Safeguard your heart, from them comes the life we experience.

in #life6 years ago


Often a limited perspective brings to life confusion. When one tries to figure out how their going to do something without God the tendency is to worry, sometimes even fear what they simply cannot understand. Over time such experiences form habits in the shape of doubt and when fully accepted a person can seem overwhelmed by even the littlest obstacle or the tiniest challenge.

The key is to not lose sight of who we are, we are children of God (all of us), capable of the most amazing things. The world and those of it try and paint a different picture. Don't forget how blessed we all are though. Don't forget each of us has the ability to bring to life anything we can believe onto faithfully and wholeheartedly.

God gave us a spirit of love and power not of fear or timidity. He said go forth and be fruitful, not worry and doubt over that which you cannot understand or over that which you don't yet know how to receive. He said have faith and believe onto Him, ask and it shall be given, pray and just believe.

When we desire something and don't yet know how to give us what we desire we can chose poorly in order to try and make life how we want it to be. That's not always the best thing. Check in with God, pray about everything. Then move accordingly.

Perhaps the biggest issue with such a lesson though is our hearts. Where are they? Are they soft, are they filled with love, do they desire Godly things, and are they pure? Knowing this reveals the truth of where we are in life. If you're one of the one's struggling with a pure heart I pray God blesses you greatly today.

Having faith and exercising it can seem challenging in this world. A hardened heart though can keep the best life just out of reach so stay faithful. If you've lost sight of The Way I remind you love is The Way. Get into quickly and rejoice with the gift. You are blessed. God loves you and wants to give us our hearts desires.

What's in them really matters. Fill it with more love. Fill it with compassion, with tender mercies. Ask God for His heart.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

Psalm 51:10-12

If you're struggling with anything I give you permission right now to let it go, to move forward, to get past your struggles. If you can't seem to forgive yourself of something, I forgive you and give you permission to forgive and be forgiven.

Sometimes pride and ego keeps us stuck in that painful position. Let go of fear, get into love.
Peace be with you.

Thanks for reading. I pray God blesses you greatly.
Happy Saturday,
God bless you I love you
James Martinez

James Martinez Ministries 2018 - Holy Bible .jpg

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