Stop Announcing Your Goals!

in #life7 years ago

I see contradictory information on the internet lately. A lot of people recommend announcing your goals Like on Facebook, Or to family members. Because it forces you to be somewhat liable for your decision. Therefore you are more likely to accomplish it.

But at the same time, I'm noticing something else.
A while back, I posted on Facebook a goal that I have, And I got a ton of likes and comments on support. It made me feel really good.

Yay! I'm doing this, I thought!

But then I realized something,

I wasn't as motivated

What??? I mean I just posted it on Facebook, No big deal right?

Your Brain Thinks You Accomplished It

When you sometimes get too much praise for something you haven't' accomplished yet, You can often trick the brain into thinking that you already did it. This can cause you to want to skip the hard work associated with accomplish the goal, And instead not do it. Because you already got that "Mental Reward" associated with doing the work.

Maybe A Happy Medium

Trying both ways will help you figure out the best method for you. I find that telling a couple of people about my goals is a great way to make myself liable to accomplish them. But also doesn't give me too much mental satisfaction right away. I feel like I've found a great balance for me.

Do you have this issue?

It seems to be common. It also makes me wonder if that's why New Year's resolutions die out so quickly as well.
We announce them; Everyone has them. Then we work together for a while, But later our everyday habits creep back on us. And we don't go back to what we were doing before.



It doesn't help when a lot of people praising you makes you feel like you have a lot to appease or live up to with said goal.

It's better to just do things yourself and work at them goals. Then when you are close or finished you can post about it and feel the support and satisfaction of knowing you worked hard and when telling others all about it, their congratulations etc will mean so much more.

I said this year I was going to get out more, enjoy seeing more around my state... Well not with studies and not heaps of money haha, I ended up going to the museum in January though as part of it, was nice, but didn't do much more with seeing more.

Exactly :)
Aww! I wish you were able to do more, Maybe you can lay out a more detailed game plan for next year?

Hehe thanks. :)
Once I get my new PC I can work out my spare money and aim for doing more, even better if I get a job and do something each weekend. :)

This is the best Goal (for me) : To be...... to be Here Now ... in the Present. Not living for some future reward or goal. You have to enjoy being in the moment. Present. That is my goal anyway.

Along with the years, I learnt that motivation is VERY inconsistent.
At the beginning of this Steemit adventure, I was really motivated and wanted to grow my own little fanbase. A few days ago, I received my first little, few dollars payout (:D) and I felt really accomplished. Since I already got that "Mental Reward", I just completely stopped posting even though I am really far from where I would love to be. I think from now on, I'll stop looking at my wallet so often so I dont get that "Mental Reward" for every dollar I get XD

Thank you for this post, perfect timing for me! I already set a goal I'm hoping reach on Steemit, and won't be telling anyone :)

This really speaks to me. I have made similar experiences, but haven't thought of it like this before. It makes sense.

Interesting thoughts. I think we don't realise how tough it is to break through fear. Changing habits and avoiding procrastination is tough to do. The world believes we should focus on comfort more than growth

I have One Goal and One Goal only ..... be happy.

Thats a smart one :)

I definitely do better with a regular check in type support group rather than a 'contest' or announcing that I'm going to accomplish XYZ.

Of course I can do well at the announcing type thing, but only if its really short term. What you're saying makes SO much sense, though! I've always wondered why I tend to do better when I keep my goals to myself!

I love that! I'm glad you figured out a method that works for you.

Get that release of dopamine when many people like your post and comment with attention, kind of feels like what you would experience if you had completed your goal.

Exactly heeh :)

As someone who recently started a goals Mastermind group on steemit, I can understand why people don't like to tell others what they are working on. It can help motivate you but italso take you off course from your target.

With my goals group, I am trying to create an environment for people to share their goals and support each other. I believe sharing your goals can help hold you accountable as long as you stay on target with what you need to accomplish.

Creating weekly check-ins helps with this, but it's an experiment and I will see how it works and adjust it as needed.

@kaylinart You don't need to announce your goals to anyone. Goal Setting can be a personal thing.

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