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in #life8 years ago


TMI WARNING: The following post details digestive nastiness. It is not intended to offend, merely educate.

Hubby and I had some icky guts, this weekend. Four days of Hell, starting on Thursday and finally coming to a close on Monday. Confusion was added to the mix because I had the loose bowels, but Hubby had the vomiting.

We still haven't eliminated a suspect, but we do have three of them:

  • Something going around (but not Norovirus)
  • Bad Bacon
  • The type of Magnesium we're taking

All three have equal evidence. If you take too much magnesium, or the magnesium of the wrong kind, or do both, it can result in... lots of visits to the lavatory. And liquid poop. The bad bacon is also a likely suspect, because our symptoms more-or-less mirrored the symptoms of food poisoning. As for the Gastro virus... there's one going around at Hubby's work.

For all I know, it could have been a triple whammy.

Anyway, it culminated in a feverish Hubby, a visit to the GP, and then a visit to the hospital because gluconeogenesis is a bad thing to have in a diabetic Hubby. He was more-or-less cured by three litres of intravenous saline and seven hours of the local medics scratching their heads.

I was cured by not taking my magnesium any more, and an extremely lazy slow-cooker mince stew that contained:

  • 750g mince
  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1/2 head red cabbage
  • 1 small punnet of button mushrooms
  • 1 challot
  • 6 smallish carrots of assorted colours

It was light enough to eat without causing more trouble, and contained a lot of nutrients that probably kept me from circling the drain like my Hubby did. And it was one of the things Hubby could consume (post-hospital) that made him want more. Hooray.

Alas, I also messed with my sleep cycle, so I don't have much energy to write more than this update. Recipes will follow. Just... not right now.

On a side note: Hospitals do NOT know how to feed a diabetic. They insisted on watching Hubby eat and his plate consisted of:

  • half a plate of mashed potatoes
  • a quiche with corn in it
  • assorted legumes with carrot pieces hiding in there

They also gave him stone-cold cake and custard(!)

As you can see, the proportions were completely wrong. And the contents were almost pure badness. Fortunately, they were satisfied with Hubby picking the good bits out of it and let him go. I feel like running for some political office just so I can campaign to have LCHF meals available for diabetics. The science is in on that count.

Now, if I just didn't have to contend with the grain lobbies, I'd be aces.

(Picture © Can Stock Photo / megija)

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