What Men DON'T find attractive in Women! - Honest opinion from a Man! - [NSFW]

in #life8 years ago

Men are also very picky when they pick a partner, and there are a few things that men don't find attractive in women, and outright despise. There are certain things that women do that are very unattractive to men, and make us totally lose our interest. In fact it is enough if we see you doing these things only once, and that can be a relationship ender.

This is a continuation of the previous post:

WARNING: This article contains very taboo things, so please don't downvote me, I am just trying to help you girls to improve your relationship and eliminate your bad practices.

Here we discuss what we don't find attractive in women:

1) Immaturity


It is one thing to be playful and kind like how I described it in the previous post, but this is not that. When a girl is immature and is acting like a 5 year old, well that is a boner killer, and will make the relationship very cold.

Nobody likes immature people, and especially not after they are 25+. We expect to hit maturity at at least 18, so we want to date adults. When a girl is behaving immature that is just really a red flag, and what I mean by immaturity:

  • not talking to us because they are angry (yes 99% of women do this and it's very immature)
  • they ignore us when they are angry (very childish)
  • they pretend we are not there and act like we are ghosts (very childish)
  • they throw things at us when mad, start crying, and then lock their room doors on themselves and yell at us
  • start jumping up and down in the house and raving like a crazy person
  • talking very loudly in a quiet place and putting up a show when angry at us
  • start destroying our stuff out of revenge (this is game over, i would end the relationship that instant if this would happen to me)

2) Acting like a Man


I am straight, and I prefer a straight partner. (Not that I have anything against LGBT people) So I expect my partner to behave like a woman, I am not gay, so I don't find male behavior attractive, so I also don't want my woman to act like that.

What does acting like a man mean:

  • Burping
  • Farting
  • Snoring
  • Picking their nose
  • Snorting when you have cold
  • Talking in deep voice
  • Wearing man-like clothes, just to act tough
  • Acting tough (sometimes it's sexy, but an exaggeration can go a bit too far)
  • Spitting
  • Scratching your armpit or other parts of your body
    ....and other disgusting behavior. Noted that probably women don't find these attractive in males either, but when women do these things, it is just an instant boner killer, and he won't have sex with you for 1 year.

3) Bad Hygiene


I don't have to enumerate this, pretty much every woman should know this that good hygiene is essential, so I don't want to talk about this. However there is 1 thing I have to emphasize:

  • Some women have really bad breath, so please girls wash your teeth often and take a chewing gum when you meet your partner, it might save your relationship.
    I had to emphasize this, I know it's taboo, but I have encountered many women with bad breath, and it feels very rude if I would have told them, so I will just tell you this anonymously. Good luck!

4) Too much Makeup


I used to see women in the summer who literally had their makeup melt from their faces in the heat. Please don't use too much makeup, it's not sexy, and it doesn't make you more attractive.

Keep it light and keep it natural, in most cases makeup is not even necessary, maybe a little bit of tan powder and some lipstick (i prefer the ones that make your lips shine not the ones that color it).

So for example coloring your eyelids and putting too much tan is not very attractive, especially if it starts melting down, that is very unattractive. Yes in special occasions or when going out, you can enhance yourself, but not 24/7 is what I am trying to get here.

When at home, a little bit of lipstick and doing the eyelashes is enough for me. Especially don't use makeup in sex, the man wants to be close to your natural body, and not to the chemicals.

5) Bad Perfume


Some women have so bad taste in perfumes, they are very strong and not very pleasant smelling, especially if you put too much on yourself.

Lemme tell you a secret: I prefer the rose flavor perfumes, I think those smell the best.

All the other smells are almost smelling like male perfume, and it turns guys off. I am not trying to tell you what perfume to buy but just keep in mind that males won't tell you in your face that your perfume is bad, you have to figure it out yourself.

Test it out yourself go out on a date 2 times with 2 different perfumes, and see which time the guy approached you the most. Trust me, perfumes are not all the same, and it can make a huge different in your relationship success!

6) Talking too much


We guys don't like when a girl talks too much, I had some girlfriends in highschool that were just constantly telling me stuff, bombarding me with information, and almost never letting me talk, as soon as I opened my mouth, she tried to tell her point of view about it.

It is obvious that a relationship like that can't last long. There is nothing wrong when you want to express yourself and tell your point of view, but that doesn't mean that you should not give a chance for him to speak too.

Make the conversation natural, not forced. If he doesn't want to hear what you want to say, then don't say it, perhaps bring it up another time.

7) Being Indifferent


You must really not be indifferent in the relationship. If you don't like it, break up, but don't torture the guy. It is one of the worst things a guy can go through is when the women is not interested in him.

And I don't just mean a bored woman, that is different, but one that is indifferent and doesn't care about him or the relationship. They date, they talk, but she acts passively, they might have sex, but she will be very passive, and not enjoy it very well. When this happens, either he will break up with you, if he has the courage, or you should, because that relationship is dead anyway.

These are my tips, if you did anything on this list until now, then please think it over, and improve on it. There is nothing shameful in it, but you have to improve yourself. Thanks for reading!

Upvote and Follow Me! Me Please!


Very nice post generalizing males through a rather narrow viewpoint.

I like how your entire "Immaturity" discussion revolves around women being angry with you.

As a man, I would like to say...
Sorry freddy008, I'm following you, and I upvote your content at times.
But I'm starting to think you did a lot of work making this post for at best a few cents, and at worst many misled women. BTW what is with all the posters using pictures from https://www.pexels.com/

ok, the pexels pictures are public domain, that is why people use them to avoid plagiarism.

Yes, I also noticed some women disgusting smell of perfume , but this smell like them . This does not mean that it has a bad taste . Each of us has its own smell , which is like us. And about hygiene. It's disgusting when a woman smells bad, I do not mean spirits . Women should always take care of yourself ! But men , too, must not forget this ! I for one do not like men who have dirty clothes . And slovenly appearance . Man as well as women should take care of yourself !

Да , я тоже замечала у некоторых женщин отвратительный запах духов, но именно этот запах им нравится. Это не значит, что у нее плохой вкус. У каждого из нас свои запахи, которые нравятся именно нам. А по поводу гигиены. Это отвратительно, когда от женщины пахнет плохо, я имею в виду не духами. Женщины всегда должны следить за собой! Но и мужчины тоже не должны об этом забывать! мне, например, не нравятся мужчины, у которых грязная одежда. И неопрятный вид. Мужчина также как и женщины должны следить за собой!

Hi freddy008. I enjoyed that post. I wanted to ask you if you use steemboost? It helps to get your content noticed. If you sign up with this referal link, it helps me get some boost points. and once joinging you will have the same option to refer. Sorry if you've heard about it already.


I dont since I plan to try the promote thing. I dont think many people will use that after this new promoted stuff came out.

The perfume comment is important. I hate when men wear floral smelling cologne. It is unmanly. It should smell spicey.

same here I don't want to smell like a man if I'm on a romantic date with one. Otherwise if I'm at work or hanging out with guy friends I would wear male cologne and be glad if it turns them off lol!

Yes, I was referring to women to wear rose smelling perfume, i think that is the best.

Of course men perfumes are spicy, sour and strong, I like that smell but only on men, and if friends wear that, but not women.

Some new more trendy women perfumes start to use men flavors, and that is problematic I think.