Hack Your Weight Loss

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Losing weight is way too freaking hard!

You need to find a diet that is reasonable and to stick with it. A sensible diet means that your intake of calories is adequate for your height and build. There are online calculators for this, you can chat with your doctor. Or just "wing" it.

Stay away from those "stupid" popular diets that you see. That often promise you immediate results. These diets may actually work, Short term. But as soon as you have to go back to living a normal life, The weight will just come back.
I have found that making small changes Overtime makes all the difference in the world. Those changes become permanent habits and you don't think anything of them.
Make sure these replacement habits are

  • Affordable
  • Somewhat convenient.
  • Fun or Delicious.

You need a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are healthy.
You also need to be careful That you do not starve yourself, You should have 3-5 meals a day.

  • Have a meal plan

When you first start losing weight, One thing that helped me is keeping track of what I ate, And the calorie count, This will ensure that you have enough to eat. LISTEN to your body, If it asks for more food, Drink your water or grab a vegetable!

Starving yourself is never the way to go with weight loss.

You'll pig out later! You'll starve yourself all day, then you'll see a pizza, At that point you will devour the whole thing!

Drinking Water is Essential

Drinking enough fresh water is related to our weight. Because your stomach remains full and you avoid dehydration. The body will quickly confuse signals, You'll think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty. Water is also essential because it helps in metabolizing any fat that is stored in your body while helping to flush out toxins

A sufficient intake of water will assist in burning unnecessary calories.

See My Article All about Water Here

Why An Intake of Fiber is Important

Fiber plays a significant part in the digestion. Fiber rich food will help you feel full, Which also helps with weight management. When enough fiber is consumed, the amount of weight that is shed increases quite a bit. Fiber is also very helpful in the elimination of calories.
Look for high fiber foods that are both filling and low in calories.

Like Oatmeal!

There are a lot of choices, To add to your daily fiber.

One way to get extra fiber is through Supplements
Also foods

The Importance of Consuming Lean Protein

Protein will help you lose weight. This is because the extra protein will help you feel full for longer while also helping with your food cravings.

Haven't you noticed your cravings vanish when you are full!?

Giving into those cravings will cause your calorie count to rapidly add up overtime. So if possible avoid it, But do give yourself small portions of your favorite food SOMETIMES.

Another source of protein are eggs, I wrote an article about eggs


@telos41 Mentioned some apps to help you track your calories .

  • SparkPeople

Also the app

  • Pact
    Will PAY you to work out, and Eat healthy. The payments are small, but they add up overtime. Although if you fail to follow through you have to pay THEM!
    Thank you Pixabay for the photos!

To loose weight, I run 3 miles 3 times per week, and eat whatever I want :)

Running is only a little bit of it though, the majority of your caloric burn comes from your body just living. Even if you run three times a week you can easily out eat what you burn. Its more important to watch what you eat. Everyone is different as well, so do what works for you :)

So true! It makes me happy that we also burn calories from doing nothing! Yes everyone is different, So It can be hard to post a universal standard for everyone. People just need to experiment and try to get the results that they want.

That sounds like a good deal! I'm similar but I still have chubbyness so I'm trying to eat better to pull the weight down more!

Regular intense exercise is the way to go because it increases our metabolism. If I do 2 hours of exercise a day, I can eat as much as I want and can't get fat even at age 51.

I definitely agree on the fiber. I replied to one of your older blogs earlier and stated that juice is bad because you get all the sugar with the fiber and goodness stripped away (even if you drink the pulpy juice).

However like most females, I read your weakness is sweet addiction, when I read you drink Mountain Dew (or any man made sugar water). And high frustose corn syrup is a Frankenstein food that will wreck your body. So no wonder you are having problems controlling your weight. My 26 year old gf can't keep her weight down because she can't stay away from the sugar. And then after eating sugar, she doesn't feel like jogging in the evening with me. When she keeps up with her exercise and doesn't eat sugar, then no only does she look bomb but she feels a lot better.

Learn to love exercise and you will set for life with good health and youthful body and body shape. Once you get into running and exercising a lot, then you get addicted to it, as it releases chemicals into your brain to make you feel good.

When ever you feel hungry or cravings, take off running. You'll train your body to love the running more than the craving. Then eat a carrot when you start to get hungry again an hour or so after the run. Then eat a huge salad (no dressing!) with your meat. Don't overdo the grains carbos. Get more carbos from vegetables, salads, and high quality meats and real butter (preferrably all grass fed sourced if you can afford it as it has a much better omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid profile). Eat to be full. I agree calorie restriction diets don't work.

Also I try to eat fish every day. Where I am I can buy whole 6 lb baby tuna with head, skin, tail fully intact. Chop this up and boil it for soup with some ginger, onions, garlic, and some greens. Keep this in ref and throw some in the microwave for warm soup daily. The omega 3 in the broth is awesome.

Also stay away from all crackers and snack foods. All processed shit has HFC, the Frankenstein ingredient, even if they disguise it under a different name or variant.

Edit: I like a little bit of fat on a female. The skin and bones body type doesn't look healthy to me. Women are supposed to carry more body fat than men. I personally don't have a fetish for a flat abdomen on a lady. I'd prefer voluptuous and more to hug. So I don't think ladies need to fret about being able to grab 2 inches on their belly because not all men have same likes, but it seems Western culture got into that thin look for a while, although that might be fading now? More important is having a stable weight and healthy. Sugar wears down the organs. Those Frankenstein ingredients they put in sodas and processed foods (include processed bacon although I can buy unprocessed bacon where I am) destroys our energy level, health, etc..

Thank you ! I'll try the more intense excercises. I try to do small bursts of sprinting with my daily jog. I also jumprope.

I agree with the Mountain dew thing, Oddly enough it doesn't prevent me from exercising, I think it's just because I"m a high energy person in general. But I feel like by stopping that alone all my "chubbiness" Will fall off very quickly.

I love your comments about the food! You sound like you have close to the perfect diet!

Thank you for your comments about the extra fat on a female. It makes me feel better hah! I just want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit, Or at least have more muscle.


Hi Kaylinart,

Thank you for your post. I recently got a food plan from a personal trainer. What do you think? My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle. I train 4-5 times a week.

  1. 500g low-fat yogurt with a scoop of muesli.
  2. shake with a piece of fruit.
  3. 1 slice of bread with low-fat meat (chicken or turkey).
  4. 100g rice/potatoes with 300g vegetables and 100g meat/fish.
  5. Another shake.

Also using some vitamins and fish oil.



500g low-fat yogurt with a scoop of muesli.

Yogurt is dairy and since most cows now are the bastardized ones that only produce omega 6 and aren't even grass fed, you are eating a less healthy food. Muesli is grains mixed often with brown sugar, dried fruits, all of which are not really that healthy. Plain rolled oats are one of the healthiest grains, but all grains are basically not good or should only be consumed in moderation. Fruit should be consumed fresh. Sugar should never be eaten.

That sounds really good! I'm not a professional. But I do think that would be a good balanced diet

Thanks for your reply. Just one more question if you have the time. Do you ever eat pizza? I miss pizza so much.

Yes! I eat pizza sometimes. But I am far from having a perfect body still. I'm on the chubby side still.
I feel like everyone needs a cheat day sometimes.

In high school, I was the cook in a pizza restaurant at night. I would eat a 24" thick crust, New York style, triple cheese, deluxe toppings pizza every night by myself. But I was running 10 miles a day (Cross Country team).

So instead of depriving yourself, perhaps you could just exercise more and then you can eat what you like. I think butter might be healthier than cheese as it is less processed. I am very sensitive to cheese now, but I seem to tolerate the (New Zealand) butter.

Hydration is important! I like to add a little lemon, cayenne, or AVC to my water to make it extra cleansing. :)

Smart idea! I drink a lot of Hot sauce because I like the taste So I drink my water plain LOL

In other words don't eat process foods :)

A combination of a very clean diet, 20 minutes of HIIT daily, and weightlifting 4 days per week, made this transformation happen to me in 6 weeks. Most of the muscle was already there, I just had to lose some fat.

Here's an example of my daily diet at that time:

WOW! I didn't realize you could make such big changes in 6 weeks! This is really inspiring! Good job!I love the Cellucor products!

HIIT and clean eating are key! If you aren't familiar with High-Intensity Interval Training, check it out! You could even do a post about it ;) At this time of these photos, I was consuming a very low number of calories compared to what I normally eat and I wouldn't recommend that. I'd advise people to lose the fat more slowly.

P.S. Are you more like "Enthusiastic Emily" or "Ambitious Amber" in my most recent post? https://steemit.com/steemit/@shenanigator/what-william-learned-the-hard-way-your-strategy-may-be-crippling-your-steemit-potentential

Agreed, when I go on my diet, do the 5x5 one day, hiit the next day, 1-day rest. I can go from 13% to about 6.5% body fat is 6-8 weeks. As mentioned above calories in vs calories out.

Great advice! For me the do's are: drink lots of water, cut sugars and processed food, snack on nuts and fruit, eat many small portions :)

Agreed I love those tips :)

Great article! One other SUPER simple thing people can do is stop drinking their calories. Stick to water as much as possible and you'll be surprised how easy it is to cut enough calories to start seeing some weight loss if you're used to drinking sodas, juices, etc.

Thank you ! I agree.
So many people tend to drink their calories.

I LOVE Myfitnesspal

I've also been experimenting with taking photos of everything I eat/ drink. It's a simple hack that's really helped me be mindful of what I consume. I use the awesome app "dietsnaps" for IOS.

That is also a good idea too :) That would also give you a quick glance of portion sizes.

Im eat at mourning carbs+protein, and after that eat only protein. I eat curd, flax porridge (I think I correctly write), nut and nuts, milk and sport nutrition.
Just drying, burn fat. Simple carbs remove. No senseless and harmful junk food.
Also, you need chondroitin for you joints, and of course vitamins!
And most importantly - you need spend more calories than you consume. For three months I lost 12 kg, leaving the muscle mass.

That sounds really healthy, Much better than me! I occasionally have a soda, and I need to replace it with fruit instead.

I bet you were able to get the body you wanted doing that :)
Of course and vitamins! I feel like many of us are deficient and that is why we struggle to lose weight.

of liquids can advise mineral water. When active sports with then leave the necessary trace elements and mineral water perfectly it makes up for it.
If you want tasty and sweet, then I advise isotonic. Delicious and replenish glycogen and a small amount of sugar the body needs.

I occasionally have a soda

That is your enemy #1. That HFC is very addictive and it is in all our processed foods now.

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