How A Medical Mistake Changed Our Lives Forever

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This was really hard to write. I don't talk about it fact, I would say I am only just beginning to understand it now. What's done is done. I guess because the real point to sharing my story is that this actually happened to me....and I wish we handled it so much differently. Medical mistakes are no joke.

Minutes after giving birth to my last daughter

Having my third baby was empowering, and almost killed me. I had her in a hospital, but I laboured naturally. No was incredible. I was determined to have a different birth than my first 2.... epidural for both, fear, anxiety and disconnection from the natural process. I was young and un-informed back then, with no parental guidance. I was alone. Ruby's birth was almost perfect. Except for the medical mistakes that would change my very being permanently, marking the beginning of our journey to here.

The pregnancy was great. I sailed through and worked right until the end waitressing. I was determined to have her naturally, and I did! We had a great labor nurse, but not our chosen delivery doctor. The one on call was short with us and only came in one time before the delivery. I never saw him afterwards....but beyond his poor bedside manner, he had made a mistake during my delivery.

I had retained placenta, a piece still adhered to my uterus would begin to make me sick within days. The doctor didn't notice this when he delivered and inspected the placenta. I was discharged from the hospital 2 days later, feeling pretty ill. The next year, especially the first 2 months of my newborn' s life were a blur....not in the happy way we had pictured.

~5 days after birth, back at the hospital due to hemorrhaging. Ultrasound revealed tissue in uterus. Emergency surgery to remove it. No breastfeeding for 48 hrs due to meds.
~week 4 after birth, having trouble with milk, very tired and weak, hemorrhaging again. Back to hospital. Ultrasound revealed same tissue in uterus. Emergency surgery to remove it. No breastfeeding for 2 weeks this time due to meds from surgery and antibiotics for infection.
~week 7 after birth begin constant fever and no energy. Trying desperately to be a good momma to 3 children, cannot seem to breastfeed....crawling up stairs from weakness. Back to hospital. Ultrasound revealed same tissue in uterus. Emergency surgery to remove it. No breastfeeding for 2 weeks due to meds from surgery and antibiotics for infection again....kidneys are infected as well. They can't keep up with all of this poison....blood transfusion needed.
~weeks 8/9 after birth. Given up on breastfeeding. Thinking I am going crazy, crying and raging all the time. I am starting to think my baby doesn't like me. Can't get better and now having chest pains. Dr. sends me back to hospital. Ultrasound revealed the same tissue in uterus and gallbladder is now infected with stones in it that are stuck. Emergency surgery to remove it and once final surgery on my uterus. One week hospital stay to clear up infection. Baby not allowed in to see me.
~7 months after birth I began losing weight and having stomach pains. Rushed to hospital and had emergency surgery to remove 2 feet of my lower intestines due to one knew why.


At this point, I was a total failure as a mother, wife, as a person. I couldn't function and became sad and agoraphobic. I was told it was severe postpartum due to my age, the fact that it was my third child and my family history. I ended up on 6 different anti-depressants and benzos.

It wasn't post partum depression. 4 of 7 doctors involved made almost fatal medical mistakes on me. My body endured anesthetic 5 times. 6 surgeries total: 4 uterine surgeries, 3 of which were botched. 1 for gallbladder and 1 for stomach. 37 different medications in a 12 week span. No baby or family bonding. No breastfeeding. No chance for another child. As it turns out all of this lead to massive depression, a demolished gut, a cheated family, inferitlity, a 7 year run of addiction, agoraphobia, guilt issues, bonding issues, memory damage and permanent physical damage I am still living with today.

We called a lawyer. I was told a gallbladder wasn't worth much in court, focus on your baby and getting better. I had no education about the effects all of these drugs, infections and traumatic surgeries would have on my body. I took the drugs and tried (but failed) to live a normal life.

Ruby now

Here it is 9 years later. I quit all of the drugs they had me on (after becoming suicidal) by myself. It was possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. I am working on making peace with the years of memories that are missing from my mind because of the drugs, among other things. I am beginning to work on healing physically; I now have stage 4 Ashermans as a direct result of all the botched surgeries as well GI problems from missing intestine. I am also slower mentally now, I know this. I have memory and anxiety problems that prevent me from ever returning to my previous job or even my old self.

It has been much easier the last few months, giving in to the fact that I am forever different. I have decided that it is ok....this version of myself is exactly what is supposed to be. I am happily accepting a slower, more meaningful life that my brain works with me in.

Why did I go from keeping this private to sharing it on the Steemit blockchain?? Oddly, Steemit has helped me lately, although I struggle with this blogging thing most days. I have a hard time retaining information and usually function in a bit of a fog. Reading and writing is tricky (probably why I now prefer working with plants and animals) but it helps. So does reading about your lives, struggles, triumphs and wisdoms.

If you are going through anything I could help with, I would love to help you through it. My advice? ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS! DON'T HOLD BACK!! FOLLOW YOUR GUT INSTINCTS! The internet and the people I have met here have taken me a long way from where I was....I am slowly arming myself with knowledge and the tribe I need to continue to heal. If you have read this far, I thank you, perhaps we are part of a tribe. Know that I am here for you too. The best is yet to come, friends. ❤


Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤



Oh my Karen, I'm just now reading this! What an absolotely heartbreaking story--my heart is aching for you having to go through all that! It was incredibly brave of you to share. All the Internet hugs and prayers <3 <3 <3

Much love to you @mtnmeadowmomma <3
I can feel the hugs:) sending some back your way xoxo <3 <3

I have had to see my wife go through surgery, and it not easy as a man. I cannot imagine what all of that was for you and your family. You are so brave and should be a proud mom. And also brave for sharing with us.

Thank you @impatientoptim for thinking I am brave <3 I am sorry you and your wife went through that, I hope all is well now. It was very hard on my husband and little ones, I hope they are healing too.

Deep scars take time to heal.

So true.

There's tears in my eyes for you Sis...those mutherf*ckers!!!!! I can't believe how well you have functioned through all of this, you may have felt like a failure, you are huge success story not a failure!!

The strength of will it would have taken to get off of the medications is a feat not many can claim. So many cannot. You are an amazing Mother. I'm just so glad you shared this so openly, does it feel any different now that you've shared? I believe that sharing creates healing, and that all the things we keep inside fester and slow our healing.

Love you so much Lynds <3 I met you on tsu when I was first coming off the drugs and searching the internet for information and positive people. I can honestly say that you have helped me more than you will ever has been a crazy 3 years of change.
I had to think on this before answering if I feel different or not after sharing. I have to say, I have cried 4 times today reading these comments....tears of relief. I think I need so badly for someone to validate my grief for what was lost as a mother, and all of you have. I am so ready for us all to be healed from this. Thank you for seeing me as a success story and not a failure. Love you sis <3 <3 <3 xoxo

Took quite some guts to share this. I trust this will help someone out there.

I'm a counselor myself and I can relate with how it feels to be suicidal.

Thanks @karenfoster for sharing this.

Thank you @ibeh-uche-sam, I hope it helps someone, somehow. <3
Thank you for being a counselor. You are so needed.

Thanks. Sometimes, the difference between fighting and throwing in the towel is talking to the right people.

Meanwhile, it's a good thing you survived and Ruby did too.

Live well dear.

You got yourself back together, that wasn't easy. Facing the facts, sharing is way to go and i admire what you're doing here. I hope it helps just being here, much love and a bear hug.

Thank you so much for reading, and for the bear hug <3 Facing the facts was a huge step...I hope sharing helps someone else as much as it is starting to help me. Better times ahead:)

Oh Karen I am so sorry you had to go through all of this, to doubt yourself, to not be able to bond probably with your baby girl, to suffer so much at the hands of the medical system. You have such strength to get through this and on top of it all to be offering your support to others. The system so let you down, when you needed it the most, you were doing your best to be a mom, a partner. I really can not imagine how much stress, you were under, with all that going on and all those chemicals coursing through your body. I have such admiration for you, for coming out of this and sharing this with us all. You are incredible xx

Thank you so much for the kind words. Actually made me cry a bit...I think I am a little emotional after writing that lol. It has truly been crazy....I really want to have full closure with it. <3 It is all kind of surreal. I found out recently that my case is used in study since it has never happened before here in Canada.
The drugs can change you forever...I wish I knew these things <3 xoxo

What a shit show. I'm so sorry you had to endure this. Missing out on those baby days is truly heartbreaking.
I know what's it's like to be on the mud numbing meds roller coaster, to this day I haven't been able to stop the antidepressants that I believe have altered my brain chemistry forever. I've been on a bazillion since I was 13 and I have huge gaps in my memory.
Thank you for sharing this. The blockchain is really great for helping us open up.
Ruby is a beaut, I know you are doing an amazing job by her. You got this <3<3<3
Much love Karen xoxo

"What a shit show." #nailedit
The best summary I have heard. I don't think I will every fully shake the feeling of what I know I missed with her....thank you for saying that.
I am sorry to hear you have had such a struggle too...those drugs are not to be taken lightly, yet they do. Getting off them is a crazy journey...I am here for you if you ever do try <3 It is not our fault we started them in the first place, I agree...I think my brain is different forever now. I admire you and your family so much. You are strong, smart, caring, creative, loving and present for your children. You got this too <3 <3 <3
Much love to you too xoxo

Thank you for being there. I did try to go off them, when Dor was 4, I cried everyday for a whole year! Maybe I can try again before too long. I think if I impliment an herbal regimen I may be able to... It is something I want to try again.

It may be totally different this time around...or you may need more time. Our perceptions and coping skills can change and we might not even know it. An herbal regimen is an excellent idea, I am a phone call away if you ever need <3

Oh mama, Sooooo much welling up. When a moment of such joy becomes the source of pain, and for so long, the residual trauma is understandable. I weep with you for your lost bonding and the scars that were left from the negligence of an impersonal system...and I celebrate your strength to take back control of your health. Most of all...I celebrate your decision to accept a new version of you and to be okay with a slower pace. I know this lesson...and it can be a very hard one. Our identities are core to everything we know, when this identity is blasted apart through birth trauma, depression, or medical abuse, the damage is so deep and long lasting. Coming to accept a change in that identity is a feat...and a hidden blessing. Hugs to you from across the prairies. Some day I hope we get a chance to chat more about the fog and fanning it away. <3 <3 <3

I am having a hard time finding the right words to respond to your comment. Everything was just explained away as a mental illness for all these years and now it is so relieving finding out that I really couldn't have avoided it given the circumstances....I have felt so weak for so long. I just want to embrace this new normal as best I can....I used to be a force to be reckoned with ;) I too hope someday we can meet in person <3
Much love, have a wonderful Sunday <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much for your bravery for sharing! I love that we’re all here for each other!

Thank you for reading it <3
I am just reading through your Can I ever relate, thank you for sharing as well. You are so strong <3
It is overwhelming how much love there is here sometimes:)

After reading your story. What I have burdened myself with seems so insignificant now. Thank you for being willing to share your story.
Without good health. Life can be much tougher. I know now from reading your story.
Oh, I know. We cannot know what we haven't experienced. And I know that to be true. We can have head knowledge and have sympathy.
But beyond that. Not much understanding.
I have been healthy most of my seven decades. Very few doctor office visits. Once in the hospital for a minor surgery.
No drugs of many kind for me now. Only supplements
I am so glad that you have finally been able to make decisions that will have positive outcome in your life. It takes a lot of courage and will power.
You are much stronger than you know. We can see that by reading what you have written.
Until the next time.


Francis, I thank you for these words. I am happy that you have had such success with health in your life...I hope to live long despite all of this. I am going to try to heal and mend to my very cells. No drugs for me either now:)
I still feel so much guilt, I want to be in a place where I do not think about it each day, it is taking up too much space in my brain <3
Have a wonderful day <3

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