Grounding. Woo woo? or Yeah yeah?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ideas that are "woo woo" are unfounded, or not based on good evidence. When they say it's woo woo, that's a derogatory term, in case that wasn't obvious.

So what about GROUNDING?


First, what is grounding?

I'll let Wellness Mama explain. "Earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or a conductive surface that is in contact with the earth. From a scientific perspective, the idea is that the earth has a mild negative charge to it. Over time, especially in modern life, our bodies build up a positive charge. Direct contact with the earth can even out this positive charge and return the body to a neutral state."

Your skin acts like an electrical conductor, with the potential to help your body return to its native healthy electrical state.

So this is another of those FREE things we can do to improve our health. If you don't or can't get outside much, or barefoot in the park is not your thing, there are earthing mats you can buy. Place it under your desk, for example, to drain away the positive charge in your body.

Makes sense to me, because...

Your brain, your heart and all neurotransmission activity in the body rely on electrical currents. If modern life has messed with the electrics in your body, then grounding can help to drain out that those unwanted positive charges.

According to Dr Josh Axe in Earthing: 5 Ways It Can Help You Fight Disease, the benefits of grounding include...

  1. reduce inflammation
  2. reduce stress hormones
  3. sleep better
  4. increase energy
  5. lower pain.

So is it woo woo or yeah yeah?

According the government's National Institutes of Health website...

"The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity."

Turns out it's YEAH YEAH.

... with a hat tip to @michael-kahunka for putting this on my radar by his comment on my "2 health mistakes" post yesterday!

Read more from Gary

Photo credits: Stencil


Really? It's Yeah Yeah. Well that is good. I love barefooting it in the country!! Um, speaking of feet, Gary, are those your feet? They look good and healthy not all puffed up like my tootsies.

Sorry to disappoint. They're not my feet. Under the last image is a little note about where I get my images from.

Your question, Joanne, reminds me there are such things as foot models. Just as there are hand models. These are people who make money from letting others photograph their feet and hands. Fancy that, eh?


Interesting and quite true I feel. I meditate every day, and grounding certainly helps. As it also does with Dowsing. One must have both feet planted firmly on the ground in order to release negative energy.

"Both feet planted firmly on the ground" -- I love it.

Thanks for your comment, @katdevine.


I'm sure I don't do this nearly enough - just simply 'being' in the sunshine and touching the earth :)

I say "Yeah Yeah" and thanks for the mention Gary :o)

Definitely YEAH YEAH! Used to barefoot it outside every day, not so much now. One more thing to get back to. Thanks, Gary.

I love to feel the grass between my toes. It makes good sense to me so Yeah Yeah!!

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