Reality of living in my country

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Im so tired of being broke, I'm a 26 years man living in Venezuela a poor third world country with a communist government established, the minimum salary you can earn working a lot everyday (10 hrs daily) is equivalent to 3 - 4USD per month (1,1 steem) that doesnt last for nothing, you cannot even eat 3 times per day, I'm so tired of this reality, I was born in a country with amazing natural paradises, beautiful women, oil, diamonds, gold and other expensive resources, the population of hour homeland dont deserve this misery, but they decided to choose this path, they were convinced by the populist speech, government has drowned all the people into poverty in 18 years, a government that insist to divide people with their cheap propaganda making look president Chavez as Elvis or Jesuschrist, i'm so sick of watch this man Nicolás Maduro talking shit in the TV about how wonderful is the new socialist Venezuela but when I take a look t the window I can see children and elders eating from the garbage.

A LOT of venezuelans die everyday because we can find medicines, durgstores are almost empty we can't find toilet paper in the supermarkets to clean our butts, Is this life? we're not living, we're surviving, like animals.

A supermarket

a drugstore, elders are the most affected by this because they cant find medicines they need for living.

People gets marked with numbers for buying food sometimes they have to sleep in that place if they want to buy first need products (sugar, flour, milk, rice and others) but if you have money you just can buy imported products that are more expensive.

Manipulation speech that he always used, now we are equal thanks to Chavez, now we are all POOR, equality and equitativity for all!

There is much hatred among the social classes thanks to the speech the government uses in its propaganda, phrases like "Being rich is bad, it is inhuman. So I say and I condemn the rich "(2005) said by President Hugo Chavez, is not a damn hypocrite? His family is one of the richest in all of Latin America, then he condemned himself and his entire family with his words? I do not know, but I hope it will be, because they ruined millions of people, there are no more sincere ways of living here, poor people are mostly robbing, selling drugs, kidnapping people among other things, because jobs do not give a salary to live well, and not only that, the culture of the slums in Venezuela is totally corrupted, people are not afraid of punishment because in prisons they can carry guns freely, have sex with prostitutes, use drugs freely, in here society Is not afraid of punishment, and that's the reason why the problem we have, the criminal gangs inside the prison are connected to the government and they do what they want, they have power even to make a big parade in the city for the death of a member of the gang, and this began to happen a few years after Hugo Chavez began his socialist project in Venezuela called ''The Homeland Project''.

Years has passed and I have realized that I have 10 years living in a total paranoia, crime is very high in the streets, you can be a victim if you don't know where to walk, especially in Caracas, there is no safe nightlife for a young person, really, I usually get bored because I can't go out at nights, too dangerous, artists or musicians do not want to come here because it is very dangerous and because people are very poor to pay the ticket of the concerts, it is a very difficult situation we're living in here, it is so hard to earn money and if you earn it, it is difficult to get the product you are looking for, simple things like bread, milk, flour, butter among others. You can't find many products in the supermarket because expropriations made by government destroyed 70% of the productivity in the country, we thought that they would not achieve it but they did !, they broke one of the richest oil countries of the world, and now, we are all going to be poor as the president Hugo Chavez dreamed, a poor nation ...

I hope to leave this mess soon, I just want to have a house, a car and a family, but they are very big dreams for the reality that I am living, sometimes I feel I can't escape, but I must be strong and keep looking for a way to survive.

Steemit has helped me a lot, I've been earning good rewards from my content, thanks Steemit for creating this incredible reward platform, for giving us the opportunity do what we love, and get rewards for it, certainly this is the best experience I had in the internet, I believe this was a joke but It was better than I thought!

Thanks to Steemit because now many of my friends can earn more money than in a job, and this is changing many lives

Alberto Alarcón


OMG @stellabelle THANKS for the gift, you're an angel!

Buenas vibras para ti y Fabi amigo!

@yusaymon hermano estás perdido, saludos, a ver cuando nos sentamos a tomar algo y hacer música!

This is terrible, I hope my small upvote helps a bit , but what do you when the shelves are empty?
Problem with communism. or whatever they call it is described perfectly in the book , Animal Farm, " All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" Resteemed

Thank you my friend, 2 years ago I was very skinny, with no money and nothing to eat, I lived from selling cakes and old clothes in the street with my girlfriend, then I started to write in my steemit blog, and I started to earn money, also my girlfriend started a blog, is difficult to live in here, but platforms like steemit make our lives better. I didn't read animal farm yet, I want to read it because other people has recommended it to me, they say the same as you, that it describes what's happening in here.

So sad... I wish you all the best!

hopefully we'll get out of this soon. greetings.

Incredible. I resteemed and upvoted your story. I never guessed the blockchain would help oppressed people in a way that allowed them to provide a product to the world and be compensated for it.

Thanks, brother.
Yes, it's incredible that a lot of people eats thanks to Steemit, and the best part is that they are DOING WHAT THEY LOVE!

Could you provide links to a few different content creators from Venezuela? If you know any podcast hosts or music creators that would be excellent. I represent a radio station that covers lots of international issues and I'd love to collaborate with some international content creators.

of course, take a look at my friends blog's @yusaymon @erickrivera @digitalopus @isabelart @fabigamboa93 @mrstrange they're all from my city, Maracay in the Aragua St.

That is heart wrenching to see and hear about. this is fast becoming the reality here in South Africa as well.
I hope that it can be curbed and stopped completely.

Thank you for sharing, however God speed to you there!

Over throw the shit government. My parents stopped on cruise in Caracas in the 70s and said it was beautiful safe and prosperous. I can't believe what happened there, you have enough oil for the whole country to be first world.

There is only an answer for that, COMMUNISM, STATISM, DICTATORSHIP!
This was an incredible country , that's true, in spite we've been always a little bit messy, there was enough resources for making rich every citizen of this nation, actually, it stills been that way, but corruption is a huge problem here.

The problem is twofold, not only do elements of the local government try to enrich themselves, but also the west and especially the US has tried to punish the entire nation for refusing "foreign investment", which would just entail global corporations sucking up all the resources and still leaving the people with very little of the profits.

This is how crypto helps save the world!! Teach more of your friends about Steemit so it can also help them. Promoted and Upvoted, this story needs to be heard! God bless you and keep fighting.CbNeTOSwGdpg4.gif

Thank you dear folk, crypto is helping a lot of people to survive here, venezuelans are more into cryptocurrency than other population in latin america, and one reason for this is inflation, people searchs for investing money to protect from this matter and cryptocurrencies are always a good choice

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Sad but true... people in the first world complains a lot about life, but they don't know what really is an awful life. eating from the garbage, with a salary of 3 dollars per month.

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