#8 Imperfect Action Is Better Than Perfect Inaction

in #life7 years ago (edited)

After downing two bottles of cough syrup and swallowing an assortment of coloured pills over the long New Year's day weekend to prevent me from coughing (or rather barking) incessantly, I finally came up for air yesterday just in time to join a small group of die hard Steemians from #TeamMalaysia for a teh tarik (tea time) session to discuss on the upcoming Steemit gathering

WhatsApp Image 2018-01-03 at 6.37.16 PM.jpeg
Picture courtesy of @elizacheng and photographed by @aaronleang

During the session, everyone was really excited when Steem breached the USD8 mark. What a great way to kickstart the new year! When I was recruited to join Steemit last year, I remembered I was told 1 Steem is roughly equivalent to USD1. Back then, I thought that was really cool compared to our miserable Ringgit. Little did I know that in less than 6 months, the value had gone up by more than 8 times! And talks are abuzz that it could go up to even USD10! Insane! Even my fixed deposit interests don't offer me such good returns.

Now...don't you wish you had created more content or even got started earlier in the game? You could have accumulated quite an impressive sum by now, if you did.

This brought to mind something which I often observed during Steemit.up's 100 Degrees workshops where the speakers @bitrocker2020 and @maverickfoo would do their best to introduce Steemit to a room full of crypto enthusiasts, writers, artists, videographers, photographers, curious onlookers, etc. At the end of each session during the Q&A, I noticed the ones who seemingly look more intelligent were often the first ones to raise their hands up in the air and asked a barrage of questions...


Is Steem considered real money?

How do you convert Steem to Ringgit Malaysia?

Where do they get the money to pay us?

What if I don't get paid?

And the lists goes on...

The more technical questions they asked, the more confused they became. While both the speakers tried their best to answer their 1001 questions, you could still sense the doubt lingering in their minds. And without fail, towards the end of each session only a handful of brave souls would walked up to the speakers to find out how they could get started, while the vast majority would go home probably coming up with 1001 reasons why this is a scam or why it will not work, etc.

In the end, those who stayed back to engage with the speakers were often times the ones who took action and earned their first Steem on Steemit.

If you are reading this and you are one of them, congratulations for taking action and for diving straight in despite not knowing a 100% of why or what or how Steemit/Steem/cryptocurrency works (me neither!)

And bless those who continue to plan, strategise and analyse until they paralyse, but still take no action

Because....at the end of the day, imperfect action is better than perfect inaction

PS: If this blog post resonates with you, do Upvote, Resteem and Follow me on Steemit. Have an awesome year ahead Steemians!


This is one awesome post, @karinzdailygrind! Totally hit the nail on the head. I couldn't have said it better.

Hmph, maybe I can, but it'll be more offensive... Haha.

Action is key. Knowledge is important, but it's not everything. Because if it is, librarians would be ranked among the tops in Forbes lists. Applied knowledge is better, evaluated experience is best.

Looking forward to more posts from you!

Ahem, daily grind... Kan?

Haha...aye aye Chief!

Overthinking can kill oppurtunity :)

@asyrafahamed Absolutely! Thanks for reading and resteeming :)

Agreed! It's just like doing the Math... Too much thinking always made it to be more difficult. We need to have simpler mind.

Indeed. I Tried post on behalf of my friend to show how much he did earn but end up dead silent from him

So just need to post for ourselves... And earn for ourselves first. When the timing is right, eventually they will come. If they never come, maybe it's because it's not meant for them

From my experience @asyrafahamed, I have learned there is no point trying to convince the unbelievers. The time spend convincing them is better spend crafting your next post. and earn some real Steem. Eventually, when the unbelievers see the amount growing in your wallet, they will beg to come onboard. And by then, I guessed Steem would have gone up by multiple times

Yup @elizacheng. Overthinking and over analysing things will just complicate matters and make it worst. Best is to spend 20% on planning and 80% on execution and then iterate and make adjustments along the way

Ya... Sometimes don't think... Just do it... The more we think the less action will be taken... At least this is what happen to me. So if I wanna do something, I must do it quick. If not, I will end up not doing anything.

Luckily my hobby is blogging and sharing travel tips n stories,initially thought I just share to another platform. Else I also wouldn't believe got free thing like in steemit :)

Thanks for reading @auleo. The key thing is you took action despite not knowing much about Steemit. As a result of that, you are now reaping the benefits of it. You are at least steps ahead of those who decide to just watch on the sidelines and do nothing about it. So kudos to you!

Be Nike.. Just Do It. No matter how much Steem or SBD cost. Sharing content here and able to engaged with people here is FUN!

@kokuryo, I'm beginning to realise Steemit is getting way more addictive than I thought! :D

Good write up and reflection @karinzdailygrind. I like how you put it- any action is better than no action at all:) upvoted this post! <3 and I hope your cough is gone by now !

LoL .. a cough syrup addict by now 😂😂😂

Now, I've graduated to downing bottles of honey to soothe my throat..haha

Thanks @deborism! A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. This is just the beginning ..Let's continue to blog away and earn more Steem shall we? :D

Steemit gatherings look quite intriguing. :) Glad you posted it - will upvote!

Thanks for reading and upvoting @brazen. Yes, fellow Steemians from @teammalaysia will be gathering next Saturday and we are honestly very excited to gather everyone together to raise the bar for Steemians in Malaysia. You are welcome to join us if you are in town

Not on the continent, but that is sweet!

I'm exactly one of those who dive into steem without 100% understanding about it! So grateful that @juanyao introduce steem to me (well I hope it's still not too late to know about steem even though steem alrdy surge to 8usd haha). Am glad that I'm in @teammalaysia as well! Good sharing by the way! :D

Congratulations @jiafui for taking massive action! Do you wanna know a secret? I don't understand 100% about this whole Steem thingy either! Haha..but guessed what? The best thing about Steemit is, you don't need to understand all about it to get started. You just need to Start and you will figure things out along the way. And that's when magic happens! All the best and do join us at #teammalaysia gathering next weekend!

I couldn't agree more. Motivational and inspiring.
What a quote!👍👍👍

Thanks @papanog for reading. Yes, as much as I wrote this based on my personal observation of others, I also wrote it as a reminder to myself to get more into the Action mode instead of of just "thinking" or "analysing" about it. Action ALWAYS speaks louder :)

"imperfect action is better than perfect inaction" perfect quote .. cheers and thanks for taking the initiative to help out with the event

Glad you like the quote @bitrocker2020! Happy to help out at the upcoming gathering. Can't wait to see what's in store for #teammalaysia in 2018. Rock on!

I will only show this to them, in the end is up to them 😂. We ain't hardsell, MLM or get rich fash scheme.

@aaronleang Oh yeah, just do it!

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