Who killed J.F.Kennedy ?

in #life7 years ago

I did a lot of researches to write down this post so I hope you'll enjoy it. Let me know if you did indeed.

Three gunshots are still resounding in the memory of the world.
Three gunshots that were fired on the Dealey Plaza in Dallas the 22 november 1963.
That day, the dream of a fair government was shut down, as well as the body of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on the defiled bench of a black limo.
That day, the idea of conspiracy took place in people's minds.


I assume you all know a bit about JFK, born in 1917, elected in 1960. As he was young and well looking, I appears to be quiet popular although I was controversial on the following matters in wich we are intersted:

  • The failed landing of the bay of pigs were a plan made by the CIA to invade Cuba got shut down but led to several attempts of assassination of Fidel Castro.

  • The missils crisis of Cuba, though well managed, as well as an ambiguous managment of the Vietnam war has brought on JFK the dissatisfaction of some preservatives people.

  • I also went for the end of the segragation of races wich, given the way of thinking back then, led him to be target by the hate of some southern states like Dallas.

  • When JFK started his campain in order to be reelected I was popular but contested by some preservatives, hated by Castro and the ones against Castro. I wasn't much appreciated by the CIA for the same reason, as well as by the mafia.


President Kennedy's open-top 1961 Lincoln Continental four-door convertible limousine entered Dealey Plaza at 12:30 p.m. From Houston Street, the presidential limousine made the planned left turn onto Elm Street, allowing it access to the Stemmons Freeway exit. As the vehicle turned onto Elm, the motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository. Shots were fired at President Kennedy as his motorcade continued down Elm Street. About 80% of the witnesses recalled hearing three shots. A minority of the witnesses recognized the first gunshot they heard as weapon fire, but there was hardly any reaction to the first shot from a majority of the people in the crowd or those riding in the motorcade. The shot having missed his target, most of the people thought it was a firecracker or the backfire of one of the vehicles.

The second shot hit JFK at the neck, as well as John Connaly who was standing in the line of the bullet.

The two investigative committees concluded that the second shot to hit the president entered the rear of his head and passed in fragments through his skull; this created a large, "roughly ovular" [sic] hole on the rear, right side. After the President had been shot in the head, Mrs. Kennedy began to climb out onto the back of the limousine, though she later had no recollection of doing so. Hill believed she was reaching for something, perhaps a piece of the President's skull.

You can see the scene on this video :


Very quickly after the attack, a rifle of precision is found in the deposit of books of which one of the window of the 5th stage had seen on the procession. The police officers quickly realize that it misses with the call a called Lee Harvey Oswald who would have been seen with a large package under the arms. A little later, the police of Dallas stops in a cinema a thin and brown young man whose description corresponds to that of the suspect. Questioned, he denies.

Presented to the press, it throws to the cantonade: “I am a pigeon!”

Two days later, Sunday, Jack Ruby, a tenant of nightclub shoots Lee Harvey Oswald with bearing end in front of the cameras of television.
The double shock leaves America sounded, defeat, persuaded that an evil power has token it for target, terrorized by the war risk which weighs over this time of atomic anguish.


Since, one filled of the libraries to try to understand this sequence of terrifying facts.
The assassination of the assassin and the weaknesses of the investigation caused a mountain of theories, assumptions and speculations.
If one killed Oswald, it is to make it conceal.
If the commission Warren badly worked, it is that it hid a secrecy.
However, after decades of controversies between holding of the “thesis of the plot” and lawyers of the “official thesis”, it is possible to see there more clearly.
The mystery of Dallas was not completely solved.
But one has a credible explanation, backed up, that only a new and clear, unknown proof to date, could refute.
To understand it, it is necessary to be compelled with a exercise of good sense: to distinguish the established facts from the dubious elements, the disconcerting details, the unexplained bizarreries which are the raw material of so many books.
Many authors neglect what was proven.
They concentrate on what remains strange, on what whips imagination.
They work as of the lawyers who want to demolish the unfavourable thesis, and not as of the investigators who seek the truth.
Let us return to the unquestionable facts.
It is proven that three shots were drawn on November 22nd in the back of the procession progressing in Elm Street, of the fifth stage of the Texas School Book Depository (a deposit of books) where Lee Harvey Oswald worked.
Two witnesses placed just below, on the fourth floor, heard them, as well as many spectators massed on the pavements.
The agent Baker, a police officer of Dallas, sure that the shootings came from there, precipitated inside the deposit and started to climb, accompanied by the director Roy Truly. In the first stage, Baker fall on Oswald in front of a distributor of drinks.
Truly tells him that the young man is an employee: the police officer lets it leave. Later, Arlen Specter, investigator of the commission Warren, will show by remaking the way itself, that Oswald had time to go down from the fifth to the first between the shots and the MEETING with Baker.
A few moments later, Oswald leaves his work without apparent reason, gets into a bus then in a taxi, passes at his place, takes his gun and goes away by foot.
A description was diffused by the police.
Agent Tippit crosses it a little further.
He wants to challenge it.
Oswald shoots him of four balls and flees.
Located, he is stopped in a cinema, at the end of rioting which leaves him with a black eye.
Shortly after that several reliable witnesses (they were within a few meters) identify it as being the assassin of the Tippit agent.
Meanwhile, the captain Will Fritz excavates the deposit of books with his men.
He finds a rifle with telescopic sight dissimulated in the room of the fifth stage and three casings close to the window which dominates Elm Street, in a made tax haven of piled up books.
The rifle is a Mannlicher-Carcano, effective efficient old model, a long time used by the Italian army.
It was bought by correspondence by a certain Alek James Hidell.
One finds in the wallet of Oswald a false identity card with this name on it .
It is discovered that a post office box was opened with this same name by Oswald.
It is also noted that nobody saw it during the shootings, that he said that he lunched with his colleagues whereas they contradict it all, that its prints are found on the rifle and on a paperboard of books and that he has powder traces on the hands.
One finds at his place a photograph where it poses with its rifle and its gun, photograph whose his woman, Marina Oswald, will say that she took it herself, and whose experts will attest that it is authentic.
A neighbor, Buell Frazier, joined Oswald on his way to work.
He saw him taking a long and narrow package - “curtain rods”, the young man said.
Lastly, Howard Brennan, a witness located at 35 meters of the deposit of books, formally identified Oswald as being the gunner of the fifth stage.


Consequently, it is necessary to evocate theories of an extraordinary logic-chopping to deny the beam of loads which weight on Oswald and not to recognize that this old marine, unstable and violent, trained with the shooting, drew three shots well from the fifth stage of the deposit of books on the way of the presidential procession.
Was Oswald the ONLY gunner?
It is there that the detractors of the official version advance the strongest arguments.
But let's keep the same method as earlier and let's get started with the established facts before examining the theories.
Initially, the majority of the witnesses of Dealey Plaza located the origin of the shootings in the deposit of books.
A minority of them said that they came from a “grassy monticule” located on the right of the procession.
But as tests have shown, the frontages of Dealey Plaza return an echo.
More important: on the basis of meticulous study of the inflicted wounds with Kennedy, the reports of autopsy concluded all that the two balls came from the back.
The first entered at the base of the nape of the neck to arise on the level of the knot.
T.he second one exploded Kennedy'skulls
According to the doctors, this one could not have come from the front : drawn the line, entered by the face while following an oblique trajectory, it would have damaged the left guard part of the brain.
However this part remained intact.
In any investigation, the proven elements would have led to a simple conclusion: Oswald missed its first shooting, it wounded Kennedy with the second ball and completed it with the third. But several strangenesses complicated the business...


The film carried out on the spot by Abraham Zapruder, a witness provided with a small camera, shows that John Kennedy is rejected behind under the impact of the third ball.
One deduced from it that the shooting came from the front one, from the “grassy monticule” which borders Elm Street, for example, which would prove the presence of a second gunner and thus the existence of a plot.
Unfortunately, several independent medical experts all, very qualified, explained that the instantaneous destruction of most of the brain could extremely well explain the brutal stiffening of the body of the president and his movement backwards.
In other words, the proof of the plot by the film of Zapruder is not one.
Carcano is not an automatic rifle, it has to be rearmed after each shooting.
By analyzing the same film of Zapruder, one affirmed that Oswald, average gunner, had no time to fire three times and thus that there was inevitably another gunner. In the film, the presidential car engages on Elm Street and passes behind a panel.
At this time, Kennedy is reached by a ball and carries his hands to his throat.
Then the fatal blow explodes its skull.
One deduced from it that Oswald had drawn for the first time by touching Kennedy in the back, that it had missed its second shooting, wounding the witness Tags on the other side of the place, then made a success of the third, killing the president.
But while timing the action, one fell on an impossibility: the three shootings are spread out over six seconds; no gunner can make a success of such a performance, since it takes at least two seconds and half to arm rifle and to draw.
Consequently it seemed clear that there was another assassin.
Until a finer analysis shows than Oswald undoubtedly had more time at his disposal.
In the film, as of the entry of the car in Elm Street, one sees the Connally governor reacting to a noise, clearly before Kennedy is touched at the neck.
In this case, the first shooting took place earlier and the order of the shootings is different: initially the missed ball which wounds Tags, then the two other gunshots hit their target.
The stop watch shows that the three shootings are spread out over nine seconds and not six. Oswald could could have been alone indeed after all.
Innumerable photographic analyses of the grassy monticule were carried out.
They did not give anything.
Nobody could bring a tangible proof of the presence of another gunner.
And especially, the thesis encounters an impressive objection: there were several people on this monticule.
If the gunner acted at this place, it was in the middle of a small group.
The detonation would have led these witnesses to turn around, see the gunner of very close and tell that to the police
No one did. There too, the business of the “grassy monticule” leads to calculations, not evidence.


One finally annotated on the trajectory of the ball which wounded Kennedy at the neck.
A light shift on the film of Zapruder led us to think that governor Connally, wounded in the attack at the chest, at the wrist and at the thigh, was reached a fraction of a second after Kennedy by another ball which would change to four the number of shootings and would prove the plot.

In the official thesis, it is the same ball which wounded Kennedy and the Connally governor.
It at once was qualified “magic ball”, so much his trajectory is strange (it must deviate several times to inflict the wounds noted on the two men).
However, multiple tests with real ball on matters comparable with those of the human body showed that a projectile can be slowed down then diverted while crossing fabrics of flesh and by striking human bones.

The mockeries on the “magic ball” made failure: nothing proves that the same ball could not wound in several items two men located on the same shotfiring line.


Last element, often neglected by the commentators.
If Oswald were handled by men of the shade to kill Kennedy or to serve as “pigeon”, it was placed at the deposit of books of Dallas intentionally.
One asked him, or suggested, to be engaged in this building at the foot of which Kennedy was to pass by.
But Oswald became an employee of the deposit of books on October 16th, 1963 (made proven), i.e. at one moment when Kennedy himself was unaware of that it would go to Dallas and where the route of the president in the city, by definition, was unknown, not only of the public, but of his own services (the way followed by the procession was fixed on November 18th and was published in “Dallas Times Herald” the 21, other made proven).
Thus, it is not a machination which placed Oswald on the road of Kennedy. It is the chance.
The conclusion of these expert testimonies is clear: the thesis of the single gunner is solid; the track of the multiple gunners rests only on assumptions.
That does not want to say that it is impossible to imagine another thing, that the thesis of the plot is unthinkable, that all uncertainties were raised.
But to affirm that Oswald was not alone, evidence are needed.
To this day, there is none.

Remain the mystery of the mysteries: the assassination of Oswald by Ruby.
Jacob Rubinstein, who had changed his name into Jack Ruby, was a tenant of nightclub, surfing in an equivocal medium and nevertheless near to certain police officers of Dallas. One known as bound him to the Mafia of Chicago, but no proof came to back up this connection. Unstable, sometimes violent one, Ruby had declared to close relations that the assassination of the president had seriously disturbed him.
Paranoiac, he thought that a plot threatened the Jewish community whose family Kennedy was the rampart.
He had followed the first steps of the investigation and had attended a press conference of the police.
It was affirmed that it had killed Oswald on order to prevent it from speaking.
But - first established fact - every Sunday morning, the transfer of Oswald is announced at 10 a.m.
At this hour, second established fact, Ruby are at his own place.
He then goes downtown to send a mandate to the one of his employees who needs money, which it does - third established fact.
When Ruby arrives, Oswald should have been left for a long time and never not to cross his road.
But the interrogation was prolonged: Oswald has more than one hour of delay.
Attracted by a small crowd massed there, Ruby enters the garage where place the transfer must take.
He sees Oswald, takes out his revolver and kills him.
If Ruby had prepared his blow, he would obviously have arrived before 10 a.m., to be sure not to miss Oswald.
His presence is therefore the fruit of a coincidence.
No trace of plot.

Arrested, judged, Ruby will be lost in foolish or obscure declarations, before dying of a cancer in prison.
The elements which we have just enumerated are disputed by holding of the plot.
An immense literature was devoted to each one of this evidence, with an aim of refuting them.

In the years 1970, on the basis of a sound document that one believed recorded on Dealey Plaza, a commission of the House of Representatives affirmed that there had been a fourth gunshot and therefore another shooter.
It is known today that the document was collected elsewhere and that the “impulses” detected by the experts of the time on the magnetic tape are not shots.


Other objections are more serious, for example those which relate to the motivations of Oswald, on his route, partly occulted by the CIA, or on the faults of the investigation of the FBI or on the mistakes made by the commission Warren (this one acted under constraint and depended on the elements transmitted by the FBI, which hid certain elements to be protected from the reproaches that one could make him because of his lack of vigilance).
It comes out from it, in particular, that Oswald had contacts in Mexico City with cuban agents.
New track…
But the theses of the plot run up against a logical obstacle.
To clear Oswald, it should be supposed that the evidence joined together against him (rifle, the prints, the photograph, the identity card…) were manufactured in advance to mislead the police.
If Oswald is innocent, why did he kill the Tippit agent (made established)?
And how could one manufacture evidence in advance to accuse Oswald whereas one was unaware of (made established) that it would be on the way of the presidential procession?


It will be said that the evidence was manufactured by the police, that the autopsies were faked, that Tippit was of wick, that it was to carry out the suspect and that Oswald killed him not to be killed, just as Ruby, prevented by a police officer of the exit of Oswald, could enter the garage with the complicity of the authorities.
But they are pure assumptions.
And especially, the plot would imply not only the police of Dallas, but also the FBI, which doubled the investigation of the local police officers, the doctors who practised the autopsies and finally the Members of the Commission Warren, who covered this masquerade.
Like these characters, all resulting from the most important American institutions, could not act of their own initiative, the orders necessarily came from the top.
Pulled by the logic of his reasoning, Oliver Stone in “JFK” arrives at this sensational conclusion: it is the American State which killed Kennedy.
Of course, all that is possible.
The trouble, it is that one half-century later, no credible witness, no protagonist, no investigator producing a document, a verifiable fact or a backed up history, came to say “I have a proof”, “I was” or “I was aware of it”. None.
Consequently, John Kennedy was indeed killed by old a navy disturbed a little who acted alone and who himself was shot down by a paranoiac tenant of nightclub. Until proof of the opposite.


  • The Mafia

The Mafia of Chicago would have organized the assassination of the US president because of the threats of the administration Kennedy - in particular of Robert Kennedy, brother of JFK and Minister for Justice - aiming at the interests of the organized crime. Robert Kennedy also died assassinated in 1968, murder which will reinforce the certainty of those which see the hand of the Mafia in the murder of Dallas

  • The CIA

The American information agency would not have digested the lack of support of the President after the failure of the unloading of Bay of the Pigs for CUBA in 1961. A theory also supplied with the participation of Allan Dules, ex-director of the CIA, at the commission Warren on the assassination, whereas this last had been dislocated of its functions by JFK after the cuban episode.

  • The Vice-president Lyndon B. Johnson

The Vice-president Lyndon B. Johnson benefitted directly from the death of John F. Kennedy while reaching in fact the president's functions. A reason largely sufficient for some. A theory supplied with the disagreement between the two men and by the fact that JFK planned to draw aside Johnson with the elections of 1964.

  • Communists

Two elements are at the origin of this theory. The assassination occurred a few months after the crisis of the missiles of CUBA, opposing the United States and the Soviet Union. Moreover, Lee Harvey Oswald had asserted himself Marxist.

  • American far right

The American far right was often shown of the assassination. This, for several reasons: the latter reproached Kennedy for being shown too soft with the Communists and also for wanting to grant the civic rights to the American blacks. To mark the visit of JFK in Texas in November 1962, this mobility had organized a propaganda brochure distribution anti particularly virulent Kennedy.

  • The mysterious man with the umbrella

On certain images of the passage of the convoy, one can see a man dressed all in black with an umbrella, which he opens and closes. An individual with the suspicious behavior, since time is sunny this November 22nd.
For some, this man would be an accomplice of the gunner and the gesture with its umbrella was a signal. For others, the umbrella was actually a weapon which launched poisoned darts…

  • The extraterrestrial ones

A few times before its death, JFK would have had access to confidential documents on the question. Also, according to this theory, the US president was on the point of revealing with the general public the existence of extraterrestrial. It was thus necessary to make him shut up.

  • FBI

According to some and within sight of the mistakes made by the FBI during the investigation, Kennedy would have been victim of a plot organized by this one.
Indeed, the errors of investigation would then have been intentional to mask the evidence and to hide the truth with the public.
There is also the records of oneself-saying testimonies (oneself-saying bus nothing proves their veracity) old agents of the FBI, accusing their service, but, so far, no element comes to support this thesis…

As you can see it, there are many many theories concerning the assassination of JFK and that goes a bit in all the directions…

I will do nothing but quote them, but certain rumours also claim that assassinating it was organised by the KGB or by fidel Castro.

The Cuban government as for him claims that it was the work of the CIA, the Mafia and the counter-revolutionaries of Miami.

Certain people go the same pushing it into claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the author of the shots given that one found a report of the Soviet army – time were Oswal had left the USA to begin in the Russian army - saying that Oswald was a horrible gunner, has such point that it was not able to drive out and hunt to feed himself…

One thus concluded from it that, moreover not having touched a rifle since he has set the foot on the American ground, Oswald could not have been able of performing a shooting of such precision…

One thing however clear is that the government, as always, knows elements inaccessible to the general public and that one will probably never know the truth about this dark business…

I will finish by informing you of a theory – if one can call it as that – more is in hiding have ground but can be correct nevertheless:
For Philippe Labro, “large leaves the opinion does not admit the official truth, preferring the assumption of a plot”. Moreover, “the assassination of Kennedy is so inadmissible that one does not want to be solved with the fact that it is about a pathetic news in brief”.


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Thanks @hr1 for having voted, I hope you enjoyed it ? I like what you do and I will follow you

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