in #life7 years ago (edited)

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"Cold" by Jorge Mendez

This song is what I am feeling...since hearing the news

image from Google search

I came very close to losing someone I love yesterday. Mental illness runs deep in my family. I feel ASHAMED that I didn't see the signs...I mean I should know...I've been there. I attempted suicide several times in my life...almost succeeding twice I was also a cutter. Thankfully through self education and severly severing a nerve causing permanent damage...I no longer have these feelings or face these issues...but because I have been so busy I was blind to see the signs in my daughter :(

This is such an IMPORTANT doesn't discriminate...and more often then not..whatever issue was being faced..was blown way out of proportion and easily treatable. ..just the person facing it couldn't see that far.

Which is why it's everyones responsibility to listen with our hearts ...and learn to recognize the signs never know if it will be someone that you love.

Some signs to look for -

  1. Talking about wanting to die or kill themselves. (Even joking)

2.Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.

3.Saying that they are a burden to other people.

4.Withdrawing and isolating themselves from their friends and family.

5.Saying that they have unbearable pain ..that nobody else can understand.

6.Mood swings...increased anxiety. .agitation and reckless behavior.

7.Too little or too much sleeping.

8.Possible increased drug and alcohol use.

9.No longer participating in activities they once enjoyed.

These are just a few signs...but in general the persons behavior and personality will slowly change


image from Google search

Please resteem and help bring more awareness. ..SUICIDE IS 100% PREVENTABLE!!

image from Google search

image from Google search

image fromGoogle search


Much love for @good-karma !! And also @esteemapp and @feruz
Vote for @good-karma !!

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hugs and sorry, seem so young old is your daughter?

Thank you Melissa ...I feel awful because I haven't been active in posts in #minnowsproject...I'm up to date on all followers on all the pages @nicnicy posted...I just have 5 days to complete the house and I'm so overwhelmed...I'm not even sure that I'm going to finish in time..
Also I don't have a twitter account ...almost two years ago I got rid of social took 6 months for my friend to convince me to come here..which I'm glad he did...I will be back soon amped and ready to go..I promise!! I miss everyone!! And THANK YOU for the seeming so young compliment I turn 44 next month :) I have three grown children and a 3 year granddaughter. oldest daughter is daughter in question will be 21 next month and my son will be 19 next month ...all our birthdays are a week apart lol..crazy huh :) :) I will try to come and participate today minus the twitter but I don't want to upset @nicnicy or mess up the program because it not following the exact rules.. :/ Thank You for nominating me. Xo

Relax...i could not possibly forget you...and he will certainly understand...I do not even use my twitter account really husband set it up and it kind of sits...i guess no more...Wow you had a full house as you are young ...and now your kids are grown .. i had the same except I started over...I have one 12 boy...then older kids boy 34 girl 31
Joy and peace to you dear,

Thanks for the reassurance :) :) I keep telling myself this will be over don't feel so young right now..ha ha...I'm blessed that my parents are still alive... and for my kids..they mean the world to me....hugs for you .... are very sweet :) :)

Good Morning and have a great day! Get some sleep!

Thank are very kind and sweet Melissa :) :)

Thank you for sharing those hotline numbers. It's great when we're available to help care for those we love. Take care of yourself.

Thank you very much ....and agreed it is great to have the knowlage to help the ones we love..thank you again @ashalbh and take care of yourself too :) :) kayleigh

It is a holy cause. But I must say, there are cases were nothing can be done... some things are beyond us. But voted for the cases we can save.

Weird I commented and it went somewhere else..yes..if somebody really wants to do it..we can't stop them all..but bringing awareness to everybody can save as many as we can..thank you for reading and upvoting :) :)

Oh, @kayleigh-alesta! :( I hope your daughter is getting all the help that she needs to overcome this. Hugs! Re-steeming this to get the word out on suicide awareness and also to let people who are going thruough this to know all the help that is available. Thanks for sharing this. Much love!

Thank you...she is....I love my kids soooo much..thank you for you kind words and virtual hugs. ..and thank you the most for resteeming....I want to be out there for everyone to see. ..xo

You're so welcome.. it's the least i could do!

You're awesome!!

@kayleigh-alesta Oh boy, I can so relate to this. I've been through hell and back....I just saw a flashback of myself. Thank you for posting this, a huge help for those who suffer from major depression...

Me too!! I'm sorry that you had to suffer with this as well...thank you for resteeming so more people can see and bring more's a scary issue one that some don't really understand. ..they think just get up and get over it doesn't work like that. Kayleigh

BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 26 Aug 2017 - 21:49 UTC

A post by a friend today on #Steemit regarding #Suicide #Prevention - You might save a #Life! #SuicidePrevention… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank You so much ...not just for the upvote ...but for putting it on Twitter and sharing it so many more people will have awareness and they will share too

Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are welcome friend.

You're Awesome !!

I muddle along.


How was your part of the town the last 2-3 days with THE FIGHT nonsense anyways??

Crazy....but not as crazy as I thought it would be.......though I'm mostly inside anyways working on house :)

@kayleigh-alesta I cant explain the way your post makes me feel, I hope everyone appreciates this for what it really is, to even care about someone elses life, someone you dont even knows LIFE enough to want to make sure they have resources and can get help.. That says a lot about Who you actually are. I was a Monster I use to Love fighting, showing off, I thought I was just Ohh so cool, until an i.e.d hit me and killed 3 other soldiers on the eastern border of Afghanistan, an I let pain medicine, p.t.s.d and life tear me up.. Quick lesson to chill out and make sure people know that the "thing" I was is what got killed over there not me. Your post has my attention. I swear !

I hope y up vote helps :)

Thank you...I'm glad this post moved you :) I am sorry what you have been through...we all have been in ugly places and we just have to apply those lessons in our lives to make changes...thank you for sharing your personal story ...I know that's not easy...and thank you for the upvote :) :)

Nice one awesome

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