The Meaning of Life - Not What You Expected

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 So many perspectives on why we are here and what is our purpose. How can anyone make sense of this strange life. So much is out of our control and so many different beliefs by different people, races, religions, casts, clans, etc, etc. But what is it really all about.

Some would say we are put here to learn lessons and evolve as our souls become wiser in the ways of life. This is certainly a good perspective but if all is revealed at the time of death and we should cast forth this veil of ignorance than what’s the point to that?

Perhaps we are here because of a Karmic repetition that pulls us back into this human existence until we have worked out all our karma and attained a purity worth moving to the next spiritual plane. But once again we are supposed to be of the highest source so is that really necessary.

No, so many options to choose from but what is it really all about? First of all there is really only one reality in this life and that is yours. Yes you may interact with other people and those actions have consequences good or bad but really everything is viewed through your eyes only. Everything comes from within you. So what does this mean and how does it relate to the meaning of life. 

Well the only thing we can confirm for sure is that life is an experience.  I think that there are certain forces at work within the human construct that follow the basic rules of positive and negative influence and the repercussions of each. However for the most part no real sense can be made of it all, it’s just an experience that is it. What we make of this experience is up to us. The way we perceive this experience can be altered and molded depending on how we choose to proceed. 

So what is the meaning of life?

What if I could make every day into 10 lifetimes? What if I could make 2 minutes of your time last 100 years. Would you do it? I believe that we choose to come into this existence to either extend our life on another existence or to escape a life that does not end. This is an experience, that’s it, everything else we have attached to our experience, such as our belief system, and personal ordeals are what make it unique. So this is the ride we are on, what’s next, who knows. I’m sure you’ll have a good story to tell everyone when you get off the ride. Easy or Hard,  each experience is worth sharing. 



If you look life from the beginning of time, we have changed and evolved, we've become more intelligent by passing on our knowledge. I think that the meaning of life is to learn and understand the world around us

Why are we learning and to what ends? This is a question that i cannot answer. I guess, only time will tell.

Thanks for sharing your view.

Great post, life is an experience. ●‿●

I agree with the sharing and passing of knowledge. I've also thought about how much more important life becomes when you realize how insignificant we are (the speck and the blip in space and time). Because we're here and gone so fast, the story we create and the connections we create it with are worth much more than even Steem and up votes.


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