Locked Doors, Barred Gates, and Prisons of the Mind vs. Real Freedom...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We live in a world in which there are so many prisons of the mind, perceptions that are flawed, concepts which are inaccurate, wrong, or misguided...

...And not recognizing these you can live imprisoned in a free world, shut off from life's richest blessings, struggling to overcome obstacles you have piled up in your own path, striving to achieve "impossible" things that are limited only by your inability to imagine the world differently.

It was once thought the world was flat, leaving would-be explorers fearful to stray too far beyond the horizon, to see what lay beyond.

Traveling at speeds of over 30 or 40 miles per hour was once thought to be impossible, because it was generally "known" and widely believed any attempt to do so would cause the physical body and matter itself to disintegrate.

Air flight was also a locked door for countless aeons in which generations of people struggled over the face of the earth, taking months and years, even entire lifetimes, to travel what are today conceived as short distances easily traversed globally in a matter of mere minutes or hours.

Take away cars, roads and planes today, and your world would soon shrink to less than 20 to 100 miles in any direction, along with everyone else more or less confined by geography, modes of travel and means to survive without truckloads of produce, food stuffs, water and other necessities delivered daily to stores, from which they are distributed to those in need with the ability to pay for such conveniences.

Legalities Or Lawlessness?

There are far more confining, limiting and harmful mental constructs in place today – concepts generally believed but utterly devoid of truth – that act as locked doors, and barred gates, creating prisons of the mind in which prosperity and actual freedom are kept out of the reach of the majority.

Combine these with the chains and manacles of fear to step outside the boundaries of conventional "wisdom" or accepted "norms" of thinking and behavior, and you have the world in which we all now live, struggling and striving to obtain what in reality is freely available to all.

Of course, the mere mention of the means of egress from our self-imposed mental prisons is suspected of entrapping us in imagined horrors most loathe to consider or ever dare to challenge.

Take the "law" as a case in point.

Most believe they know all about what is legal and illegal, yet they have never read a law book or the statutes upon which those legal decisions are based.

In so doing the majority end up believing what most others commonly misconceive as "lawful" or "unlawful" conduct things which are clearly and plainly erroneous to anyone making the effort to read and learn the published factual records of such matters.

Little wonder, then, that judges, prosecutors and lawyers find it so easy to entrap, ensnare, confuse and imprison a growing proportion of the populace, more than anywhere else on earth, in the supposed and mistakenly labeled "land of the free."

Taxation Without Understanding

Do you believe that you understand the meaning of such words and mental constructs as "employer," "employee," "income" and "the United States," without having actually, carefully and meticulously read the laws that define these?

Would you be shocked beyond belief to discover that these are all legally defined as being limited to areas outside the territories and jurisdiction of the continental and island states, dealing solely with federal public offices and privileged positions within, or directly related to, these governmental functions, and have nothing whatever to do with private sector jobs, wages or financial transactions?

Would you refuse to give up the chains, bars and prison of your own mental constructs and flawed beliefs to embrace such truths, out of fear of consequences that exist only for those remaining ignorant of the facts and the law?

If so, your intransigence and lack of familiarity with the laws you mistakenly think you are obeying not only imprisons you, but also confines countless others in a web of deceit in which the spidery court lairs of injustice daily suck away the life's blood of our economy with countless lawless decisions and judgments, that define the very essence of true criminality and undermine the bedrock of societal trust in government to protect, defend and serve, rather than dominate, tyrannize and rob.

Feigned Justice And Faux Freedom

Denying reality, while continuing to do what has never worked, and will never succeed in any but the most superficial and transitory ways, is the very definition of social insanity that defines the age in which we now live.

In such a world, juries which swear oaths to faithfully and judiciously apply the law to the facts of the given case before them, often discover afterward the court has used its control of the process to conceal, deceive and manipulate their perceptions to obtain verdicts that deny true justice...

...Often to punish innocent defendants, but also to free the guilty and reward or exonerate criminals in "high places," like those pardoned and granted clemency and undeserved mercy, who escape just punishments, while unjustly reserving and imposing penalties on those guilty only of attempting to awaken a sleeping public, drugged into a senseless stupor by our own political leaders and their agents and an easily controlled, senseless, pandering press.

Little wonder, then, that the doors and gates to financial well-being for everyone remain locked and barred, as they ever will for all those imprisoned in the confines of ill-informed minds, befuddled by fictions and entertainments that distract and mislead us away from real freedom, as we strive to "live" vicariously in our imaginations what we fear to attempt or achieve in the real world.

P.S. Re-posted with a special offer added HERE!

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You've just defined the typical reality in our society. Almost nothing we've been "taught" in life is true. These mental constructs you describe are laboriously built by people who've been working on this for a long time. We are enslaved by lies from every direction.

You point out a glimpse of understanding regarding income taxes that will go over the heads of virtually everyone who reads it. We all know the income tax is "voluntary", right? And we all know that it most certainly is NOT voluntary. How does that work? Well, if you "volunteer" that you were "employed" and collected "income", then you have entered into a voluntary contract to give away a bunch of your money. Never mind that you were not "employed" as defined by the law, nor did you receive any "income" (unless you were involved in Federally "privileged" activities).

You reported it... or, often times, you failed to correct the erroneous information that was reported by someone else about you. If you file properly and legally, most people will not only pay NO income tax... you also receive a REFUND of everything withheld, INCLUDING social security and medicare taxes... just like hundreds of thousands of people have been quietly doing for years. And when one of these people who understands the law tries to share with someone else... the mental programming is so complete that the person they are trying to help will turn on them, accusing them of "not paying their fair share", or assuring them they will end up in prison. It seems like some people don't even want to know the truth. The elite have done well... Well indeed.

In fact, with just this ONE thing... if we all followed the ACTUAL laws... not what's right, not how it should be... but how it actually IS at this point in time... if we all reported properly and stopped giving all our money to the State, we would quickly cut them to the core. They use our money to enslave and harm us. If we cut off the gravy train, all of a sudden this movement of people "waking up" to the realities around them would be empowered, the criminal elite instantly weakened in many ways... leveling the playing field just a touch for good and peaceful people.

Sadly, the theft of the people through taxes is but the tip of the iceberg of the lies that enslave us. Our education system is designed to quiet and control, to instill these false beliefs held by the majority of the population. We are surrounded by propaganda and lies from every direction. Our money doesn't really exist, has no value, and doesn't belong to us anyway. The REAL government of the United States has long since been gone, having been hijacked by foreign criminal elements. We are so ignorant that we line up for hours to vote for whether we want to be further enslaved and used by candidate A in this fashion... or by candidate B in this fashion. It's 2 sides of the same coin!

Seriously, what if a gang of thugs rolled into your town and said "we're taking this place over!" And then they asked you to vote for the new leader of the gang that is abusing and stealing from everyone you know. What do you want? This gang member, or that one? If you cast that vote, you are giving them PERMISSION and SUPPORT to continue raping and pillaging your family and everyone around you. How smart is that? What if we ALL decided we're done with them? What if NOBODY showed up on voting day? Think that would get their attention? I'm sorry, but I'm owned only by my Heavenly Father.

Anyway, great introductory post to some of these concepts. As people first come to the realization that most of our "reality" is fabricated... we can then work together and take steps towards a better life. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much ready to run those thugs out of town.

Great reply @dan5! However I think it best to await return of the One who alone can right all these wrongs, set the record straight, and banish all the liars, deceivers and their supporters.

Until then, we have the "best" leaders we collectively deserve, in order to awaken a few advance men and women to prepare us all for that inevitable conclusion of this massive mess our world has become.

Also, the school system isn't just about creating docility in the face of these great evils, but violent opposition to any attempt to expose them (as in "Black Lives Matter," as if white lives don't matter at all).

Be sure to see the added link above to find the special offer at the end of that re-post of this article.

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