Are our kids the future?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I was just putting thoughts out there as I was answering comments to my post on world power and I had another idea. When we discuss anarchy and social mobility of a far greater scale than it is now, we are thinking under the confines of the current system.

A couple of weeks back I had a discussion with a very intelligent young man over Facebook about the benefits of social anarchism. He was a far right conservative and could not bring himself to see the point I was making. But in an equally fair stance I couldn’t see his point. And it brought me to thinking; we are completely looking at this wrongly. Both of us.

The system is broken. We know this. This is why thousands apply for one job, this is why there is an inequality underbelly in this world that we haven’t seen since the 1800’s. The protocols for wealth hoarding that once existed are no longer there.

What do we do when we have something that we need, but every time we try to fix it, it breaks soon afterwards? We throw it in the bin and build an entirely new one. I mean I’ve read articles all over the internet that leading economists believe that the system we currently have is doomed. But their idea is essentially flawed when they suggest a new system which is essentially a work around of the old one.

What ever happened to starting from scratch? The beginning? Completely shredding any existence of the old one and developing something that works for everyone? I can guess why, it’s because we are creatures of habit and a social construct that’s existed for thousands of years won’t easily be tore down and started a fresh, especially if it doesn’t benefit the privileged few.

I mean I’m a great great believer in that if you work hard and bring fresh ideas to the table then you should be rewarded accordingly whatever your trade. I don’t enjoy seeing gaps in pay from employee to manager to senior manager to executive. By this I can’t abide seeing the CEO of Walmart get $16,000 per second or whatever ridiculous amount he’s on, and one of his bottom level employees make $10 per hour – that is an inequality of staggering amount, whereas the workload and responsibility for both people and their rate of earnings don’t equate.

I’m all for a fairer society, one that rewards intrinsic motivation rather than short term reward. An individual would be far better off slaving and sweating over an idea or workplace for a long term reward, or working because they like the idea behind what they are doing. We live in a society where people are told to take any old job regardless if they would prosper in it or not, “a job is a job” you’ll hear people say, to pay the bills. I disagree. But then again work is hard to come by. We are essentially slaves to our own economy.

But what if we changed everything? In true ideological pipedream fashion, what if we ripped up the blueprints of whatever the hell we have working now and started afresh? School would teach kids the benefits of long term gain, rather than a quick buck. Focusing heavily on community, helping one’s neighbour and staying away from harmful stereotypes and wide generalisations. Teach kids the benefits of giving and sharing.

Shed all labels of the last economical construct and classify people as ‘human’, disband all borders and end the system of money.

Any other suggestions? I’d love to hear them


No suggestions here, but the current wage system seems wrong on so many levels for sure. Awesome story, definitely going to follow you, if you a spare sec then return would be super awesome.

Thank you - I will. I'm just going out but I will stop by

"Are our kids the future?" It depends on when we achieve immortality)) Sorry, just kidding. Good articl;e, thanks for sharing.

seems like we have to achieve immortality to see change haha