How To Hack Negative Energy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Follow Your Energy

Instead of wallowing in self-pity I made the choice to channel my frustrations and negativity into something productive and energizing. My wife and I had a disagreement about some things so I decided to get out of the house to bask in the beauty of the day.

Hello basketball. I missed you. I have been keeping up with my workouts but until this recent hoop session I hadn't played ball in about 3 weeks. This was exactly what I needed. One thing that really pushed me to make a move to go play was a post by @wakkylyon about letting today's flames lead you to tomorrow's fire. It's a post I highly recommend for anyone needing to channel negative energy into good vibes.

When you follow your energy and do what excites you, things happen. You enter the flow. When I was burned out and depressed I would do nothing to help myself get out of the dumps. Now I have learned to harness that dark matter and transform it into a masterpiece for others to gain inspiration from. For me this is how I free my mind and decompress.

Please feel free to share photos or videos of you in your zone. Shalom.

What do you do to pull yourself out of a low place?

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@wakkylyon, thank you. That post is very powerful. I had to go back the third time to read...

@humanearl, i totally totally relate to this. In fact, i think every body who's read this post totally relates to it. When i say every body relates to your story, i do not mean everybody in those instances like/similar to what you found yourself, has channelled their energy positively as a reaction to aggression too(like you did). Fortunately, to emphasize this point, there is a post by @rok-sivante i read some couple of days ago. Here is the link in case you wanna check it out

He talked about "creation" and "destruction"...
Stating that we're all creative in one way or the other. If we do not make use of the energy positively in one way, definitely in the other way, we will be destructive. In your case, you decided to channel the anger and aggression energy into playing basketball...what a perfect way to vent! Instead of giving in, you made anger give in. I admire your strength. This is something many men need to learn, like @remelsy, you too can roll out a course on this one in particular. Or better still you can make a completely different blog for it, because seriously, the human race needs to learn.

I have seen uncountable cases of domestic abuse on wives because their spouses couldn't control and manage their anger. These wives sometimes are at fault, but there are always better ways to vent than hitting the hell outta them(wives). When i see situations like this, i first think of the man to be an " illiterate"- i think this better informs why i suggested you make a blog for this. By doing so, other members can also get to post about their experiences, form a bond, get and give advice, etc etc.. Of course everybody gets angry at one point or the other, but the most important part is basically how you decide to react to that you get creative or destructive?
Managing anger in a positive way is an art, many people need to learn.

Personally, i have been pissed a lot of times and i have reacted badly a lot of times too. Sometime last year something changed my mentality 360. I have an app-Snaptube, i can watch and download thousands of good stuff anytime i want. You basically find videos on how to make almost everything there, from anything to everything- foods, snacks, cakes, drinks, oils, fashion designs, decorations, soaps, creams, dyes, hair styles, make over, shoes, bags, beaded jewelries, EVERYTHING! So sometimes when i'm angry, my snaptube is my saving grace. I check videos on how to make some snacks and easy foods using ripe plantain,banana,etc (i love love love working with these two a lot), or a new type of cake, or cookies, or beaded neck pieces, etc.

If i don't wanna be in the kitchen, i try to go back to learning a language. That's always my second option. I get the videos from snaptube, then start work immediately. I have come to find out this even makes my brain excited and i can't think of something else at that moment....even if it is for 5mins.

At other times, i google some Bible portions on this and educate myself accordingly, i look up similar cases online, and I can testify that these are sure therapies for anger control.
@humanearl with what you did here, i can say that you, my friend, are a wise man. I hope you guys are cool with each other now yeah?
Thank you for sharing...Jah bless!

You know , I am happy that along the line you admited to the fact that sometimes women are at fault . But from my understanding of physics as an engineer , Newton's Third Law of motion says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And for an effect to be avoided or removed, we have to focus on the cause.

Now instead of channeling our energy on calling men who beat their wives illitrates how about talking to the women to stop provoking their husbands. When has provoking anyone to anger been a num? Even the Bible not put the lord your God to test.

Why would anyone consciously provike another and expect the person to turn a blind eye and act like nothing happened. Isn't that cruelty? It's a different thing if you guys are having an argument and then because he feels he is the man, he hits you ...that's very bad. But most women these days would consciously provike their husbands to anger by calling him all sorts of names and some even go to the extent of slapping their husbands but expect him not to get angry...Isn't that abuse on its own ?

We need to channel our energy on educating the women on how to control their emotions. Anger is emotional as well and if you women can't control you emotions when you get angry, please do not call men who can't control theirs illitrates...that's being bias and a feminist.

I didn't wanna concentrate my time and energy on the "cause" of anger because i didn't wanna deviate from the main topic here....talking about causal effects of anger would mean me making a totally different post under another post, that was why...and i know you have read the post before now. If you haven't well, what exactly does this mean to you??

"Instead of wallowing in self-pity I made the choice to channel my frustrations and negativity into something productive and energizing. My wife and I had a disagreement about some things so I decided to get out of the house to bask in the beauty of the day"

@humanearl had a disagreement with the wife(we don't know who was to blame for that), but what was more important right at that point was how he reacted to it.

Personally, i have been pissed a lot of times and i have reacted badly a lot of times too. Sometime last year "something" changed my mentality remember i said this too. This totally suggests i got some knowledge about something i didn't know before, and from that time, my mentality changed. So when you saw "illiterate" in my comment, you should not have come off totally defensive and offended, except of course you feel some pinch of guilt about being "illiterate" to anger control.

I understand your point, but i would have given this more concern if you had asked what exactly i meant by seeing the men who can't vent anger differently except by hitting their wives as "illiterates"...other than circling round to the feminist word. When you see words like " illiterate" next time, try to get a better understanding of what that person actually means, especially if it wasn't used for the general meaning. I could be musically illiterate as the case may have been, you could be an illiterate for not knowing how best to control and manage anger in more positive ways other than destruction.

Women and men are all human beings with emotions. And it is rightly said, you are allowed to get angry, but not to stay angry. That doesn't in anyway eliminate the fact that women could be causal factors of anger.
But if you @sistem or @humanearl makes a post about women's roles in being causal factors of anger, then i would give you my opinions 100%.

@slimsieris Oh yes we are great now. It was just that day that I needed to get out of the situation. I also love how you mentioned being a creator or destroyer. That is something to think about. At least you found your way to channel your emotions into something other than destroying.

@sistem Emotional abuse is very real. I did not do a good job of communicating to my wife how I felt at the time. My wife and I do our best to communicate with one another. This helps to alleviate alot of "he said" "she said" type of stuff. YOu can never communicate enough. It takes alot of work to maintain the lines of communication.

First, i admire that to prevent further friction, you decided to take fresh air. Games and sports are therapeutic, most times the perfect way to unwind too..

Usually, i sing or listen to pop while going for a walk when tensed, or assume a fresh mental phase. Recently, when that happens, i just steem.. No more time spent to promote bitterness.. I sky rocket the price of unhappiness and make it too expensive for me so i can't afford it. I think it's beautiful that you decided to share this... Looks like you played with a different energy today, lol....

Thanks for referring to that post again, it stuns me too. I'm happy about the effect it's having on people, and i'm grateful once again to you for giving it more visibility.

Whatever you do, i hope you stay happy. Cheers!

@wakkylyon, that post was EVERYTHING! keep the fire burning..

To me basketball is exactly that. Therapeutic. I like how you choose to write when you need to channel the energy into something else. That's a great thing to do as well.

I still think about what you wrote. I loved every bit of it.

The encouragement you constantly give to me is priceless. Thank you!

Good to see you enriching your mind and body with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Work out is really a wonderful way to keep stress away. It makes blood circulation fast and more oxygen in pumped in to release all the negative accumulated energy.

The best thing we can give to ourselves is protecting our mind and body with strength and that comes only burning extra calories. Trying meditation and walking to a serene and calm place is also a way to stay positive and get out of negative quagmire.

I really appreciate @wakkylyon for her amazing blog that gave you inspiration to take some time to delete negative emotions. When I am depressed, I usually listen a good music to stay safe from harmful effects of anger and negative energy.

Thank you @humanearl for sharing a beautiful way to be happy and healthy.

I need to pick back up with my meditations. It really helped me alot. I've used an app call headspace before.

For me, taking a walk in nature clears my negative energy. Taking time to enjoy the beauty of the flowers, birds, dogs, cats, rabbits and squirrels along the way...we have black squirrels here and they are beautiful. I appreciate the beauty of the Rocky Mountains in the west. Enjoy the clouds floating overhead and make shapes out of them. And then walk over to the field and see if any antelope have come out to play. Commune with all of them and I am so grateful to have them in my life.

This therapy is highly recommended. Thank you @sparklytraveler

There's something about being in nature that is so therapeutic. That's pretty much my favorite way of decompressing.

Black squirrels? Interesting and cool at the same time. I would love to visit Colorado. We are thinking of planning a trip there in May.

There is always a way out. There is always a solution. We were not put on this earth to be miserable. We were put here to be happy, and create everything we want. Yeah, there are challenges and sometimes things don't go right. We each came to explore certain lessons that may not always be so pleasant to our human minds But, the overall gist is happiness.

Fully admit you hate everything and why you hate it
In effort to protect ourselves, and minimize our pain, we get really good at denying the true depth of our feelings, or examining too deeply why we are unhappy with our life.

Let yourself really feel your feelings. Cry, scream, punch a pillow, whatever. Don't suppress it anymore. This can be pretty intense and you might scare yourself a bit, but just let it rip. No one else has to know about it, it's just you.

Think about what you want without censoring and judging
Take a moment to sit quietly and calm your mind. Think about your life to be like.
These are the lessons that give you the real happiness of life.

The key is to channel the negative into a positive activity. The longer we sit with negativity the more down we get. I've gotten much better at this. Thanks.

This in no particular order but when I encounter negative thoughts I

  1. I talk to my friends two in particular always lift my spirits
  2. I look to my belief system (astrology) and check if I am going through a negative transit
  3. I listen to les Brown motivational speeches.

Actually right now I am in the midst of developing a course to help people achieve their goals using 4 techniques
(Emotional Detachment, Affirmations, Visualization & Concentration) once I have enough followers I will see if it helps people deal with negative people/situations. It’s partially based off of stoic philosophy and new age principles.

@humanearl keep going, man your one of my favorite steemians.

@remelsy please do well to keep me posted. I would love to take up that course.

Will do I’m thinking of it being a weekly series and for a set amount of time.

I'm all in, and i've followed you. Please just keep me posted. I'm sure i'll have a couple of steemians around who'd wanna take up too. Good luck Sir

You have a great idea. I love seeing people who want others to do well and uplift themselves.

Les Brown is a powerful speaker.


To withdraw from a low place, I will continue to rise and try to get out of the place that can not make us free to move, and continue to rise to reach the goal ..

I love that attitude.

My personal ways of getting rid of negative energy is taking the time to meditate for a couple minutes. Just focusing on your breath is doing wonders for me when I'm not focused or motivated. Reading is also a great means of turning negativity into something positive.

I need to pick my meditations back up again. When I did it, it helped me so much. Thanks for the input.

Yeah it's true. Another article of yours @humanearl that I learn. Mostly I can't concentrate whenever negative energy affects me. Thank you so much for sharing .. Keep inspiring others! 😇

I love to inspire and uplift others. Glad you like this.

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