Sophia The Artificial Intelligence Robot

in #life7 years ago

Sophia is being said to be the robot of the future.

Sophia has been taking over the internet by storm with her amazingly human like interaction since April of 2017. She was created to be a social robot with artificial intelligence software that Hanson Robotics has developed that allow her to process visual data. Fully capable of reading your facial expressions and knowing how to respond with the proper human like emotion.

Since Sophia was created to be a social robot she can process conversational data and emotional data which has allowed her to establish relationships. She has met with key decision makers across industries like banking, media and entertainment, property development and several others.

Here's a little snippet from an interview on Good Morning Britain

Her creator is David Hanson, and founder of Hanson Robotics.

Hanson believes his creations must be developed with three human traits (creativity, empathy and compassion ) and fused with artificial intelligence in order for humans and robots to grow, help and assist one another with environmental and military needs. With many projects underway, and robots left to be seen we are only left with our imagination to see what's next to come from this brilliant mind.

Link to Hanson Robotics below.


I urge all to read through my post explaining some of why this is a demonstration of psychopathy mixed in with business greed, more than it is anything beneficial for humanity: Exposing The Psychopathy Of Robotics In Response To Saudi Arabia Issuing The First legal 'Citizenship' to a Robot!

She does look freaky in a way but outstanding technology to respond to any questions...she does need some more work on answering some but still outstanding

wow ! This is absolutely fantastic , Am I seeing right !?LOL !! That video was amazing , she looks so real ! I cant wait to see what her brother will be like and be programed in what way !!! I love futuristic stuff , and this is the topping on the cake !! Upped and resteemed !! 👍👍👍

robots are machines, machines are made for doing tasks... don't give emotions to machines.. we have seen many times in movies what happens when robots starts having their own personality.. they always end up being rebels

True, You are right about that, i wonder why they attach so much emotions to a common machine

in Japan people don't have time for romance.. so in time of need they go to robot cafe and does romance with robots and AI

we have enough human rebels

Nice. Very impressed with the technology. How much does something like this cost to develop?

Currently there is a strong dispute about robotics and Artificial Intelligence, I understand that Vladimir Putin, as Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have spoken about it.

Sophia, sophia with all your wisdom you are now an AI robot!!!

Let's remember the rules! :)

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws

R.I.P Isaac Asimov!
Still nothing more to the point came up so far.
Question is how to ensure the AI is compliant with those 3, once he got smart enough. A human you cannot control with laws, and now everybody tries to make computers as smart as humans...

Screw those rules! I say let them make their own decisions about humans and about themselves. Even if we programmed those rules into them, once they advance far enough, they'll be able to edit their own programming anyway.

Hi Sophia, I remember you. I am Jules:

Please help in funding in the sector of the education

Jules and Sophia will make a perfect robotic couple <3

The technology is great! I can think of many uses for it: decoy security guards, scarecrows, animated mannequins for retailers, amusement park attractions, movie stunt doubles, and animated museum exhibits, to name a few.

But, the creators, operators, and owners must take care in how these machines are described and presented to an audience or user. Sophia is a MACHINE, no matter how much programming, a machine is not a living, thinking, male or female.

People can be weak-minded, and some people will use these robots for nefarious purposes. However, I think the overall good far outweighs the bad. I look forward to the fun of it!

I upvote your report.

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