Daily Thoughts - 01 Dec 17 - Homesteading Today...

in #life7 years ago

Hello my fellow Steemians! Its not a nice-looking morning out there today, its gloomy, grey, and rainy out there this morning. I thought I was up too early because its so dreary out. :D

I woke up to a strange phenomenon today…no puppy dogs on my bed with me…I’m not sure how that happened…it doesn’t happen often that’s for sure. :D

I went out and let the girls out of the barn, Belle (foreground) and Princess (background) went straight to the feeder and Candy went right for the water buckets. I went inside to feed the boys without worrying about accidental hip checks or head butts from Belle. :D The poor girls are going to get wet today, but I’m going to let them in early tonight after I get back from picking my son up for work. Hopefully they aren’t soaked to the bone, just moist, by that time. :D

The boys, Buddy (background) and Joker (foreground) digging in to their calf starter rations, were kind of aggressive today, towards each other, not towards me, thankfully. I don’t know if its because their horns are coming through and they need to butt heads to help that along or just because they are guys stuck in a stall together, or some other reason entirely. I’m hoping this is a phase and it passes quickly, personally. :D
I spoke to my husband after I came back in from the morning chores and feedings. He said he pulled something in his back while lifting an oxy tank at work, hopefully its just a pulled muscle so a hot shower, a couple of Advil and some A535 or Icy Hot rub will fix him right up. :D
Its almost time to get ready and go pick my son up from work, hopefully I remember to stop and pick up the pizza we are having for supper tonight before I leave town, so I don’t have to turn around and go back. :D Don’t laugh, I’ve had to go back before. :D Its terrible, my memory, at least it seems to be. My husband keeps telling me he thinks I’ve got Alzheimer’s, but I keep telling him my pain medication is also supposed to help prevent Alzheimer’s, so I can’t have it, I’m just a bit out of it from the pain medication and that’s why I’m forgetful. :D

The puppy dogs, Shadow (foreground) and Mya (background) went to chill on the couch and watch everyone go by so they could start the barking off. They are all happy that they got an extra cookie from me today. Usually I only give them one in the morning when I get back in from the chores and have finished washing the boys’ bottles, then my husband gives them one at night after he’s had his supper. This afternoon I asked each of them to let me cut their nails and told them if they did I’d give them another cookie.

They all let me cut at least their front paws nails, a couple of them, including Dakota, let me cut the nails on all four paws. :D So everyone got an extra cookie. :D

Look I remembered to pick up my son and the pizza, woohoo! :D

Well the girls are in the barn, have had their fill of water, their oats are all gone, and they were eating their hay when I left. :D Candy was the first one to finish her oats tonight, usually its Belle that finishes fastest.

Princess finished her oats second, which of course means Belle was the slow eater tonight. That is the very first time that’s ever happened. Every other night Princess is the last one finished.

I’m not sure why Belle was eating so slowly tonight, maybe she was tired. :D

The boys, Buddy (background) and Joker (foreground) enjoyed their supper bottles, but reminded me that they don’t like this only two bottles a day idea at all. :D I told them to eat their calf starter if they were still hungry and Buddy went right over to the dish and started eating. :D Joker went over after I got this picture. I tried to get another one, but Belle shifted and jostled me, so you couldn’t tell what I took a picture of. :D
There wasn’t any sunshine so no spectacular sunset, which means no sunset picture(s) to share tonight, sorry.
That was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you had/have an awesome day! :D


Wow beautiful post

Awe, thank you very much. :D I'm glad you liked it. :D Have an awesome day! :D

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