Focus on you

in #life7 years ago

We all want to be successful. We all want to be able to afford the things that we want, to drive any automobile that we so desire; we want to be capable of taking proper care of our families and handling all their needs without batting an eyelid, we want to be able to travel on vacation to any country of our choosing through any means of your choice including your own private jet. I mean, we all want to live the dream life. The ladder of success and wealth and everything good is one that everyone wants to climb. It’s so sad however, how these days; people do not just want to go on their journey without comparing theirs with others.
We are all members of a peer group, we are all members of an age grade and in this age grade there are a group of persons with whom we identify ourselves. Probably, the people that attended the same school that you did, people that were in the same class as you; in our different places of worship and everywhere else, we easily identify with members of our age group than members of other age groups.
The whole point of this piece is to elaborate the common but yet ignored fact that everyone does not grow at the same pace. The clock ticks different for everybody. It is not given that every flower must blossom at the same time and the fact that someone is your age mate does not mean that your light must shine together. So long as you’re working hard and the other person is working hard; your flower will blossom but every flower has its own season.
So many persons are so focused on looking at how green the grass of the next person is that they forget to make their own grass green as well.

The message is very simple. FOCUS ON YOU. FOCUS ON YOURSELF. Forget about what members of your peer group are doing and how you think they are doing better than you and focus on making your own self better.
Social media has made it easier for us to watch each other. It’s a good thing. But there are certain people who want only to impress the gram but you don’t know that. How sure are you that he or she really owns that shoe? You really want that bag that she’s carrying but how sure are you that she’s the rightful owner of that bag? He or she could have easily borrowed any of this stuff; but you don’t know that and so you begin to compare yourself and whine in your heart about how he or she is doing so great and you are not. You begin to push yourself into a state of depression because you think that everybody else is doing better than you are. You begin to reek of the misery that you put your very self into.
He or she is doing great. So what? If you are working very hard on yourself and on your determination to succeed, you would barely care about how great the next person is doing because you would understand that surely, very soon, your hard work would pay off.
So you have finally succeeded in pushing yourself into that horrible state of misery and now you stink of the gutter of frustration that you led yourself into, what if you find out what this person is actually doing and it turns out it is something that you would never ever do. Unless you have decided to stoop so low and do the worst, don’t kill yourself over something that looks like success and most probably isn’t.
Quit comparing your growth to someone else’s. All fingers might have come out at once, but they are apparently, not equal. The fact that you are all of the same age does not mean that you are all of the same size. Everyone has his or her own unique features and everyone grows differently in every aspect both physically and money wise.
It is all a game really, while you are watching someone else, there is someone somewhere watching you, therefore, appreciate the things that you have and work very hard where you stand. Learn every technique that would make you a better person and practice them in your everyday life.
The moral is quit comparison of any sort. If you know someone that is doing so well and is growing really fast, rather than comparing yourself, compliment, admire and then let he or she motivate you to work harder.


Kingkyle in ghe house!!! Speaking truth..loved it

Thanks a lot

Quite insightful bro...
A wise man once said that if u compare yourself with others, you are insulting yourself.

We can not all get to the top at the same time. We are differently made, and we don't have the same pace.

Am happy I came around to this post, steemit community will be glad to have around.

Season greetings @kingkyle

Comparison remains the number one thief of joy.
Seasons greetings to you too and thanks for reading.

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