3 Emotions that make us successful

in #life6 years ago

The psychologist David DeSteno explained that the power of will won’t contribute to achieving our goals on the long term, and he said that the real secret for success is in our emotions.

Power of will sometimes fails, but there are other ways to obtain great results. For example, you can cultivate positive emotions. They will help see our day by day actions in a long term perspective.


More than that, emotions have 3 advantages that power of will doesn’t have: their power never ends, immediate recompense can’t “lie” to them and they improve the quality of solutions in different spheres of life.

These are the 3 emotions that will help you achieve your goals.


Gratefulness makes us more stubborn, and unlike power of will, it doesn’t requires effort because we get pleasure out of it ourselves.

In order to increase your level of gratefulness, you could keep a journal in which you have to write down the things you’re thankful for and analyze them. It’s enough if you do this 2-3 times a week.


If gratefulness results from knowing that others gave us something valuable, compassion is the care we have for others or for ourselves without receiving a reward.

A great way to develop compassion is to practice meditation techniques that focus on compassion and self-compassion.

Others activities that might help are activities that make you work with others, like dancing, singing in a choir or doing synchronized swimming.


Pride is a normal reaction you have when you reach your goals or when others notice your results. At the base of pride, there’s our wish to improve our position in groups.

Those who are proud of themselves are more likely to achieve their goals and be successful. It helps us work harder to solve difficult problems.

Also, studies have shown that those who feel pride are going to appreciate more the future rewards.

In order to start feeling proud of yourself, you have to understand that you’re learning from your mistakes and that your efforts are worth it.

Gratefulness, compassion and pride are the ones that help us achieve our goals and they improve our social interactions, which make us happier and successful.

They make us act for others, but also act for our self future.


My name is Farcas Ionut. I am a young entrepreneur, 21 years old, living in Bucharest (I hate Bucharest) and going to university only to lose my time. (my parents wish.)

I am a blockchain enthusiast, ethereum being my favourite. I am holding some coins & tokens. I am trading when I am in the mood & obviously when I need more money.

My passion is social media marketing. I don't like numbers, I don't care about quantity, but about quality.(less when it comes to crypto) I like creating relationships, talking with people, strangers. I like being updated with all kind of news.

I joined Steemit in June 2017. I started with 0 Steem Power. I worked hard to be visible here. I knew it's a long way but I did it. Steemit is paying now my rent & the other taxes.

I can't wait to finish my studies. I will be free from all points of view. Probably I will tattoo the Ethereum logo on my hand soon, or maybe on my big nose.

And this is me while my girlfriend is shopping.


-Thanks, @jwolf-


These three emotions are really important. But I think we should watch out for pride because an excess of it can destroy everything we have worked for.

Like they say, pride goes before a fall

Yes, pride is good, but only in 10% of the situations

Reason I try to be as positive as possible. Emotions build and break us.

compassion is the great emotion its mean to suffer together ."research has shown that when we feel compassion, our heart rate slows down, we secrete the “bonding hormone” oxytocin, and regions of the brain linked to empathy and care giving which often results in our wanting to care for other people.it gives us satisfaction .gratefulness is too much effective and positive thinking.Pride is good but not much.Thanks for pointing out these emotions ,its good if we do care of these

Thank you also for commenting and for reading my post!

you are welcome

Sometimes emotion can happy......sometimes emotion can unhappy....very nice analysis about emotion.....upvote done.... @jwolf

Oh nice post! Thanks for this! God bless you though :)

friend you get good art

Emotions can make or mar us. This has added to my knowledge base. Please keep it up and give us more.

One can ignite the desire to win in many ways but the way that lead to the goal would surely pass through the emotions . The greater one can control and inculcate good emotions the faster one can reach the summit . Wise words bro ! My best pick is compassion , I wanted to get myself soaked in helping fellow beings :)

we should never let these get heavy on our mind :) to be successful

This post has received a 0.98 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @jwolf.

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