The Importance Of Raising Your Standards!

in #life7 years ago


Unfortunately these days, It seems that people have lower standards. We take much less than what we deserve. We don't fight as hard for the things that we want.
We let people take advantage of us, Instead of standing up for ourselves.
At what point will this change?

The difference between Empowering Beliefs and Limiting Beliefs

WE tend to have many thoughts throughout the day! These thoughts can help us, Or hurt us. Limiting beliefs pull us down. It's amazing how big of an impact your beliefs can have.
You can completely change your life, By changing your beliefs.

Examples Of Limiting Beliefs

  • I don't have enough money
  • I don't have enough time
  • I don't have the right education
  • I don't know where to start.

Examples of Empowering Beliefs

  • If they can do it, I can do it!
  • I did it once I can do it again.
  • Anything Is possible if I'm determined.

When you have the mindset of empowering beliefs your life changes dramatically. This is how I think. When I see someone get what I want, I will work for it! Instead of focusing on the "disadvantages" I have in the situation.

The Importance of Consistent Action

The more times you take action, The better your chances of getting the results you want.

Steemit is a great example of this. Last year in June, I started my blog on here.
I was a little minnow. We were all blogging as much as we could! Looking forward to the big July 4 payout!
One of my goals for Steemit is to get a lot of Steem Power! Because I want to be a big part of this platform! Almost everyday last year, I wrote four posts a day. Even on the days, I was really tired. Sometimes I wanted to withdrawal my earnings, But I kept it in there.
This was my consistent action! And it paid off!

If you try everything once and quit, Where do you expect that to lead you? When you take action over and over again. You are more likely to succeed.
The way I see it, Is if you never give up, and you push for the results you want, You will never fail.
You will EVENTUALLY get what you want!

Ask For Advice When you need it!

There are so many smart people out there! Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Those people will feel flattered that their opinions mean so much to you. Most people will be more than happy to tell you how they got to where they are.

Constantly Review your progress

It can be easy to get in the caught in the "hussle" of things.
We get so distracted we don't' even know if we are on the right path. So stop now and then and check what direction you are going, Make sure it aligns with what you want out of life before you proceed.
You can't improve what you don't measure. Don't see being off track as a failure, Instead see it as "Being on the wrong path" Make adjustments and continue.

Raising your standards

Many people see standards as a bar they put on another person. But to truly raise your standards, You need to raise your standards with yourself first. Then you need to decide what you are whilling to accept for others. And be firm about what you want.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


It's pretty incredible how exactly on the same page we are about these things. Thanks for sharing and inspiring change!

No problem heheh :)

Raise your standards and don't compete against anyone but yourself!

Let's ride this Steem Rocket to the MOON! :D

EXACTLY ehhehe!

if liberals didn't have double standards
they wouldn't have any standards at all

This is too funny XD ahhaa!

Great advice!, also you've done it in such a concise way 👍🏻

Thank you :)

Sometimes is best to stick with what we have. Raising our standards constantly creates anxiety. There is no such thing as perfection. Perfection is the limit of one's imagination

I agree! We shouldn't' raise them too high. But a little challenge is healthy.

There is a great strategy to success in any aspect of life called STAR . Stop which means you have to stop all the ideas and loud voices in your head , Think about the situation and how it is important you , Act in a way that empowers you , and Repeat !!!

great article

Spot on. I think we intrinsically know this from birth, but life has a way of grinding us down. We settle for less just to get by. We have to rewire our brains and take back our self empowerment. Thanks for the encouraging blogs you produce!

So true! Its sad really! Thanks for your awesome comments.

Very good, concise and to the point advice.


Thank you! Thats exactly what I was going for :)

Great post. I a so much in favor of positive and uplifting posts.
That is how I use and comment on steemit.

Thank you :)

Thanks for you .. and super nice your writing @kaylinart

I think your post is feasible in pdf so that people out there can read it, .. and you know that I have read every one of your writing lines. I conclude 1 is worth mentioning Motivation, 2 ask advice from people or accept advice from people who volunteer to advise, because it is important, yes this life really needs to fight hard, in order to succeed to pick up people who want to struggle with the effort hard

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