Vlog #29: The news won't teach you anything about blockchain technology. This is something you have to do yourself.
With cryptocurrencies getting more popular again/ all time high (since last time. 2013). The Dutch news feels the need to say something about.
Of course, they don't understand it. So they do the one thing that they know. They write scary stories.
The top one I read today was sent to me by my own mom on Whatsapp.
The NOS (National News) wrote an article about Bitcoin.
According to them, Bitcoin is bad and dangerous because you can lose it if you make a mistake.
One guy had reset his phone without backing up his keys. He lost his 3 bitcoin and will never touch it again he said.
It made me laugh a little.
It's like taking your own wallet with dollar bills in it, to the bin. Empty it (Reset it). And then complain that your money is gone and that you will never use dollars again.
It makes no sense to me.
They never talk about blockchain technology that drives all the cryptocurrencies and how it will change the world and set people free.
I think that's sad.
The only way you can find out about this stuff if you have an open mind and are willing to educate yourself.
I talk about it more in my vlog.
So true.. That's why I like to hang out with people in the crypto space, because
a) they are conscious - they know what's going on in the world and where it's going and they can see through stuff (like news articles...)
b) they think for themselves - they are not "being thought" by others (anymore)
c) they take responsibility. Many of them may have made mistakes with their coins, or have some regrets, but they learned from it and pay more attention now, and share it with others.
It is a new world out there, though, and especially for "moms" it's a scary one to transition into.
Nicely said! When I went to Steemfest 1 in Amsterdam and met all the wonderful people there I realized they had similar minds. It was nice.
I can imagine! We all need community, and people who are weird like us :)
I hope I'll make it to Steemfest this year. My goal is to pay my ticket from my Steemit earnings :) Let's see!!
@exyle - I hear you and I feel your pain. I was going to write a post but I will just expressed my thoughts here. :) I stopped watching NOS journaal years ago and I cannot bear it when people quote their source as the journaal. I hear and feel your frustration though - so except within a select group- I just keep quiet about cryptocurrencies. I was sent and article from the Telegraph which ended by saying that this market is for criminals and drug dealers. However, at another moment they wrote about "Blockchain nerd is worth $250,000". Of course they did not bother to connect the two.
I am not surprised about how fearful people are because we are on the brink of the Fourth Industrial revolution whilst people in some parts of the world have mobile phones but not basic sanitation. I am also not surprised at the mis/disinformation of the media it is always the same and will not change. I think for us, the ones that are aware of this change and understand it - we have to exercise patience and educate others where we can. The change is undeniable and as you mention like Brexit and Trump - the will of the majority will prevail - for better or worse- despite the media. Some days ago I wrote a small post https://steemit.com/steem/@momogrow/crypto-currency-going-mainstream-dentist-asks-for-bitcoin. Like the dentist - we can do our small part and educate - where and when we can as it is complicated. :)
well said. Admittedly though, all this cryptocurrency and Blockchain and all, it's a little 'Can't see the forest for the trees' when you're new to it and try to make sense of it all. There's so much information to peruse .
A good place to start learning about blockchain is to start with understanding how Bitcoin works.
Actually I don't think the news has changed much from what it used to be but it is now possible to selfeducate and form your opinion better because of the massive resources we nowaday have at our disposal. In the old days we simply had to believe news because it was just impossible to investigate if what they told you was true or not.
"The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open." They fear it b/c they don't understand it.
For me NOS is the Dutch propaganda channel. I never take it serious. NOS also blames Bitcoin for illegal activities on Darknet, dealing drugs, hacking computers and so on.
Interesting. All the new ones must watch this video.
Let's be real, the NOS is a joke. Lately, I've been thinking about what if I would have been working there with a good set of brains. And then explaining topics messed up like that. I stopped watching the news as well. My parents are luckily aware as well and research themselves If they really want to get to know stuff. You mentioned Trump and during the campaign, they portraited him already as a mentally Ill person. Even the Dutch politicians were a complete joke. You do probably know;). Well explained in the video. I know in the Netherlands people are getting more aware of the situation and that's a good thing.
Government and media always try to create fear in the minds of new crypto users by coming with these stupid stories. Their agenda is to stop people from adapting the crypto space. How hard they may try, they are not going to achieve their cruel intentions. Blockchain is very disruptive technology and nobody can stop it.
I agree man, it will change the world.
My question to you is:
Do you think we are at the beginning of something big or are we matured already? I feel now is the REAL Start. Following Crypto and Bitcoin since 2014 it showed me well when I thought 1000$ is high , it isn't. People think 3000$ is high? Why? Maybe 10.000$ or 100.000$ is the price in 10 years. Maybe not.
To get educated about Bitcoin and Cryptos I feel that the good old https://bitcointalk.org/ is still a good place to be. Not that there is not a lot of bull**** but there are also a lot of different opinions and arguments you can think about. Is IOTA the next big thing? Is it LISK or does Ethereum rises to #1? No one really knows, but most of us have a bag full of these coins and when it is we are on the bright site. Keep up your good Vlogs ! Thx.
I think it's still early days. But a lot has changed already from when I started in 2013 (let alone if you were there since 2009, wow). Prices will go up and down a lot for years to come, no doubt, but the underlying technology will never go away.