A Belated Self-Introduction and Discussion on How We Should Have More Conversations With Eachother

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone. I started my Steem account several months back and soon lost interest, but I've decided to come back and give it another go. Since this is an interduction post I'll tell you a bit about myself and I'll try my best to make it interesting. Let me know what you think, criticisms and all. I love conversation and I'm hoping that we can get to know each other a little. I think Steem has a lot of potential to be a very interesting community.

So, about me. I live in Texas and have spent half of my life here and half in Louisiana. I love both places but don't care for the weather in either. I grew up very poor, my parents divorced when I was 7 and my life became very unstable from then on. My family, older brother, older sister, and mother, moved around a lot so I never really had that feeling of having a stable home.

I'm not at all close with my family. There was a lot of physical and emotional abuse in my family and I think that it's created a permanent rift between us all. We were in a cult from the time I was born which I believe contributed to the disfunction that was already fertile in our family.

Due to my history and unfortunate genetics I've developed severe psychological disorders and am on disabilty. I work very hard at trying to overcome the hurdles that are keeping me from persuing any semblance of a normal life, but it's a constant struggle.

I'm riddled with anxiety, depression, and a number of other problems that have kept me from feeling well enough, or even motivated enough, to persue any of my once loved passions.

After years of counseling and dozens of medications it was my GP who finally made a suggestion that struck a chord with me. It was so simple. Do whatever nice things you're able to do for other people. By getting outside of yourself, keeping your focus on others, you are focused less on your own problems.

It was such a simple and self evident truth, that whatever you are focused on will be compounded further into your thoughts, emotions, motivations, etc. Even if you're unconsciously focused on the negative aspects of your life they will be no less compounded by it.

I had to decide to make the conscious effort to focus on others. And, of course, if that focus that you're putting on others is something positive, ie doing something nice for them, then a positive mindset will be emphasized as your negative mindset is being deemphasized.

I'm currently working on this, it's very difficult due to having been negatively self-conditioned for most of my life. But as I find these little nice things to do for others, even very small things, I've noticed tremendous changes in my mood and abilty to direct myself toward more fulfilling activities, rather than just being in a constant state of misery.

Unfortunely I'm still pretty limited by what I'm able to do for others because I still have such a difficult time even leaving the house, driving, talking to people, etc. due to my overwhelming anxiety. I take the opportunity to converse with people online who are having problems, feeling bad, whatever. I've found that this is the most fulfilling thing that I'm currently, easily able to do.

So, if anyone has any suggestions or simply wants to talk, please comment. And if you're going through anything I'd be happy to talk with you about them here or wherever you're more comfortable. Both talking through problems and listening to them are essential aspects of humanity and unfortunetly we tend to avoid this in our culture. In the West, anyway. So let's change that. lets talk. Tell me what's on your mind.


OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

Thank you so much! That really makes me feel great :)

Some really good content, I personally would like to welcome you to steemit and hope to see more posts from you in the future. Is an upvote from me and hey it would be great if you don't mind checking out my blog and read one of them, and if you like it even follow.

Sure, I followed you and checked out your Skyrim and Minecraft blogs. Those are the only games that you've covered that I'm really interested in. I'm going to check out your Ireland blogs in a minute as well.

The gaming ones were pretty good, I hope to see you make some more and get really in depth, I like your writing style. Thanks for the upvote and I really am looking forward to some more of your posts.

Welcome to the platform, im sure you will love the community, if you would truly like to help others, perhaps you can help me with a project im starting up to advertise steemit in a few different ways, at the current moment i am looking to build quite a large team, if you are willing to collaborate you can find my facebook page in my blog at the top .

Also, i have been looking into starting my own business a while back, i could send you some information about how to go about doing the same thing, and it would be much easier if you could work from home, i have quite a dense portfolio of different methods to make a little extra money in any spare time anyone might have .
You should let me know ; also, i like talking about almost anything, life, politics, religion, meditation, spirituality, and anything in between or any that have been missed .

I read a good bit of what you've written on your posts and went to your Facebook page. I don't actually use Facebook, I swore off of it years ago because it just seemed like a place for shallow voyeurism and exhibitionism and random, unintersting opinions. Also got tired of friends always bugging me to like stuff.

That being said, your idea of promoting Steem sounds pretty interesting, maybe I'll start a Facebook page for no other reason than to be involved in truly interesting things like this.

I'm really hoping that Steem developes into communities with real people exchanging real ideas. Something like on reddit, but without all the negativity.

I actually came here because I wind up getting exhausted by all the negativity on reddit. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very active there, I just need something else too. Hopefully Steem becomes that something else.

BTW, I clicked the about link on your FB page "Retail Company" and it just said the link was broken or removed.

But, yeah, I would be interested in promoting Steem. Anything to develope genuine communities here. I just don't care to do anything disingenous or lookinng to just create a "I scratch your back, you scratch my back" upvote network.

So if you have anything to share with me that's fun and really contributes something of value I'm very interested.

I'm following you and reading your posts. It looks like you have some good stuff there, looking forward to reading more.

Yeah ; the facebook page is suppose to be a business, but i removed most of that just currently ; to build the steemit promotion team - and i also dont use facebook very much ; i tend to post political issues and religious banter, most of which are regarded as conspiracy theories lol !

and the plan that i have for the upvote network contingent with this needs explination, which may be difficult to understand over a text based conversation ; but i 100% believe steemit will kill facebook, much like the way myspace died lol .

but i will advise you ; eventually you will catch someone with some negativity ; and it may end up hurting a little bit more than on reddit because you can lose a little bit of money getting into a flag war with almost anyone ; im hoping to avoid all of that .

With all of that being said ; you can send me a msg on the facebook page at any time you would like ; and we can discuss a little bit about the plan i have in place for the project .

Will do. You're project sounds interesting enough to actually make a FB page, lol.