How To Motivate Yourself To Capture Great Images!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I am determined to bring over to STEEMIT as many new artist to the site from other social media platforms as I can possibly wrangle in with post like these.

Cameras have become very convenient to use, between apps that stitch panoramic or HDR photos in camera to apps that can publish photos from your cell phone camera directly to social media feeds. Even the most basic point and shoot cameras have some amazing features. Modest cameras selling for under $200 are jammed packed with all kinds of technological goodies to make photographic eye candy possible for the amateur photographer.

So where are all the great photographers and amazing images we're supposed to be seeing from all the glimmering generalities featured in the average camera anybody can afford nowadays? This brings me to my next topic of how to motivate yourself to capture great images once you buy yourself that dream setup you've always wanted.


It is not obvious how sometimes the most simple images are in actuality some of the most complicated or difficult to capture.

Good photography is about timing as well as dedication to the pursuit of capturing the finest quality image the mind can achieve with the tools provided to a given photographer. Acquiring a Press Pass to a concert one month before the show or going out on the road to an exotic destination or traveling to a Frozen wilderness paradise is not something that is easily afforded on the average workers salary more then once or twice a year. Just the time it takes to get away from one's job to have the luxury to be able to capture images and execute proper post-processing color treatment for photos requires a serious commitment of time and a very sharp eye to distinguish between tones, composition and several other important elements like color balance and cropping.

Getting out of bed Before Sunrise to get to a location and capture a photo or hustling through traffic to get to an ideal Sunset spot sounds easy enough to do, try motivating yourself to get out of bed on the exact morning the elements you require for the perfect photo are going to happen. When regular life kicks in and all the obligations and responsibilities of a normal person's world are at hand, getting to a concert to get that photograph of an artist you love or making it to the botanical gardens to capture photographs of insects are not always easy to do with our busy schedule's.

The bottom line is there is no easy to motivate yourself beyond the obvious. Scheduling to go on a photoshoot when there is free time and sticking to the schedule is a good way to motivate yourself to follow through with a shoot regardless of how you're feeling about going to do the work when it actually comes time to setting out on your journey.

When you thought about buying a camera and dropping a few hundred bucks on a system you figured would have the features you need to best capture the kind images you like to see, I hope you didn't think that all those images would be captured from the passenger seat of a car or the balcony of an apartment building. Getting out and exploring the world is one of the main reasons photography is such an amazing past time, because getting to experience the journey is half the fun of actually getting to capture the photograph as demonstrated by the photographers I have chosen to highlight in the newest series of images I have curated for this post. In other words there is no magic bullet or perfect pill to take to help motivate oneself to exercise photography as often as possible other than to recognize that photography is many hours of hard work and dedication as previously mentioned, with the right attitude and approach to photography, amazing images become possible to capture.

Meet Brian Krip!


When I first approached Brian to do an entry for this blog Brian seemed genuinely surprised I was considering his photos as a possibility for my entry and Brian actually mentioned " I am skeptical this is not some kind of bizarre scam" Brian describes himself as a "hobbyist" photographer and thought it was odd I would want his work on one of my posts. From my perspective when I was just a hobbyist photographer, my photographs weren't half as good as Brian's are and it wasn't until I spent a lot of energy over many years learning the art and skill of photography before I was able to exercise this level of skill and light and color control in my images from Brian's collection. I consider Brian to be very modest and humble new comer on the photography scene, I am grateful for a chance to be able to share Brian's work with the Steemit community and introduce Mr Krip to the site.


Brian's style is very natural and organic with Rich colors and fantastic composition. Brian's photography seems to focus on ambient landscape images which are perfectly set and properly framed.

Although Brian's collection is very short, I still wanted to add Brian's images to my post as I felt the quality of the images for a so-called hobbyist as Brian calls himself, are top quality from my perspective. I look forward to seeing the curve of Brian's creation in relation to photography as Brian's collection develops over the years.




Meet Christopher Soukup!

Christopher says he's looking for comments and constructive criticism for his work on his Flickr profile page. Looking over Christopher's portfolio it is a challenge to find any kind of criticism worth mentioning.


Christopher's images have a perfect blend of light and composition as well as tones and and contrast bringing together fantastic images that remind me of looking at stills from a movie shoot. The kind of Stills that are used for the covers of movies or taken by the set photographer during a movie shoot that we get to see in profiles of how the movie was made after the fact.


Christopher's photograph collection consist of stunning black and white images that have fantastic detail and excellent tones.

The color images presented in Christopher's photo collection look like still photographs from a movie shoot, the moments and the subject seem to be perfectly placed the way one would expect to see from still images taken on the set a Hollywood film with an expensive budget.





Meet Daniel Parent!

Daniel Parent is an amazing wildlife photographer who's portfolio has to be seen to be appreciated.


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the texture in the photography presented by Daniel is truly remarkable and when looking at some of the images it's as if you can reach out and touch the fur on one some of the animals being photographed. The point of focus and the quality of the detail in the portfolio Daniel presents are a great example of what motivation can accomplish when goals are properly set.



It's pretty obvious from the collection of photographs presented, Daniel loves to get up close and personal with some of the subjects in his photos. I can only imagine what it must have been like for Daniel to be out on location staring down the barrel of a camera looking at three wolves through the lens of his camera, what kind of a rush that feeling must have been. Anyone who has ever tried to capture a photograph of their pet knows how hard animal can be to work with let alone animals from out in the wild.

Cheers to photographer Daniel Parent and his amazing portfolio of wildlife images you should check out if you have a chance.





I appreciate the above three mentioned photographers for allowing me to blog about there portfolio and share some of their work. I look forward to seeing these photographers on Steemit should they discover as most of us have how fantastic and supportive the Steemit community can be towards comunity artist and content creators alike.

I want to take a second to thank you for checking out this post and I look forward to reading the feedback as usual as do the photographers who's images I've shared on this post.

What is your favorite image from this series?

As a photographers what motivates you to get out into the field and capture images?

Do you have an idea for a future photography topic you would like to see me cover?

Written by STEEMIT user: Jazmin Million


Well done .. inspiring
Amazing talents
Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for the introduction
These pictures are beautiful
It's really wonderful, beautiful and amazing

Beautiful. The colors look stunning.

This comment has received a 0.44 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @steem69.

for me, all 3 photographers have their own style and my personal favorite on this blog is Brian, it's just my personal taste in photography.
a big thumbs up and a resteem from my side @jazminmillion to support your work. cheers...

I'll do the same @jazminmillion (resteemit)

Love you all carry on go ahed

Woah love these pictures man the one I enjoyed the most was the one with the wolves so cute!
I used to be really into photography and I am looking to get back in to it as I live in a beautiful country (Scotland).
Maybe someday you will see some of my photos on here :)

Those are magical creatures. Amazing photos.

Wow, all three of those profiles have extraordinary photographs represented.

Incredible for so called "amateurs".

I agree on the topic of this post. You got to commit yourself to going out and finding the perfect shot. Nothing in life will simply fall into your lap besides debt.

Flying the drone in unique environments, trying to create different angles of perspective not found on the ground, and using the color enhancing tech on-board already, I do my best. Perhaps a bit of research into those things you mention above, the post processing color treatment and different parameters used to describe a photo will help me become a bit more, "professional".

Great photos... My favorite would be the fourth photo, of the Golden Gate bridge being enveloped by fog, by Brian Krip.

What a Neat use of a DRONE !

And I agree w/ you on performing Research (both of Technique, & also research of the Subject ) - the more, the better [for INSIGHT into yr subject ]

Thank you! If you think so, come check out blog at your own will, lots of different aerials.

These pictures are captivating. No need to meet the photographers personally, just by looking their works we can tell that they are professionals on their own styles. I can't find words to describe the pictures. I salute them for being so creative. Their techniques are superb and truly remarkable. Are these copyrighted? Im planing to change my cover image. Ha,ha,ha. Steem more pictures friends!!

Great post very well explained. Upvote and Follow you so that I never missed a post from you.

Request you to be a part of Noble cause, please visit our blog @beinghuman.steem this blog is created to help poor children. Do share your opinion once you visit and please try to be a part of it. Thanks

I followed your page and the keep up the work you are doing!

Thanks @jazminmillion, if possible please be a helping hand for @beinghuman.steem so that I can brinh smile on more innocent faces.

Some photographers are not world popular by their names. But their photos worth to Billions. I just found in this post.

Brian , Christopher and Daniel.

Waiting for more photos like these. @jazminmillion

These are true words!! Thank you for all the time you spent in writing this post :-)

I also wrote an entry about my motivation to study and keep on photographing, maybe someone wants to check it out :-) :

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