You Should Go and Trust Yourself!

in #life5 years ago

For anyone who might need to hear this right now ✨✨✨


That little voice in the back of your mind, that flicker in your tummy when you feel something isn't right... That's your internal "Jiminy Cricket" asking you to slow down and wait a minute before you leap!

Your intuition is your guiding light, your way, your path, your yellow brick road (if you will) and if you follow it, you find your way home, to yourself, to your inner power, to your purpose! 💜✨💜

Cultivating the voice and learning to hear, decipher, and trust in it is an exploratory journey with incredible learning, wisdom and growth.

We may have to cross barriers of self doubt, mistrust and painful programs to get to the other side of confident trust, abundant love and ultimate compassion but when we arrive, everything feels nothing short of magical!

It feels "right", it feels like things are lining up for us (because universally, they are!) Boundaries move, as the path (your path) opens up for you to embrace your way upon it!✨💜🧙

To you my friend, if your intuition is guiding you, even if you don't know where or why, follow that pull, flow into your aligned path and let the magic embrace you!

You never know what's waiting for you unless you let yourself seek! 💜

How many times has your inner voice been shrieking at you for your attention, only for it to be ignored, misunderstood, silenced...

How many times do you look back and wish to yourself that you would have done something different? Followed your heart instead of what you thought you needed to do...

We're so often looking outside of ourselves for answers, wishing others will have the important envelopes of our lives' contents within, but the truth is, we're the ones most capable of understanding ourselves if only we would tap into the conversations our body, mind and spirit try to have with us!

Listen. You'll be surprised at the messages waiting for you!

Sending you love on your journey! 💜

Cece 😘

Posted using Partiko Android


A very beautiful post that speaks of your beautiful spirit. Grateful to be here with you right now @heart-to-heart! <3

Hi dear @everlove! Wonderful to see you here, I have just come back online very recently and am catching up to all the changes slowly but surely. I love seeing that you're still here in this space! Thank you for saying hi and I wish you a beautiful 2020! <3

Yep, still here! Glad you're re-entering and bringing forth you light. Grateful to connect with you again! Infinite hugs your way.

Aaahhhh..... this!

Trusting myself is, I feel, my big karmic lesson to entangle myself in this lunar year 2020: Year Of The Metal Rat.

I’m still feeling into the edge that’s presented itself, waiting for signs to give me a direction to go towards and start that process, and methinks your post has given me the first clue on this treasure-hunt.

Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Awww that is beautiful to hear and I wish you the best on your journey my friend!

It can be truly challenging to know where to start. There could be 100 starting lines and you just keep moving past them on accident because they aren't set up the way you think they should look. If you're feeling a call though, that's a wonderful sign from the universe and if this post gave you a push, I say ride it to the next step!


Your gut is your lifeline, like you said, your gut is your intuition and it is like a garden that must be kept and cultivated and developed.

I love that analogy as well! If you let it go, sure things might grow but tending it and showing it love is the way to make it produce the best for you! :) <3

Reminds me of that Frozen song, Let It Go.

Disney always teaching lessons 💖

I think we all go through periods of self doube even the most confident of people because we are impatient we think happiness and goals we want should be instant and focus on the destination not rhe journey i too am guilty of this and it gets me down and i need to remind myself why i made these decisions and evaluate if they are still the correct ones

A little support even from a stranger can be enough to lift the spirits and keep going once again so thank you

It seems your journey has produced many profound lessons for you

Yes, it is a learning lesson isn't it? Of course being impatient is a huge battle for many (if not all) of us!
I think it would be an incredible experiment to see everyone trying their best to be in the journey and support others on that path, whether they be strangers or friends, but our world is very high paced with a desire for instant gratification like you mentioned.
Each lesson we go through (even if we feel we made a choice we would change if given the chance) is here to shape us, make us stronger and build our resiliency, so we're all learning.

Yes, for sure, I have had the opportunity from this lifetime for many lessons to come my way and I am very sure many more are to come! ;)

Agreed, was kind of sharing my own motivational post, but agreed, listen to your heart... it's often wiser than we think

That's just it! We so often side line our hearts in favor of our minds and in truth, the heart has so much to offer us. 💖

let the magic embrace you

Love that part.

I believe it should apply to everything! :)


Lots of love dear! 💖

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