Why Being "Proactive" Is Important!

in #life7 years ago

People underestimate this so much!

What does proactive mean?

No, I'm not referring to the acne creams and crap.

According to Google: Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.

Most people these days are so indecisive that they don't want to make decisions. They'd rather just be bossed around.
They want to work a job and be told what to do all day. By having that mindset, and being continuously "managed." We fail to have a real impact, Or influence on anything. Instead, you are just doing the grunt work of other people's ideas. We often bury ourselves so deep that we realize what we have done at the last second. We then try to make the change. This is not being proactive When we could have prevented the issue in the first place.

Many people are so influenced by their peers and social media they get to the point they can no longer think outside the box.
It's like those people you talk to, Who have a belief system based on nothing but things that have gone viral.
They haven't explored Or thought things through on their own. Instead, they are walking "facebooks." These people are often reactive in a sense that they waste a lot of time, and are later confused about what happened. They also sometimes don't know what they want from life, Until it's too late. And they buried themselves on the wrong path.


Take Ownership Of Your Problems

The first step of becoming a proactive person is to fully take ownership of what you do wrong so that you can grow!
Not only that, But no one will solve your problems for you. If you have problems, you need to start fixing them. Ideally, before the consequences of your actions occur. Everyone has problems, And everyone is weak in some areas. Sure at times, it may be embarrassing when you make a stupid mistake. But you can learn from that.
Here are some problems I have...

  • I can be overly aggressive, and stubborn to ask for help.
  • Sometimes I don't value myself as much as I should.

What I'm doing to fix these problems before they ruin my life...

  • I'm trying to ask for help more often. Realizing that I can still have the title of "An Independent Woman." Even though I'm not doing all of the work myself. I also have been reminding myself. That by asking for help, I give the other person the satisfaction of giving.

  • I often don't value myself as I should. To improve it, I'm trying to focus more on my strengths and remember that no one is perfect.

You can do this type of thing with every aspect of your life.

Focus On What You CAN Control

In my other article Why You Are A Failure! I talked about how damaging it can be when you waste your time stressed about the things you cannot control.
This can be deadly for your ability to be proactive Because we tend to notice the things that we cannot control first, Sometimes they are more damaging. Or overall they just stick out more.
Focus on what you can change, And everything will eventually fall into place for you.

Be Consistent

Being consistent is powerful. You can't just be proactive for one day and expect huge results. They won't happen! But when you show up every day and work your ass off, you're more likely to get the things that you want. When you write an article every day on Steemit Or talk to new people everyday, you will get closer to your goals. So figure out how you can be consistent every day. Even if you only spend 10 minutes per day.

Don't Wait Around

Sometimes things dry up, And it's time to leave.
I feel like we have that instinct that kind of tells us what that is, But we often fail to listen to it for one reason or another.
When I was at my first ever job. I had worked there for six years. One day I started noticing my "gut" Telling me it was time to quit. I ignored it for about a month. Then eventually quit. I also did the same thing When I was preparing to become self-employed, I stayed at my job for over a year and a half after starting my business. But after a while, I felt that it was truly time to leave, That my job could no longer teach me new things, And that was more important to me than the money. So I quit, And I'm still well off.


Being proactive will separate you from a lot of other people! It will give you an advantage in life! You can start today, and make big changes over time.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


Your posts seem to just be brilliant segues for my quotes and phrases :-)

"Take action or forever sit with your dreams"

It's all about taking actions, you must take action to get something you want or achieve a goal, which in essence is the nature of being proactive.

I can be proactive on steemit right now and say; Hey Lin, take some curation action and upvote my last post........see what I did there? ;-) lol.

So true hehe!!
I love your quotes hehe :)
Heheh Smart one :) I think I"ll have to do just that :)

Hehe, awesome!

It's hard. I need someone like Shia LaBeouf to tell me constantly "JUST DO IT!!!" otherwise I'll happily sit and watch life go by.
And Facebook steals my time.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ʞooqǝɔɐℲ

It does!! haha Sometimes you have to give yourself an extra push.

Facebook, it's the black hole of the space time continuum ;-)

never a truer word spoken :D

Don't wait for life to come to you. Get up off the couch and make something happen!

This is perfectly summarized :)

Being proactive is so important. I sometimes end of procrastinating instead of being proactive. Trying to improve..

So true :) At least your making the effort to improve

Damn girl! You're a ninja with words! Thank you for this beautiful article. You are a beacon in this dark world. I'm gonna go binge read all your stuff now. Of course I'm following you already. UV, RS on this one! Have a great day and keep em coming!

Very true! We have total control over our destiny. It is up to us to make a positive difference in our own lives by working towards living the life we dream of.

Feeling the power that you have influence over the world around you is one of the biggest game changers a person can have.

Well said, and thank you for posting this topic. I don't develop life skills courses for no reason -- you hit the nail on the head.

For those struggling with this issue Think of it this way -- do you want to control your life or allow someone else to control your life? Doesn't sound fun when you phrase it that way.

I think I'll clean my bedroom today and do some laundry.

To succeed you must be proactive, Too many want things handed to them on a plate and then moan about unfairness when they don't succeed. Great post. X

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