30 days 100 euros: Week 3 #amac

in #life6 years ago

Another Month, Another Challenge (#amac)

First two weeks have passed and 43.86€ are gone. I had some concerns about how it will work out, but so far it is no problem. I had some time problems again with my studies, so I am pretty late with it, but I hope I can upload the next week soon.
Let’s see how much I will spend the following week..

30 days 100 euro: Week 3

Friday, 15.06.2018

I just thought that I hate my life waking up at 7am. I had to get ready for the visit at the bakery for foodsharing. I met Peter in a side street and soon they let us in to collect all the pastries, which they would otherwise throw in the garbage. The amount was enormous. We filled about 4 big Ikea bags.


I brought a few croissants, rolls and other bakery products to my room mates and the rest has been delivered to the university. It was so much that I had to beg the people to take stuff to their homes or just eat something. Next time I hope for vegetables.
After a bit of studying my mother came, so we could organize our vacation in Spain this summer and brought some food for baking a strudel with spinach and feta and some other stuff, which will help me out the next days.

In that evening the huge “Hoffest” of the university took place. I brought some beer, which I still had in my fridge, to a nearby square to drink some with my friends. Afterwards we made some party and I could organize some free drinks at the festivity. Unfortunately there was no stage in the outside like the years before because neighbours were complaining because of the loud music in the years before and so all people just stood outside and talked. Also fun, but I missed the music.

Saturday, 16.06.2018

Still had some Strudel from yesterday. It was enough for the whole day.
We practised the whole day for our theatre act. The premiere takes place on Wednesday. We play the piece “Twelfth night” of Shakespeare. Some moments are hilarious and there are really interesting characters.


Sunday, 17.06.2018

Again theatre: Today was the dress rehearsal and it also lasted for a long time. They need me for playing ukulele in the beginning and in the end. That’s it basically, so I had some time in between to study.

Followed by an evening visit at the rainbow festival. The LGBTQ+ community organizes a demo every year and afterwards they make party at a big stage in front of the city hall. Shortly after I bought a beer for 1 euro at the university.

Monday, 18.06.2018

There were still some rolls and a piece of bread from the foodsaving at the bakery. If you have old bread, that is starting to become hard, then make it a little wet on the outside and put it in the oven. After some baking time it will be warm and will taste fresh like you just bought it, but you have to eat it soon because after some hours it becomes hard again and then you can put it in the garbage.
That was basically my breakfast and the rest was for the hungry students at the university.

For lunch I took all the left-over old rolls and cut them to make Semmelknödel (bread dumplings). You can find a good recipe with an ugly picture here.
Bought some milk, crumbs and a zucchini for 2.37€.

Ok guys, I don’t know what I am doing, but I feel safe enough to let my hair be cut by the hairdresser of my trust for 20 bucks. Could have gone to my roommate and let her do it for free, if I ask really kindly, but I want to look good at the first play of our theatre piece. Pretty excessive for a poor man like me.. I live in danger :o

Tuesday, 19.06.2018

A friend invited me to study with him and I bought some rolls for breakfast. After becoming really hungry I went to my uncle’s place to watch out for my little cousin. Got some money for it, but I won’t count it. Anyway, they gave me food! Thanks god!

Wednesday, 20.06.2018

We had a group meeting at the rooftop of the university (it is so cool to chill out up there).


Then I saw two friends and one of them told me that there was a piece of wood in his pastry, so he complained about it and got a lot of different stuff for free as apology.
He gave me some things, which I enjoyed really much. A piece of wood?

Our theatre premiere was nice. We had some little problems, but all together the experience was great and the audience was laughing many times. Everybody loved Gala, who played the fool of Twelve Nights.


In the evening I ate the rest of the dumpling, which I made of the old rolls.

Thursday, 21.06.2018

After a morning full of studies and some noodles with cheese for lunch, I decided to go longboarding to the Danube island. Because my budget looks pretty good I got myself a beer and brought back all the bottles to cash the refund, so I just payed 30 cents.

I recognized that the festival on the Danube island takes place this weekend and was happy that our spot was still skate-able. A little bit of freeriding and playing with my flowerstick and then back home. I still had some of my lunch for dinner and was able to fill my stomach a bit.

More than 30€ to go for the last week. If you become used to it and are really strict (writing about it helps a lot!) then it is easy peasy to succeed in the challenge. I am currently thinking about what I will do with the rest of the money. I can use it for a nice dinner in the last evening with my girl, which also helped me out this month (but I always tried not to exploit nobody, which worked out well). Also a nice action would be to donate it for charity. I will see how much remains and tell you next week. Cya!

+ 1€ beer
+ 2.37€ supermarket
+ 20€ hairdresser
+ 0.79€ rolls
+ 0.30 beer (incl. bottle refund)
That results in an amount of
+ 24.46€ for the third week
+ 68.32€ Overall

I am new to Steemit, so it would be really helpful, if you have any tips or feedback for me. Please help me share this challenge with the Steemit world and upvote, if you like it!


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