If you could make a good income from crypto and were to move to any country of Europe which would that be? Why?
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If I was able to make good income from cryptocurrency, I will move to France.
Why did I choose France?
As a lover of Mathematics, I will love to enrol at The French School Of Mathematics. The French school of Mathematics is still very impregnated of Bourbakism and shine through its research flagships like the Ecole Normal Superieur.
In France, there are alot of Mathematicians and it happens that they're one of the top countries that has also submitted great numbers of papers which was estimated to be 82,050 from 1996 to 2012.
I also got attracted to the place because of some great Mathematicians like Grigori Perleman who contributed to Poincare Conjecture, Cedric Villani who was also known for his impact on the Landau Dumping and Boltzmann Equations, Alexandre Grothendieck who developed his Ax-Grothendieck Theorem, Andrey Kolmogorov who also invented the Kolmogorov Complexity Theory and many other great Mathematicians.
Mathematics is what I love to do and I don't mind going to France to learn more from great scholars of Mathematics if I have made huge amount from cryptos.
Thank you for reading and I hope I was able to make my post explicit.
I can see you are very in love with Mathematics