in #life7 years ago (edited)

The following activities are antithetical to any kind of success you’d like to achieve:


  1. Caring what people think -On your journey, many many people will tell you to change paths because “it’s too hard”. Strong people don’t let others opinions dictate their actions.

  2. Not investing in yourself or your business- the biggest excuse i hear people make is, “I want to wait for the right moment “. Guess what? The right moment will never come. It is always going to be uncomfortable. It will never feel right. So excuse makers are perpetually selling themselves out of success and growth.

  3. Flaking on yourself and others- If you write down a goal or action to take, hit it no matter what. I don’t care if you have to stay up til 6am. The long term effect of not trusting yourself to do things when you said you would do them is far worse than the temporary loss of sleep. Flaking on others is the same as flaking on yourself.

  4. Not treating people well, people who work for you, family members, or clients- You think treating your parents or siblings wrong doesn’t affect you with other relationships or affect your business? How about employees or clients? If you don’t treat people right, keep your word, and respect others, you will not win.


Procrastination.... One of the greatest dream killers. Nice Post

I love number one. Totally relate.

Really hit the target.
Thanks for sharing

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