Wake up from your slumber. The world is never fair, its always challenging

in #life7 years ago

You are being ripped off, and not just in a financial sense, your time, energy, and efforts have been exploited! It seems like the evil people that set up this whole system are not even satisfied with what they already have; seems like they won’t stop spreading artificial scarcity until they also possess your soul too! ALARMING!

Unfortunately, most people have literally been brain washed into believing that scarcity is normal and acceptable! It’s not!

The most natural thing is abundance, and humanity is being robbed of all of their dreams and aspirations. Can you relate to that?

If by now, you have no idea what I’m talking about, then the elite have succeeded in your case in keeping you in the dark, completely unaware of what’s really happening.

There is a need for change!FB_IMG_1500816910170.jpg

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