Motivation Friday! A few reminders, have faith, don't be so timid.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Stop doubting so much


God has always been The One in control. He creates all things, all life comes from Him. We sometimes forget this and the world can at times seem overwhelming. Confidence in Him is confidence in yourself too. Stay the course . . .


People worry too much, what is worry but us trying to figure out how we're going to do something without God. Since when has that ever happened? Worrying isn't going to bring anything great into life, its not going to add anything better to our experience for life, in-fact it takes away from our peace. Don't worry, have faith, Trust in God. He knows what He's doing.


If you're struggling with God's timing perhaps you're in need of patience. Instead of asking for Him to bring you whatever you desire try asking for patience to love and enjoy the moment you're in. Trying to be somewhere other than where we are causing us to lose focus on the gift of the present. Be where you're at when you're there, its the key to true happiness.


Are things falling apart or are they falling into place? Life is always happening for us not to us. Shift your perspective a bit, God wants to bless you. Right now He's hoping you'll allow Him to do (get this part) what He always does. He's been creating life since before the beginning. Practice exercising your faith and belief. Focus on Him, look up child. It can all change in the blink of an eye.


Too often we give our troubles more consideration that we ott to. Magnify the solution, love is greater than fear. Have faith, put your trust in God. Have faith and just believe. God can and so can you because of Him. Your job is to love everything. Its all a gift, everything is created for life, our job is to enjoy the experience.

If you should find something missing just put your hands together and pray about it. Pray from a faithful position of already having what you're asking. Then just keep believing. If you truly need it it will be there. God says we can have all we need too. A fearbased view tends to see things from a place of lack. A faithful perspective always comes from a place of abundance. (Its how you see the world)

Thanks for reading, the upvote and the follow.
Happy Friday.
God bless you

James Martinez

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