Remembering my grandfather <3

in #life7 years ago

On this occasion I wanted to remember my grandfather, and also show them how Alzheimer's is slowly turning off a person.

First, I want to talk a little about this disease, since Alzheimer's is a brain disease, and it attacks the memory, the character, and the way of being of a person. It is practically a dementia, and it is a common disease in older people.

This disease worsens horrible with the passage of time, the person begins to lose memory, does not remember what he did, does not remember that he already ate, and wants to eat again .. so on, they get confused, lose the skills, the more serious is this disease worsens the mobility of the person, they forget to talk, they forget to walk, chew, swallow, even breathe. Personally I think that we all must from young people do mental exercises, manuals where we put the brain to think and to exercise, so that as we get older we are not prone to have this disease.

I present my grandfather

[photo of the author]

At this point he already had the disease, he did not remember much about us anymore, but he still walked and smiled and danced.

My grandfather, they began to forget where he put things, or that he was hungry that he had not eaten (when he had already done it)

Then little by little he forgot about us, but we told him cecy and he knew who he was, cecy (cecilia) his great love, my grandmother <3

[photo of the author]


[photo of the author] In this photograph they celebrated 50 years of marriage, and they were married by church, since they had only married by civilians <3

They know the average that an old person with this disease lasts ?, approximately like 10 to 11 years, with cares, since I have known of people that to dead with only 4 or 5 years with this disease.

My grandfather lasted about 14 years with this diMy grandfather lasted about 14 years with this disease, since together as a family we took care of him and took care of him, as if he were a baby !! since they are like children, who have diapers again.sease, since together as a family we took care of him and took care of him, as if he were a baby !! since they are like children, who have diapers again.

[author's picture]

I remember that every time he looked at me he said, oh dear, beautiful muack, he was a coquette even without knowing who I was.

[author's picture] here with me !! <3

This disease was turning it off little by little, each year losing more capacity.

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[photo of the author]
used a wheelchair since he could not walk. Year 2015

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[photo of the author]
Year 2016. At this point, he losing weight due to the same disease, and there were scabs or blisters on your skin from lying down, he was already very sick.

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[photo of the author]

On April 29, 2016 my grandfather went to heaven, to not continue suffering more, but he left us many beautiful memories, and I want to remember him when he was well and was a dancer.

[photo of the author]

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[photo of the author]

We will always remember him with a lot of love !!!

I say goodbye with a portrait I made of him.

2014-06-19 21.44.55.jpg
[photo of the autor]

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