Growing A Cannabis Plant (The Whole Experience)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We have all been there. Either you thought about growing your own plant or you actually grew your own plant. Growing plants in places that haven't legalized marijuana is very dangerous and highly illegal. Fo the people that live where it is legal, it is perfectly fine! With that being said, there was this one time I decided I wanted to try and grow a plant. Here is my story.

It all started with a beautiful little nugget. I had been through too many strands to keep count, but this goodness. It was called BB King. B.B. King, named in honor of the Blues musician and songwriter, is an insanely fruity indica strain that is a cross strand of Blackberry Kush and Space Monster. It had gorgeous dark purple-tipped flowers, highlighting its contrasting blanket of white crystal resin. The smell and taste is oh so sweet and it has the richest earthy flavor. It was also extremely sticky to the touch. When I inhaled this beautiful, fluffy gift, I was instantly overcome with a state of well being and comfort. I had both body and mind, deep relaxation. After breaking through the nug, to my surprise, I discovered one little seed! I had never found a seed in really good bud. I thought it was the most amazing thing.

The next day I told my supply that I had found a seed and was thinking of trying to grow it. He informed me if I was going to do it that i should attempt with more than one seed. He gave me two seeds that he had been saving. One was BB King like mine and the other was Girl Scout Cookies. So now I had 3 awesome seeds. I decided I was going to do this.

My first step was germination. I took the three seeds and wrapped them in a damp paper towel. I then wrapped tinfoil around the paper towel and stuck the package in my dresser drawer. I knew it had to sit in a dark place to sprout so I left it there for three days. I returned to my package three days later and to my surprise all the seeds had little sprouts coming out! I took all three seeds and put them about a half finger length into some soil. I had a little white light, nothing special to start the process. After about a week, I started to see some greenery popping up! My light schedule was 12 hours of light and 12 hours of no light for the first few weeks. The plants started growing taller and taller and I needed somewhere to keep them.

I decided to build a grow room in one of my closets. I lined the entire closet with foil so that the light could reflect all around. I took the filter for a fish tank and had it bubbling in a big plastic tub of water, my own hydro system. I moved to a much bigger light and transferred the plants to three separate, bigger pots. I didn't document any of that part, I didn't want anyone to know and I didn't want to slip up and show off pictures. I kid you not, the plants got so big. They filled the entire closet. This is the closest image I could find to what they looked like.

They were all three this big. They were literally bulging out of the closet. I would go in there every single day with a spray bottle and slowly spray every single leaf. I would blow smoke on them and even play music for them. I think all of the love I showed them helped them grow bigger and faster! I figured out pretty early on that I had two females and one male. Most people would take the male away form the females, but I wanted the male to pollenate the females. I had a BB King male and 1 BB King female and 1 Girl Scout female. I wanted to get seeds with a BB King and Girl Scout cross strand!

Long story short, I let the male grow as long as the two females. Yes, it pollenated and yes both females had seeds. I didn't get as much bud as I hoped for, but I literally got 100+ seeds of the cross strand. I hung all the bud out to dry and cut the male and the rest of the females up into tiny pieces. I cooked all of that and made brownies out of it. There is no shame in my game, I made edibles out of all those left over plants! They worked perfectly too. They tasted danky and were very strong. I actually gave all of my friends from college free brownies and we all enjoyed them together.

When the plants were all done drying and what not, I got to do the fun part. I sat there with some tiny scissors and trimmed every single bud exactly how I wanted it. The smell was so awesome and they were so sticky. Even though there were seeds, the bud was still beautiful! Bright purple leaves just like the bud I started with. After I trimmed it all up, I stuck them in jars and just let it sit for a week or two. When I returned to try a sample, the smell was amazing. They had dankened up nicely and were even more sticky.

I didn't sale any of it. I ended up with about 3 ounces all to myself. It lasted quite a while because I am a very light smoker. The entire experience was awesome. Even though they seeded, I grew three perfect plants. They were so healthy and as green as could be. Will I ever do it again? Probably not. But at least I got to do the entire process and I got it right the very first try. Sorry if I left small details out like light schedules, watering methods and what not. I just wanted to share the experience, not really the steps. There are plenty of tutorials on how to grow. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the read! If you ever get the chance to grow your own, do it. It is so much fun and it is amazing to watch a little seeds grow into something so beautiful and pure. Lots of love and positive energy to you all. Peace! Don't forget to follow me!



Whether you grow your own food or your own weed, it's always more satisfying to grow your own, and you have much more control over the product.

So true! It comes with such a feeling of accomplishment haha.

Oh my, GSC x BBK would be a dream cross. Glad to hear the bud was good even though it pollinated.

I have plenty of seeds :)

I've never smoked weed in my life, but reading this article made me want to try my hand at growing it! haha

Go for it! You don't have to smoke it.. cook it and eat it :)

If I ever did this, cooking is probably the way I would go. I've smoked cigars and taken a couple of drags off a cigarette in the past.... not really my thing.

See I smoke bud but cigs and cigars are terrible.

I actually don't mind cigars but I think the smell is a lot nicer than the taste. And after a few drags my mouth gets hot, sticky and tastes gross.

I grew 30 in one grow in Colorado when I lived there. You were right to love them, it helps. You inspired my next story too. 😊👍❤

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