If you ever wanted to know how 10 YEARS look like, here is the ANSWER...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So if you ever wondered how the period of 10 years look like, you can see on the photo below. First photo was taken in 2007, and second one in 2017.

Find the differences if there's any :)


Now I'm waiting year 2027.

Till the next time... kind regards!



bwhahahah umrit cu hahahha

hahaha, i ja san skoro umra

I'm guessing you're stoned in both pics?

I'm not, guess I have that look in general :)

OMG tranformation

2007 Anthony Kiedis look. :)

Looks the same haha :D

Kako je ovo moguce u 10 godina? Na prvoj slici izgledas kao tinejdzer a na drugoj kao covjek od 30 godina ako ne i vise, bez uvrede ako si mladji :)

Hahaha, na drugoj slici i imam točno 30 godina :) Al da, promjena je ogromna.

Sta ti se to motalo po glavi pa si bio u takvom izdanju sa 20 hahaha ajde bar si prosao to sta ces :')

Ako ne probaš ne znaš, sad znam :)

Good one! Surreal set of pics.

Mislim da sam te upoznala kad si bio dugokosi mladac.

Taman negdi tada. Last.fm u cvatu :)

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