You have what you want, what you deserve and why you need it.

in #life7 years ago

Hi Steemian. On this occasion we will talk about a particular topic we pay little attention to:

¿Why am I living my current reality? ¿Am I fortunate in life? ¿Why do I have to go through so much harshness in my life? ¿Is my current situation a result of casualty? or is it maybe caused by something?

The answers to these questions might be harder to find than you think, however, do not worry too much, just relax and you will eventually find all of them.

The complexity of all universal processes is based on the laws of thoughts which affect us on a daily basis. We enter into a social, political and religious stimulation as a result of this perceptible world; this stimulation does not have anything to do with the universe of thoughts because it teaches us to obtain rewards that are created around an endless cycle of problems, pain and monotony. We ignore how to get out of this state of mind because we don’t know the way to connect this physical world to the universe of thoughts. Thus, to begin a significant change you might want question your thoughts, whether they affect your life and how they affect your life.

When you start question yourself about your thoughts, you open up the doors to knowledge and if you are willing to search for the answers, you will eventually adapt yourself to a sincere and complete life.

In the following lines, I will try to explain three universal laws based on the experience I gained throughout the process of self-knowledge. These laws have worked for me and helped me to understand and find the answers to my questions.

  1. I have what I want

Quantum physics have shown that the physical world is specifically linked to your thoughts, the life you know, the things you owe and the people around you. All of these ‘things’ have been attracted by you and by your thoughts. You are the sole architect of your destiny and therefore you are accountable for everything that happens and exists around you. Consequently, you might ask ¿How can we be aware of the destiny we are creating? It’s simple: Stop ignoring it.

¿Have you seen “The Truman Show” movie? If you haven’t, I will briefly tell you what it’s about: it tells the story of a man called Truman who is the central character of a tv show. He was born in a town that does not exist on the map, was built inside a dome located near Hollywood and was created to film his life. Everybody on this show is an actor and the only thing that does not quite make sense (which makes this story really interesting), is that Truman has no idea he is the main character of the show. The only thing he knows about is what he sees around him: the society created for him in a little town in the US to which he’s accustomed ever since he was born. He carries a very normal life, with a normal job and normal life goals as anybody else. Then one day, Truman notices strange things happening in town which prevent him from realising that other towns exist outside his own. At the end, he discovers he was being manipulated and finally breaks out of the town he considered to be everything, to explore what resided outside the dome.

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We are like Truman. We live in this physical universe like the town he used to live in, and all the strange things happening to us are the interactions our five senses have with the physical world; therefore, we still believe that everything that exists is what we can see, touch, feel or smell.
Somethings happen to you and somehow you don’t understand them but ironically, your reaction is to ignore them. However, ¿What would happen if you stop ignoring them? ¿What would happen if you had the control over them? Most likely you would take advantage of your position and manage your life in a different way, ¿right?

I remember saying repeatedly: “God guides me and gives me everything in life”. I think I wasn’t too far from reality because the essence of God is within myself and therefore I now can say: “My superior self guides me and gives me everything in life”.

  1. I have everything I deserve

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¿Have you heard about Karma? I will explain it to you.

Karma constitutes the principle of cause and effect. The act, the word and the thought play a very important role because from them Karma is created; what you do, what you say and what you think creates a consequential situation. It’s like the pendulum of a very old swinging clock when reaches one extreme it gets enough strength to go back all the way to the other extreme. A cause reacting to an effect.

My invitation to you is to reflect on what you do, think and say now because this changes your future continuously. If you are kind you will get the same from everyone, if you are romantic you will get the same from everyone; same situation if you are mean with people around you or if you don’t appreciate the place where you are at.

Now you might ask, ¿Why are there so many humble and kind people in the world who live their entire lives in poverty? or ¿Why do some selfish and egocentric people have a lot of money and live an abundant life? Maybe the answer is because they did something that caused an effect which they are currently living or have been living in the past.

We come to this Universe to reincarnate in a body in which we learn to wait for everything we want and to be patient all the time. But I have to tell you that it takes longer than a lifetime. If you have heard about reincarnation you now what I am talking about. How would you explain: ¿why were you born exactly in your family? ¿Why wasn’t your dad a millionaire or someone famous? ¿Why weren’t you born in a poor african family who starve all the time?

You have the privilege of living because you deserve it; you have the privilege of being born in your family and having the parents you have because you deserve it. You did bad and good things in past lives that led you to live with specific people in this life in order to learn to “give time to time” and be happy. Eventually everybody has questioned themselves about what we did in past lives. ¿What did I do in my past life that is creating effects and situations in my current life?

  1. I have it because I need it

As I mentioned before, our main purpose in life is learning. It is as though we are going to school from the moment we were born until we die. If you understand the reason whereby you are in the place you are, you have the work and the boss you have, all the sentimental and emotional situations you have experienced and everything that has led you to the moment you are living right now, you will stop struggling for the everyday things. The most exceptional way to achieve this understanding is through learning. If you do learn you won’t make mistakes. Consequently, your challenge is to realize what you’ve learned from life until now.


These three laws are profoundly linked and you couldn’t achieve and practice neither of them without the other. If you badly want something and you obtain it, it is because you really deserved it and I can assure you will learn from it. On the contrary, if you want something and as much as you insist on it you don’t obtain it, it is because you don’t deserve it and you will learn to create a ‘good Karma’ as you understand it. If you don’t look for something eagerly (like the lottery) but you deserve it, you will strike lucky. This way, life will take you from moment to moment on a constant learning loop. I invite you to be conscious about what you are and stop ignoring it.

Remember: You are your own master. We only help you to find it.
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Some of the images used on this post are courtesy of


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