Weight gain, weight loss, and happiness

in #life7 years ago


Recent reports state that there is a gene that doesn't switch itself off properly in obese people. Something about how the body mistakenly sends lots of the energy into long term storage.

See http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-02/fat-regulating-switch-in-brain-may-not-work-in-obese-people/8764876

So that's good to know, and it explains how I can eat the same as other people and they just stay thin and healthy.

This is only a thing for me because carrying extra weight makes me unhappy. If others are comfortable and happy with their weight then brilliant, more power to them.

While 'yes' health, and 'yes'' longevity - especially because I have a young daughter - importantly, too, carrying extra weight around makes me unhappy.

In terms of weight loss, I don't know what works for you, but I know what works for me. And it involves breaking the unvirtuous depressive cycle attached to weight, comfort food and depression (or even just general unhappiness).

Because if I am stressed or unhappy, my willpower tanks. Totally. And I seek comfort food. Cafè breakfast anyone?

But I am lucky enough to know exactly what works for me - the fast diet (or 5:2 diet). The diet where me, as a man, eats only 600 calories 2 days out of seven.

Having supportive people around and learning a few tricks is a must. Such as

*piccolo coffees - dieting was designed for black coffee drinkers! However, if you are a non-black coffee drinker you can drink a macchiato (single shot with a dribble of milk froth) or better yet, a piccolo which is basically a tiny flat white. (2/3 milk - 1/3 shot or even 50:50) - I drink 2 a day for only (about) 50 calories
*celery - I buy pre-packaged 300gm bags and that's my veggies for the day (including a lunch snack with my coffee!
*tobasco sauce on baked barramundi - OMGods good!

Happy to chat about what works for you, and any tricks you may have!

Images from pixabay.com


@DrWom footer by the fabulous @ryivhnn


I am an emotional eater. Problem is I feed myself regardless of the emotion.

Life long battle, but I want to win.

Kids and wife need a healthy husband and daddy!

I hear you
It's really hard isn't it? The 5:2 diet thing works for me (when I'm in a good place emotionally) 'cause you can just eat what you want the rest of the time and I still loose weight 😊

But I recon whatever work for you, you know?

I am a hard gainer. No matter how much food i eat, i just get bloated. The only part that gets fat is my tummy. Hahaha...@w@

Acceptance is really the key to happiness.
If i was made like this, i have no reason to complain. Just live and enjoy life! :)

Yep, I agree

But sometimes it's hard!

Yes, we are being tested everyday.
Just eat right and have a healthy lifestyle, no vices whatsoever.
Only enjoying life! :)

I personally have never had a huge issue with my weight. I have usually been on the higher BMI side of normal but recently I have lost a good amount of weight and am on the lower side. I feel much better and happier overall. It is a shame that this gene exists. Although I believe anything is possible with enough effort.

I feel so much better too - and I can really feel it when I put weight back on. And I don't like the feeling... Thanks purpleblob!

wow! only 600 calories! I feel like that is dangerously low (but I am no professional) I am a snacker 100%. I have no problem eating an entire bag of tostitos and an entire jar of garlic salsa in one sitting. I just restarted my health and fitness journey 5 days ago. I am mostly clean eating. Eating more often, in smaller portions to keep my metabolism moving at all times and Im exercising an hour every day. This worked for me last time I did it (but failed to keep up with it and gained all my weight back) I had lost 23 pounds and 9 inches in total over a period of 5 weeks. I followed so i can go along on the journey with ya!

Thanks for the follow inkdncurvy 🌞but I'm not sure how often I'll post on this. I hope to get back on track next week - I lose about (roughly) half a kilo a week (wish) when I'm on the diet, so it's a bit of a slow and steady kind of a thing. But like I said, it works for me, when I work with it!

No worries! Followed anyhow hahaha

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