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RE: Vaccination - Rudeness- TRUTH

in #life7 years ago

The MMR studies are in Federal Court now as whistleblowers came out from the CDC and talked about the fake studies. Out of the many fake studies - the MMR are most obvious and so are being litigated. Leaked govt documents actually talk about the researchers changing numbers in this particular instance.

It is not only about autism. Go to the CDC site and find all the various illnesses, side effects, and possible reactions. It's written plain as day by your govt. Brain swelling and seizures occur in high rates for some of these shots.

Some of the percentages of harm exceed what is normally tolerated. This is so big pharma can keep making money even though the risks are so high.


"The MMR studies are in Federal Court now as whistleblowers came out from the CDC and talked about the fake studies. "

ironic. The first person to say vaccines caused autism did so through a fake study

These are government fake studies that are now being exposed.

side effects: You might get a little sick because this is a live virus, this one is made with egg protein so that we can incubate the virus safety so if you are allergic to eggs you might have a reaction, this one has some Bactria in it so you might get a fever for a day

Try reading the package insert warnings - all 70+ of them. This is where the truth is. You are reading the pablum for the masses. Then go to the vaccine court records and see what people win their cases for. Billions are paid out annually and not for one day of fever.

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