A Texas Couple Tips Their Waitress With A Car!

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

This is a perfect story for a Sunday. I love it when things like this happen because I've long dreamed of being able to do such things myself.

In Galveston, Texas a couple ate breakfast at a Denny's and learned that their waitress was walking 14 MILES to work everyday, and then back home. It was taking her 4.5 Hours each way!


Obviously she didn't have family or friends who could help her out with rides so she was doing what she had to do to pay the bills.

Well, when the couple, who asked that their names not be used, got finished with breakfast they went straight to a local car dealership and bought a 2011 Nissan Sentra for their server and drove it back to Denny's.

They asked the girl if she could step outside for a second and they handed her the car keys when they showed her the car. Of course, the girl was a little bit overcome with emotion!

Here she is with her "new" car:


The only thing the couple asked of her was that she also pay it forward when she could afford to and you can bet your britches she sure will.

This is a pretty nice looking car too, I mean it ain't no beater!


And here's the wife of the sweet couple who gifted her the car, she was thrilled to be in a position where they could give someone who was working so hard, a hand up:


They didn't say how much they spent of course, from what I could find of 2011 Sentra's in Texas they were all over 5 grand. So I've heard of celebrities leaving $1,000 tips to servers but I've never heard of them leaving a tip of this value.

But then, we like to do things big in Texas.


Would you guys do something like this if you had the money? I sure would.

Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!

PS- Speaking of old beaters, check out this redneck repair job. Your bumper and front end gets ripped off? No problem. We'll just fix it our own selves. Even got matchin paint. Kind of. lol.






I love stories like this - I am the perfect candidate to win the lotto, because I will just help people and even more animals. My husband says I will be broke again within a year of giving money away, but jeez I would have so much fun doing it haha

lol! I know what you mean, Mrs. J. would definitely have to monitor my philanthropic style if I won the lottery! I think all rich people should be doing things like this. lol.

I saw an advert at our Makro -(almost like a wallmart here) advertising a bottle of brandy for R375 000 and you get a discount of R150 000. How do you sleep at night if you know you spend money like that but there are so many people and animals on the streets. No I know some rich people who are awesome and then we have those who think they are the centre of the Universe. So sad

Very true and sad indeed. Of the rich people I've come across, most of them have been very stingy and greedy and would never consider helping anyone!

A good story...I wonder how many people do things like this, or of a similar nature, but it never makes the news or social media. Rather it just happens and never get's promoted as good news. Still, we live in a world where it seems people need validation, even rich ones.

Struck me as funny, they didn't want their names divulged but she's happy to have a close up photo published.

Like they say everyone has a twin walking around they don't know about, with millions of people probably more than one. A photo without a name can belong to anyone of them whereas a photo with a name can locate you and provide you to be a target of the ill minded in this world.

I think things like this happen alot, or maybe I'm just hoping they do! lol. I think most would actually maintain their anonymity and not go on tv about it! I'm a sucker for good news.

In fact, I just found and bookmarked the site: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/ to see if they've got great GOOD news stories. I'm tired of all the bad news, I don't watch much tv news. I think we could use more encouraging stories.

If you were rich would you do something like this? This girl is saving up to go to college so she has ambition.

I tend to be quite generous by nature, with time, knowledge, support and sometimes money. The recipient needs to deserve it though. I'm no Mother Teresa though, far from it - Just a regular dude who likes to help people. Yes, if I was wealthy I would be quite philanthropic I think.

We don't want h the news, nothing but propaganda and fear-mongering.

Howdy again today sir galenkp! Yes, the news is very depressing and I don't know anything about your mainstream media down there but up here I'm sure you know their agendas. Gotta know who owns the companies so you can determin if it's worth watching or not.

I'd be the ultimate philanthropist. Mrs. J would have to keep me in check!

I am quite generous, but also value those who don't wait for handouts. I like proactivity, effort and ownership as a means to gain reward and so rather than handing someone some money I'd rather set up something that offers them sustainable income. Sort of like the "teach a man to fish" ethos.

Yeah me too, welfare doesn't work.

Seems more and more have their hand out these days though. Is it the same up there? What's unemployment like?

Well unemployment in Texas is almost unheard of because we're in such an economic boom and nationwide it's low, 3 something percent. But yes the entitlement mentality of the youth is just disgusting!

In real estate we talked to small business owners all the time and they all said the same thing..they couldn't find any young workers who wanted to work and none of them had a work ethic to begin with.

They DID expect to earn big wages just for showing up though. IF they showed up.

Amazing kindness💗

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy jenina619! I agree, I think they are a great role model. All rich people should be doing this kind of thing! lol.

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Howdy esteemapp!thanks for the awesome platform and for the upvote!

You continually amaze find these odd photos...I think that person went beyond redneck....lol.

lol! I think they might have!

Evenin’ Cowboy! I would love to have the resources to be a Santa like that couple.

What a lovely generous gift to someone who desperately needed transportation. I hope she was able to drive and had a license.

Yes she did, she was saving for a car but now she is saving for college. I agree with you, I think that would be so much fun!

Great story and extremely hilarious additional ending. You never disappoint! What a wonderful gift you have.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well howdy coquiunlimited! Good to see you and thank you so much, I'm very touched, that means alot. God bless you!

I guess my point was that they wanted anonymity, but were happy to pose for a photo. Seems a little contradictory.

In relation to anonymity...

whereas a photo with a name can locate you and provide you to be a target of the ill minded in this world.

Anyone can be found, no matter how much effort they put into hiding themselves behind user names and keyboards etc. One just needs to know how.

Howdy sir galenkp! I was a little amused at that too, they didn't want their names mentioned but they went on tv to talk about it! lol. Agree about the anonymity of course.

Just seems a bit silly to do so right? Make a magnanimous gesture, want to do it anonymously...But get on TV and talk about it. Hmm... 😟 So humble.

lol! Yes, total agreement. I think the story would have been much better if they had purchased the car for her and then had the car dealership call her and say that someone bought her the car and it was out front with the keys in it, that would be a total mystery for her!

Exactly! We think alike.

You know everything in Texas is bigger even tips apparently.

Posted using Partiko Android

lol..alot of things are that's for sure. Especially egos. But not in this case!

I would have bought her a bicycle;)

lol! Even if you were rich? That's funny! Hey that would be better than walking, you do alot of that don't you?

It's my experience that the more people have, the less likely they are to want to part with any of it.
A friend of mine used to work for Irish telecom fitting phones in houses. If he was working on the north side of the city (poor) he's be lucky to get out without at least his breakfast, dinner and tea as well as the price of a pint. If he was southside (well to do) they'd follow him around making sure he didn't nick anything but they'd never ask him had he a mouth on him atall.

Ha! yes that sounds about right. It's very true, some of the richest people are the biggest tightwads in the world! Let's get rich and bust that stereotype.

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