What other people think of you is none of your business

in #life8 years ago

I stopped arguing with people once I realized we can only reason from the level we are exposed to.

Let them call you crazy. They don't know what you know.

They are on their own journey. Trying to find their truth. You won't change their mind. Let it go.

Why bother? How does it affect you?

By thinking about it, you allow it to influence you.

They don't pay rent in your brain. Your mind. Kick them out.

Realize this. Everybody has their own problems. Thier own issues they struggle with. If you look at the world trough their eyes, it makes sense.

Quite sad. Makes me feel sorry for them. They were shaped by their experience. Upbringing. Their circle of influence. Their decisions.

Criticizing and complaining is easy.

If you complain all the time, where is the energy supposed to come from?

The energy you would need to change something.

It doesn't exist.

Wasted on negativity.

This concept exceeds the thought of not caring about what others think. A valid point as well.

It's your life. They don't really care, why should you?

Nobody is allowed to take away your freedom.

Don't engage in gossip. Respect advice or criticism but keep doing you.

Probably what I want to tell you here. Another random accumulation of thoughts.

Stay awesome and don't fail to create!


I used to always get into pointless arguments with people who instigated them by name calling and etc. Now when people try to provoke me, my response is a lot more calm because I realize that at the end of the day, like you said "They don't know what you know" because of this change in attitude I definitely feel a lot more productive and more energetic. All of that energy that I used to lose through arguing can be used for better causes. I realize now why the great sages meditated so intensely! Thanks for the great read!
~ Np

Honestly, I didn't like your title. I came in here to read what you wrote, because we're taught we always need to care how we're perceived. But I think that gets lost in translation.

We should try to be the best we can be, so we perceive ourselves well first and foremost, and most likely, so will others.

...after reading your post, which is very inspiring and true... I do agree with you. Sometimes we need these things to be said to remind us where we should be focusing our energy.

Very nice!

I think I'd suggest a title of:

"Don't make what other people think of you, your principal business. It's wasted energy"

But alas, as you said, don't care what I think. You're doing well on your own. :)

Thanks for making this post. It's stuff like this I read on steemit that make everything I do on here worthwhile.

Thanks for your honesty, I appreciate it.

Exactly. There is no point in stressing about what everybody else thinks. They have a lot more problems than we realize, so why should we seek their approval or get down because of their opinion.

I had to go through CBT to realise this.

I like this so true. Thanks

Good stuff here @ikigai. I am a huge believer that we are products of our environment to the fullest. That means we are shaped by both of physical and mental surroundings. I believe this is part of the reason why meditation is so prevalent in history, it plays a huge role in getting ahold of ones mental and forcing it to a more positive place. As you pointed out, sadly the world is a bad/sad place. If you focus on the negativity then it will surely manafest, and if you focus the positive energy then you can only influence those around you majorly in a positive way. I love posts like this, keep it up!

It gets reinforced by the media. They report almost only bad news.
So, you have to stand guard at the gates of your mind. Determine what is allowed to influence you and push your thoughts in the right direction.
Thank you!

I guess there is a difference between arguing, and debating. Having someone take a contrary position to you however isn't always a bad thing. It's intellectually stimulating. Suppose we never engaged in really listening to someone's criticism's of us, we may never become the best version of ourselves.

A simple example would be, how parents will argue with you, but will do so not because they "Don't really care" but probably because they care too much.

Yes. Debating or engaging in mental battles is a positive thing. If your conversation partner happens to be a rational, tolerant human being that isn't attached to his world view as being the only true one. I agree.

Like you said, they tend to care too much. Not a bad thing. But in certain situations, you might have a better judgement of what you want to do and what's possible in this life.
You should always respect other people's advice and listen to it. But don't let it shape how you perceive yourself.

There's a fine line between the helping judgement of other people to become self-aware and then being self-aware enough to know when other people are wrong.

I think there are certain degrees of "caring" about what other people think. If the person "judging" me is a good, smart person - someone that is a benefit to society; I care what they think. On the other side, if the person judging me is a classless human with terrible people skills, I don't give it the time of day in my mind. You have to consider the source that is making these judgements. But yes, in the end, you are the judge of yourself that should count the most.

The trick is to hear the voice in your head that does care about what people think, listen, smile and carry on anyway. It will always be there in the background. Just be present in what you are doing and it shuts up. Cheers

"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality." - Les Brown
So Fcking True

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