Corporate Sugar Daddies & How To Fix Our "Healthcare" System

in #life7 years ago

"Between federal and state subsidies, government welfare and ecological fallout, we pay corporations two, sometimes three times over under the guise of boosting the economy. Predictably, however, the only things boosted are corporate profits, income inequality and ecological disaster."

Corporations are getting bigger and wealthier. We're getting poorer. What does our subsidization of corporate welfare actually look like? And what are not only the economic fall outs but the ecological ones involved?

NEXT: Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, unless you're a millionaire, you'll agree that our "healthcare" system is a mess. Dr. Margaret Flowers discusses the simple solution and difficult path to streamlining and simplifying our system while making sure that everyone - really, everyone - is covered.



@eleanorgoldfield Good Content, Video and thorough Research!

I agree with your thoughts. Our current system of capitalism is broken. Unfortunately, our system of income inequality can and probably will get a lot worse. The rich will get richer and poor will get poorer.

Much of this is caused by growing automation by large tech monopolies. They automate low-paying jobs, [ie. Low hanging fruit such as retail cashiers (self-checkout systems), truck drivers, taxi industry & now ironically uber/lyft drivers (autonomous, self-driving vehicles), manufacturing, auto jobs (robotic automation), call center jobs (automated voice-calling) and the list goes on and on]. The thing is Artificial Intelligence improvements is going to make this alot worse not just for blue collar but also white collar jobs in the coming 2 decades.

We have this abundance of wealth, technology & advanced healthcare and much of the benefits go towards the rich. We need universal healthcare and universal basic income and we need to start having the discussions. Unfortunately, we have Republicans who are funded by the corporations and Democrats who say they want to help people but are funded by the corporations (ie - Hillary Clinton). We now have Trump in office, and while everyone is glued to CNN watching what crap he tweets, everyone is forgetting that the bastard is not doing gonna change a damn thing and will continue to perversely control the news cycles and run America like he is running a reality TV show.

We need to start having some important discussions about a redistribution of our wealth and healthcare and we need to talk about universal basic income & universal healthcare if we let automation, AI & robotics advance, because unemployment is only going to rise exponentially starting this next decade.

Unfortunately, we have crony executives running our pharmaceutical & biotech industries, financial & banking systems, and now our country (Trump who is focused on making more for TrumpCo rather than running America - I have no idea which idiots thought it was a good idea voting for him, the alternative (Hillary) which wasn't the best would have still been much better). From Silicon Valley to Wall Street to Washington, there is so much corruption.

I write articles about investing and believe that the only way people can really have an advantage is if they invest wisely. They should invest in crypto in case decentralization really takes off (in which case we have a chance to get our fair share) and they should also invest in the tech companies sadly (like the FANG stocks and other AI, Robotics and Innovation Companies) because those are what are going to get absurdly larger and you might as well as profit off of it if you cannot stop it. Companies will keep automating people out of the value chain as they seek to cut payroll costs and get greedier, why not invest in the automation and the companies that will have their stock valuations triple or quadruple in the coming few years and take away our jobs in the process?