It would seem your lad here is back on the horse!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


It's been some years since I've last posted here, mainly due to bad decisions like:

  1. Chasing a girl instead of finishing college
  2. Running to a city for said girl, that held no future for my profession.
  3. Getting cheated on said girl, and stayed like a stupid asshole

Reason I'm making this post now, is because I'm finally on the right track after quite the adventure. And I want you all to know...

El Paso Downtown.jpg

It started in El Paso, TX where I was going to college for Computer Engineering. I started my own company even, called The Blaze Team, where we built full stack websites and software's for Mom&Pop shops that never even dreamed they could have. Mainly because of money, of course. A lot of the poorer shops were struggling with competing with the wave of corporate companies that were saturating the culture that El Paso had to offer. It began with a project from college to help my community out where I could, and since I knew how to develop websites, I turned it into a business without even thinking about it. Before you knew it, my business grew by word of mouth and other students a like began asking for work. It was a beautiful start to a great future in tech that I threw away. Now i'm sure you're thinking "WTF bro?! What were you thinking? Over a girl?! Why?!" To my reply, I was thinking with the wrong head. I figured if I could make it work in a non-tech city like El Paso, I could make it anywhere. And as my past and present has showed me, it's true. I have always persevered through adversity, but even I will admit, I fucked up this time.

I packed up my things into a Uhaul with this girl and off we went to Ohio to start a new life together.


I got to meet her father(Who lied when he said he had a job waiting for me when I got there), and her step-mother upon arriving. We moved in with them, and that's when the shady parts of this girl began showing. She would become distant and I would find her flipping her phone away every time I walked into a room. Her step-mother warned me of how when she tried living with them before, she started becoming a "whore" by sleeping with tons of men. (Mothers words). Needless to say, I felt devastated and hurt that I didn't know that this girl had that side to her. Yet, no! That was the old her. That's not the same girl I'm with. She would never do this to me... Bahaha Such a loser, I was.

It wasn't even a week, till I woke up from an ugly dream of her cheating, I decided to check her phone, only to find some gut wrenching text messages to her ex talking about "When I see you, what are you going to do to me?"... Etc. I was fucking devastated! Fuck me, how could I of thrown myself in a situation with this girl leaving me beyond vulnerable. I was in a foreign land with no job, no car, and dog and a cheating GF.


To anyone who has been cheated on, you all know, it fucking sucks. Now imagine living and depending on her parents to not throw you out if you start any issues with their daughter and make the home feeling uncomfortable with accusations, arguing and fights. Needless to say, I needed out of this bitch, so I put that fire I've always had under my ass and hit the ground running till I found a job in jogging distance at Nike as a sales rep at one of their outlet locations. I continued to let her do her thing, drawing more and more distant as the days went on, until even she felt her loosening grasp on me and declared how I always wanted to be out of the house. She began trying to create issues talking how I might be cheating to her parents, thus making my time there growing closer and closer to the end. Time was ticking, I had about $800 saved but it wasn't enough.

I decided to talk to a person I had met online who lived in Boston, MA and portrayed to be my friend. She claimed to of known about and was actively investing cryptocurrency, same as I. That's what got our conversation going. I told her of my situation and she listened and said that If I could trust her and give me the $800, she could show me how she would invest it, and together we could make some money together, If I was ready to make the jump to Boston. Now before I continue... I know what you're thinking... "Don't do it, you fool! You've never met her in person and she asks you to send her money to flip when you can do it yourself, since you claim to know about short term cryptocurrency investments. Don't Do It!" I get it... But I was about to be homeless and was desperate to stop living in this depressive state that only proceeded to show my inevitable decline in life. So? I did it. Desperately, I handed over my $800. I confronted my GF of the messages I found, she denied it and yelled up a storm telling me to get the fuck out, and It was this feeling of desperation I contemplated suicide.


I felt stuck with no options and on the borderline of losing everything I had once built. The dreams I held so high were built with sand, because as the waves of adversity came by over and over, I could see my castle withering away. Fuck me, I.... *Ding! A Notification Rang...

This friend from Boston came through, but not with the flipped money, but a plane ticket to Boston, MA. I didn't even think of the money at that time. It was a way out of a darkening tunnel. I packed up two bags and found my way to the airport leaving my things behind with my dog under the watch of the girls step mother, and off I went to a new land and new sense of a dream.... Boston, MA.

My Boston.jpg

Awaiting my departure at the Ohio airport, I felt a weight off my shoulders....


However, I wasn't done yet... What about my money and what I was owed?! Sure I was on my way to Boston, but surely I knew no one and had no money for a hotel. All I had was a choice out of a crumbling position... I messaged Jamie(friend with my money), and she told me to meet her at her place the moment I landed. So, after landing, I found the subway system and made my way to her, only to find her and her Girlfriend partying. I mean, after all, it was the Superbowl. So I didn't pester her for the money as much, but when I did ask her, she mentioned it was in a bank account, and we'd grab it the next morning. Fine...

Next morning, she took me drinking and I crashed at her place, so nothing productive happened...

Next day, she said she had to work but sent me a little money via cash app and told me to go explore the city. Try out pubs and restaurants. "Go out and check out your new home", she said. So I did. I explored...

Next day, her girlfriend began asking where I was going to stay, vs. crashing on their couch. Lost I told her how I thought Jamie was going to deliver the flipped money she promised and I would go from there. Now both of us confused, tensions arose. She questioned Jamie about what's going on and I did the same, to Jamies reply, "Tomorrow, we'll get you situated."

Next day, she got me an Airbnb for a week and every day after that It was something else as to why we couldn't get the money or why we had to wait. With doubt creeping in the longer I waited in limbo.

Next week, same thing...

Next week, I'm beginning to get frustrated and believing she conned me.... but If she conned me, why even fly me out to Boston and get me an Airbnb?!?! *Confused...

Next week, Funds are close to being depleted and within a few days, I would officially be homeless... I found myself at an Airbnb that these Romanians ran as a hostel and met another tenant who showed me a temp agency to make some extra money, so I did it. Every day, making minimum wage and long hours, but a little income to cover my nights and a little saving.


This proceeded on till one of the Romanians, who ran a moving company, offered work for better pay than what I was making, so being ex military, I was not afraid. I jumped on the offer and little by little started making a come back on my own regard. Jamies excuses continued and I had lost hope of ever seeing that money again. But that did not matter... I was making better money than Ohio or the temp agency, so I felt higher... finally.


I kept moving for almost a year. Got my own place. Bought a vehicle. And had a little savings to finally entertain getting back into the tech world as a software developer, so I took a little time off to buy a laptop again and begin coding. I WAS BACK!... My search continued, but nothing came....I began depleting my savings until I called upon another moving company to keep the money coming in, and stayed with them for maybe another 5 months. It was in this time that I decided to try Tinder and found a girl named Tisa who, coincidentally, was a full stack developer and was milestones ahead of me in knowledge in her career in tech. She was easily the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, to be honest. First date we went on, she had me absolutely stunned in absolute awe. I was memorized by her mere gaze... Like WTF... I'm not trying to sound all gooey and gaga, but god damn, I would never miss her in a line -up. Our first date acted more as friends hanging out and with this casual approach, it forever changed the dynamics that would stick with us moving forward...


Things began going great! Until working within moving began to start hurting my body with near hernias. I knew my time moving was coming short, but what would I do? When the moving stops, so would the income.... Was I ready to stop moving to pursue a development career, just yet? Would we last as a couple? Should I be vulnerable to let her take care of me till I find a job? Fuck... What if she leaves me and I'm in the same damn boat as Ohio?! Fuck Me... I need money... and...*Ding Came a notification from my boss saying a long distance trip to Tennessee was coming up and if I wanted it. (Since My time in Boston, the family that was watching my dog and the rest of my items, had since moved to Tennessee.)

This was my chance to get my dog back, and make enough money for a few months of rent and keep the girl... You know what? It's time...

I knocked that job out, came back, and quit... I began applying to every tech company in Boston with Tisa applying to even more for me. Fuckin lucky lad, if you ask me...Well, It's been a little over a year now since I've come to Boston and I have still yet to see Jamies money, but fuck it.


  1. I just got Hired with a company doing front-end development getting paid $70,000 a year starting.
  2. I got the Dog
  3. I have a Girl whos had my back since we started and I see my future well set with her
  4. I found better friends
  5. I've come from the bottom to be the man many will see more of today. ...


...To all those who feel they can't make it or life is condemned from the start, I tell you to take a walk... listen to music... and never keep that fire within you burning... Because nobody is gonna get you places except you... Feel free to message me and I will be that friend I wish I had when I was down. Thank you all for reading, and vote-up? and share? (Expect more posts from me.)

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