...

Also, this "thinking outside the box", a little truth for you (which you know btw), there is no box!

Apart from that, it was still a great show and I love it when you start getting "angry" and make your feelings heard. We're on the same page and fighting on the same side, that won't change regardless of what you or I think about history, that's all peanuts compared to being together in unity and love =)

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you didn't take offence yourself about what I wrote (maybe I came off a bit "angry" myself) but that's just how I write.

P.S. If you think the Veda texts may be true, I would just like to mention Sefer Yetzirah as a book that I feel is true, give it a read if you haven't already and if you find the time for it. Again, big hug and much love. Take care

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