We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming to Bring You: This Year's BEST Sunset!

in #life7 years ago

Why are we, as humans, so fascinated with sunsets? No matter our age or location, if there's an amazing sunset... the world seems to stop and admire.

Towards the end; natural unretouched colors. The first land at right is Protection Island; in the background, Vancouver Island, Canada

While I was working on a totally unrelated Steemit post, I looked out the window from my home office and realized that it was "going to be a good one."

The initial views from my office that go me up and outside

I shouted "Watch Sunsets!" at @cosmictriage, who was working in her office, upstairs. It's our personal code for "Drop everything you're doing and come outside and bring a camera." 

And we were treated to quite the show!

First, it was just intense orange and yellow everywhere... the last of the sun bouncing off the clouds above

As we stood there, watching nature unfold in a most spectacular manner, I could help but wonder at the universal appeal of sunsets. Even when I was a little kid, I would stop and watch the sunset. Today, in my mid-50s, I do the same thing... as does half the world around me.

A different angle, and slightly wider view...

Sunsets are evocative. They seem to "reach" us, at some very deep level. Is it a remnant from our prehistoric ancestors? We look at the fading light of day? Or is it just pure aesthetic beauty? Nature... creating "art" in a way we have no possible way of replicating... try as we might? 

Only five minutes later, the sky became red and pink and purple-- the brightest I have seen in maybe 10 years!

I don't know. The photos in this post are complete unretouched; not color enhanced... they are "as it appeared." And yet? They pale in comparison to the real thing... hope you enjoyed this brief interlude!

The final flames across the sky... a couple more minutes, and all we had was a deep red "ember" at the horizon

How about YOU? Why do you think we're fascinated by sunsets? Do they remind you of something? Do they evoke memories? Or do they just look pretty? Or is it something completely different? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- start the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Posted 20170625 22:29 PDT


Wow, what a beautiful sky! I'm glad you took the time to enjoy it properly, and thanks for sharing it with those of us who didn't get to see it in person.

I think the fact that sunsets are different is what fascinates us with them. You go the whole day seeing more or less the same thing in the sky, and then suddenly it changes, often times in the most beautiful way. Rarity + beauty = fascination :)

we'd probably be equally fascinated with sunrises if we could manage to be up early enough to see them haha.

Thanks for the kind words!

I like your thinking... "rarity + beauty" makes total sense as reasons to be fascinated. And yes, they are forever different. After taking those photos, I checked my "sunsets" photo folder and there's 300+ images in there, so clearly I am fascinated with this phenomenon.

We just don't "do" mornings. Besides, we've got mountains and ocean (as you saw) on the sunset side... a big hill and trees on the sunrise side; we don't even SEE the sun till 10:00-ish.

Appreciate the comment!

I don't do mornings either haha! So it's rare for me to see a sunrise. But if the mountains play in your favor anyways, stick with the sunsets!

Keep shooting! I'll look for more great sunsets on your blog in the future :)

Quite spectacular!

Thanks for sharing! :D



I'd say it was the best we've seen in several years.

Sunsets are very emotional. I guess it might have something to do with us associating it with an ending. Did I accomplish enough today, am I going to miss this day..? A feeling of longing, loneliness and awe.

Skønne billeder.

Tak for det! Da jeg var lille havde vi sommerhus i Nordsjælland; det lå på lidt af en bakke med udsigt mod vest og der var mange flotte solnedgange... og det var noget at se, selv da jeg var 5-6 år gammel.

Yes, it's an emotional thing, as well. Sunsets often put my in a state of remembering something that used to be. It is like the Japanese phrase/feeling "Mono No Aware" which loosely translated means the slight sadness we feel at knowing the passing of time makes it impossible for what is right now to ever be again.

Awesome phrase. I have always needed a way to express this feeling.

Vi tager også i sommerhus i Nordsjælland om et par uger :)

Aww that's so lovely! I love the orange colors and them then turning to pinkish colors is awesome!
I like sunsets because of the vivid colors they can display :-)

It is a very beautiful thing to watch... and often, the whole show happens so very quickly-- in a few minutes, it is suddenly dark.

Yes! Glad you managed to capture it :D

Nice pictures! The sunset is 'art an sich'! It's the colours and the magical feeling from the transformation from day/night which I love!

Transformation, yes... I suppose it's also a transformation towards the time when we start "powering down" for the day.

Yes it is!

Everyone loves a sunset! This one looks a privilege to be a part of :)

For sure, one of the finest we've seen here in a really long time.

I thought you were exaggerating! That's a NICE sunset! Good shot

It was just particularly eye catching. We face west, so we see a lot of them... but one was outstanding.

It has an excellent subject, I really like your content, you must continue to write great topics, you have all my moral support, from Venezuela, greetings.

Very nice photos! I also love to watch sunsets.


Those are incredible! I never get tired of seeing brilliant sunsets!
BTW I always wonder why they don't start running power lines underground. They do in our newer neighborhood, I think they should everywhere.

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