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One more thing, Keni. If I screenshot and post all the evidence I have (again emails that we both already have [same email thread that you sampled from already above] and transaction history from Bitcoin addresses that I own), what will your response be? Are you saying that if I post up the evidence you'll send the money back? Can I get a commitment on that?

I can assure you this : We owe you nothing.

No doubt about it, we are not friends and still not enemies. No money will be sent and none of this is necessary. No screenshot will change any of these fact. All your evidence is the same as mine, you're free to commit to whatever you wish.

We invite you to quit your smear campaign and move on with a positive life.

Then why did you ask for evidence? You knew that we both had the same set of emails and yet you asked this question as if I don't have proof of what happened and as if we don't have the same copies of the emails..? Why did you ask this question if the evidence clearly shows that you and Jamie walked away with my money?

You are right. The emails clearly do NOT show any evidence of any of your false personal accusations or allegations against me. All of which you are directly libel for defamation and slander in any court.

All agreements were honored and no further appointments made.

Absolutely simple point, only you the owner have the right to give up your own property.

Yes you shared your public newspaper article about your endeavors. Yes it is on the first page google of your name. Yes your name is on public record. Yes you have had the same IP address associated with your social media accounts and this slanderous account @kenistylesconman.

Yes you have been excessively rude, threatening and abusive since the start of our correspondence. There can really be no call for moral or ethical standing given the grotesque evidence offered against you. See posted email samples, courts will look at the course of conduct between the parties to determine if a contract exists. Continuing to behave this way online further constitutes harassment:

Generally, criminal harassment entails intentionally targeting someone else with behavior that is meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize them. Not all petty annoyances constitute harassment. Instead, most state laws require that the behavior cause a credible threat to the person's safety or their family's safety. - / Thomson Reuters

We see that you are intentionally targeting me, slandering me to my readers and well, annoying is relative and subjective. What my evidence does show is that we are clearly not on the same page about acceptable written conversation or what the difference is between agreement and contractual obligation. Furthermore your approach to resolving this issue while unique, is completely up to you. I won't bother getting into all your other random conjectures.

Your own BTC transaction report laid alongside your email time/date stamps clearly show your initial offering and our video archives match the meeting. Your further gifts coincide with her refusal to continue communicating disrespectfully. None of which was ever invited, role-played, pre-arranged or agreed. We thank you for your past-due apology and have already accepted your gifts as consolidated compensation.

The only one you have the right to judge is yourself.

There is nothing further from us.


So how do you want to work this out? Like proper social creatures or in front of a judge or arbitrator? You tell me.

.. and please don't start lecturing me about law once again. Someone who doesn't know the difference between 'liable' and 'libel' has no business providing legal details or advice. Let the experts handle it.

Of course you are welcome to agree, disagree and express yourself as you wish. However I have made it clear that I am only going to address your persistent abuse on this specific thread.

This serves us both with accountability and allows readers to see both sides of the story clearly without spewing more negativity all over the place. If you are seeking a two way conversation then it has been clearly an charitably offered here. Yet you refuse to show any respect for the time it takes to correspond with you and continue attempting to berate, disparage and defame me on this platform.

So what is there to work out? What reason do I have to continue communicating with you? What good do you think will come from this campaign? It is blatantly clear you have not approached me with any good intentions.

  1. I do not appreciate you spamming other steemit authors posts and continuing to slandering me across this platform. I am thankful that you are actually just showing your own true colors, I do not feel to add anything.

  2. I have agreed to respond to any evidence you have to present to substantiate your allegations against me and I have chosen to do so on this post thread ONLY.

  3. I have not seen any such evidence of scams, scamming, manipulating or any of your other wild accusations. Also I have not seen any effort to withdraw and revoke your lies against me.

So for the record, posting all over the place will not get a bite out of me. You know where you can find me, right here anytime. This transcript will be useful for all future inquires or doubts against me.

Also well done on your supercilious attack on a simple auto-correction. Funny thing is, yes you are liable to numerous harassment and slander complaints. As well as published false statements attempting to damage my reputation.

So both uses are pretty accurate in my opinion!

That's all I can tell you.

Also well done on your supercilious attack on a simple auto-correction. Funny thing is, yes you are liable to numerous harassment and slander complaints. As well as published false statements attempting to damage my reputation.

If this were true then you'd be eager to meet in court, but you clearly are not. You are most definitely a scammer. My post in the other thread related to you shilling the "SMT" token was made in order to protect unsuspecting investors from your scamming. There are only three possibilities here. You either are completely clueless as to how this technology works and the economics of value derivation in crypto, you're actively attempting to scam unsuspecting retail investors or a combination of the two. Given that your technical understanding of anything (not just computer technology) seems to be extremely lacking, I'm sure there is a factor of ignorance. However, your inability to be forthright and accountable for your actions suggests that you're also attempting to dupe people into buying tokens and coins that you know have no intrinsic value.

What is this "libel" you speak of? How am I slandering you unfairly? I've merely described how the scams you promote are, in fact, scams. Nothing libelous about that and we already agreed on the facts of the other matter.

It's time to own up to your actions in from of an authority who can decide who is in the right here. Simple as that. You can also use that time to bring a case against me for "slander," even though I've done no such thing. I'm happy to answer to this unsubstantiated charge.

In the meantime, maybe STOP promoting shitcoins across your various platforms. If you're not an expert in computer science or the fields related to these tokens, then maybe just keep quiet about it instead of typing loads of horseshit doesn't pass the smell test.

Most scammers seek to extort their victims financially. I never offer financial advice or ask anyone for money online, not even you ironically.

When helping people make money with Steemit, which is a zero risk, zero cost opportunity to generate income through creativity and contributing value to our community is shilling, so be it.

I'm done feeding into your attention seeking today, this is clearly not going anywhere. I'll see you when I see you Julian.

There's nothing more to say.

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