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RE: Post deleted

in #life7 years ago

Ok here's my response as a Christian.

"Dear Archbishop" <---- This is a blogging website, if you want to contact this man I suggest that you do what I do when I want to make a complaint, find out the appropriate body and then contact them.
According to the website for the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne's website the appropriate address is:
Archbishop Denis Hart
PO Box 146
East Melbourne VIC 8002

I look forward to seeing a photocopy and photograph of the letter you'll no doubt post to him ASAP. How about you make it your next Steemit post?

"your god couldnt stop this abuse from happening and couldnt stop allegedly good and god fearing staff from committing such attrocities. How the hell is god going to help by protecting these scum and give them release from any guilt they may have by using confession ?
Your god is impotent, accept this"
I'm not a Catholic but I find this offensive. You should try reading the bible some time. Actually the entire bible repetitively warns against the abuse of children and if people read the bible without bias in believing that it is somehow a set of rules designed to judge them, instead of set of rules that people must chose to live by, people would see that the many "genocides" as anti-theists (not atheists) like to label them and punishment that was meted out to the Israelites (the group of people who chose to live by the rules set down in the Old Testament) came about when they chose to follow the practices both religious and secular of the neighbouring people who were abusing children.
Some but by no means all of the passages which reference this are:
Leviticus 18:21
Leviticus 20:1-5
Deuteronomy 18:10
2 Kings 17
2 Chronicles 28:1-5
Isaiah 57

There are plenty of teachers who go into teaching so they'll have access to children so that they can sexually abuse them. Why is it that people like you always fail to remember that or link up the fact that paedophiles are opportunistic predators who purposely chose professions where they will have access to their prey? So who's to blame when a teacher or teaching assistant is a pervert? The education board?
"grass the scum up to the authorities who are not impotent and can bring these evil bastards to justice."

"God cant help, the police can."

How very selective. It's a real shame that the police didn't bother to help the girls who were being raped and abused by Pakistani men in Britain Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? . It's a shame that the police have only recently started bothering to investigate historic sex crimes by powerful and well connected people from Jimmy Saville down which apparently they either didn't care about or were too involved in to stop. The scale of historical sexual abuse in the UK is a catastrophe. Are you sure that the police can in fact help victims of sexual abuse? Why haven't they been helping them before? 50,000 rapes each year but only 600 rapists sent to jail

I don't know why God doesn't actively strike down dead people who chose to use their free will to act on their sexual desire for children and molest them but would you really be happy for God to actively start punishing sins or stopping people from doing exactly what they want to? Would this have any impact on your life or are you completely perfect? I'm not.

The simple and perhaps hard fact is that when Christianity takes a bashing for labelling homosexuality a sin for example, no one bothers to think about the historical context, but funnily enough at the time when the bible was written the only homosexual relationships in any contemporary civilisation which weren't either heavily frowned upon or outright crimes were relationships between adult men and younger boys or men of significantly lesser social status, all of which by today's standards (as exampled by Kevin Spacey's meteoric fall from grace) would be considered abusive. So it's a bit strange to me that the secular world can chose to ignore significant portions of the bible when it suits them and then turn around and insult God when people don't bother to follow his instructions. So when the bible takes about homosexuality it's referring to abuse mostly of "children" because the kind of socio-economically equal and consensual homosexuality we see today simply did not exist in ancient times in any significant way whilst pederasty did.

The fact is that the archbishop was talking rubbish. The Roman Catholic church seems to have a habit of taking biblical scriptures out of context and using them to push their own agenda that isn't necessarily anything to do with actual Christianity for example the idea of a confession being some private chat with a priest is disgusting to me as a Christian because it elevates a human priest to almost godlike status. It might be based on:

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James 5:13-18 (NIV)

Where does it say that this is to be to one man and that it's a secret which should be kept from the law? It says that Christians should confess their sins to each other. A crime and a sin are two very different things, one is an immoral act and the other is illegal. There's no basis in scripture for secular illegal activities to be covered by confession to some guy who is taking too much upon himself as the mere human he is, and a threat of excommunication for reporting a crime should be seen as intimidation, but only for those people stupid enough to think that God requires permission on any subject from any Earthly entity. No earthy body can excommunicate anyone from God simple as so priests should do the right thing and report any confession. The only reason I suppose why the archbishop said this is for the same reason why Catholic priests are really celibate. Greed.

You know if you believe that God is "impotent" that's really your business. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just as it's my personal opinion that yours makes no sense. People choose to be childish and trust wicked people (even though they know that this is a terrible and fallen world), those wicked people choose to commit crimes and other wicked and selfish people choose to cover it up and as we all know they don't have to be a priest to do that.

As a theist, I'd appreciate if you and people of a similar opinion stopped blaming God's supposed impotence for the wickedness of humans and took a moment to consider that it's called free will, it's as simple as that. I don't see anyone bothering to question why people are so hedonistic nowadays. So bent on and determined to cater to every lust at every opportunity. Perhaps if people stopped being so lustful and got a more active spiritual life perverts would be able to control their disgusting urge to molest children.


@Elfleda this wasnt a rant against child abusers per se but an attack on the abhorrent attitude of Archbishop Hart.
In Roman Catholic law, a priest cannot under any circumstances break the seal of the confessional, doing so subjects him to excommunication which is the point of this article, in this particular case, it involved child abuse, but in any circumstances where a law has been broken, the perpetrator is able to freely confess knowing that mo relevent authorities will be informed. This is putting religious law above the law of the land. If this were Muslims applying Sharia law above the law of the land there would be uproar. The difference is ?
There is currently a concerted lobbying campaign by worldwide secularist, atheist and humanist groups around the world in respect to the holy sees investigation into confessional sanctity, but thanks anyway for googling his address :-)

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